The recipe for "moon milk" for those who decide to sleep well on holidays


Swedish psychologists recently published an interesting study on how sleep affects our health. Both lack of sleep (less than 5 hours) and too long sleep (more than 10 hours) reduce life expectancy. In people younger than 65 years of age who slept less than 5 hours, the mortality rate was 52% higher than in the reference group of the same age, sleeping 7 hours. Moreover, mortality rates were not affected by the habit of compensating for the lack of sleep on weekdays, lying in bed all weekend.

Normal sleep duration has a beneficial effect on circadian rhythms and overall health.

If you do not get enough sleep regularly, you run the risk of becoming grouchy, fat and sick.

The old Moon Moon milk recipe will help you get rid of insomnia!


1 cup whole milk or unsweetened nut milk (e.g. with almonds or cashews)
teaspoon ground cinnamon
a teaspoon of turmeric
teaspoon ashwagandha powder
2 pinches of cardamom
a pinch of ground ginger (to taste)
a pinch of nutmeg
ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ghee ghee
1 teaspoon of honey


Bring the milk to a boil in a small saucepan over low heat. Mix seasonings: cinnamon, turmeric, ashwagandha, cardamom, ginger and nutmeg, season with pepper.

Stir vigorously so that there are no lumps in the resulting mixture. Add milk, reduce heat to a minimum and continue heating for 5-10 minutes (the longer, the stronger the effect). Remove the saucepan from the heat and let cool slightly.

Add honey and stir well. Pour warm "moon milk" into a mug, drink in small sips and immediately go to bed.

What is useful "moon milk"

- It is easy to digest, dulling hunger, especially if a lot of time has passed after dinner;
- Ashwagandha is a famous relaxant, helping to calm down;
- Ghee ghee is rich in nutrients for efficient brain function;
- Honey maintains stable blood sugar overnight (but do not use this ingredient if you have diabetes).

Sweet Dreams!


Watch the video: Kendrick Lamar - The Recipe Lyric Video ft. Dr. Dre (June 2024).