Muz-TV Award: records, scandals and sensations


Over its 16-year history, the Muz-TV channel music award has survived a number of controversial episodes. The stars of show business spun and wiggled intrigues around the treasured plate, which more than once led to scandals, intrigues and, as they say, investigations. What and how the stars shared about the most high-profile scandals and shocking antics, about the records and the most unexpected sensations - about all this below.

At the very first award ceremony in 2003, when Sergey Shnurov was a truly folk performer in narrow circles, he, having received a plate, defiantly threw it into the crowd of stunned spectators. "You won’t buy and sell me!" - these are the words that sounded from the leader of Leningrad sincerely then and which now have already turned into dust.

On the carpet path to the concert hall a few hours before the start of the award, the pathos of arrivals begins. Everyone here is trying to conquer the audience with their outfits and manners.

It turns out that Olga Buzova is the best at doing this, who in 2017 could not crawl out of the jammed shell for a long time, and in 2018, dressed up as a ballerina and galloped on a horse, managed to lose a piece of her skirt.

It is believed that it was Buzova who will become the main supplier of awkward episodes at the next awards.

No matter how great the scale and beauty of the Muz-TV gala concerts are, the organizers are still afraid to give the performers the opportunity to sing their songs live, fearing that not all the "stars" will be able to pull out a live performance. So the audience has to witness cardboard concerts in the style of "Blue Light". But sometimes even rehearsed numbers fail, as was the case with Kristina Orbakaite in 2006. The singer, out of habit, opened her mouth to the soundtrack, until someone abruptly chopped it off. Pugacheva’s daughter, of course, gathered her will into a fist and even tried to stretch the song with solo singing. And everything began to improve, and the audience zealously supported the singer. The number moved smoothly to its completion, as the organizers decided to give the sound again and start the phonogram. Awkwardness and embarrassment Orbakaite sat in the memory for a long time in memory of everyone who attended the concert then.

But another case with the singer Maxim from 2010 shows the inability and laziness of the organizers to qualitatively adjust the acoustics and sound for a live performance.

For once, the artist decided to please the audience with a live song without plywood, as here there were some troubles. One of the few who decided to perform her composition live, the singer was face to face with a disgustingly tuned microphone and sound. As a result, her voice was practically inaudible, only with grief in half the situation was saved by the girls at the hype.

In 2007, it was held in high esteem to invite powerful Western stars to cover performances. And that year, Tokio Hotel and Christina Aguilera became such performers. The award, which lasted more than 5 hours, exhausted the audience so much that only a select few sat before the songs of foreign artists. And after the performance of "Tokio Hotel" their forces left. As a result, the innocent Aguilera was already performing at the half-empty Olympic Complex, screaming their hits in the back of the audience leaving the arena.

The stars of the business show smile sweetly at each other's faces, and behind their backs they build real intrigues and conspiracies. Some of them smack of kindergarten, and some even George Martin's characters would envy.

Ksenia Sobchak, who 9 times became one of the leading awards, each of her appearance accompanied a direct conflict. Either she will enter into a skirmish with Sergey Zverev, directly calling him a n ** aroma, then she will begin to run into Timati's wife, or even begin to bark with her own colleagues - Dmitry Nagiyev and Ivan Urgant.

Yana Rudkovskaya and Alexei Yagudin did not find another place for public insults. Yagudin, who always sharpened skates and a tooth against his sports colleague and part-time husband of Rudkovskaya, Plushenko, once again blurted out something awkward. And then Ostap ... Rudkovskaya suffered.

But these are all flowers, because a real scandal with a capital “C” erupted this year, when music producers Timati and Maxim Fadeev, offended by the lack of inclusion of their protégés in the main nominations, refused to continue participating in such events.

Not to say that after this something can change, but before there was at least some appearance of struggle for a plate.

Now, viewers will have to be content with the ubiquitous Kirkorovs, Lazarevs and Bilans. Gregory Leps poured oil on the fire, who, in his words, “was already tired of all this musical rubbish” and “proved everything to everyone”.

Gregory also refused nominations in subsequent prizes, but not from performances. Periodically, he will flicker with his unique voice at such events as an exclusively invited star.

Who would doubt that Dima Bilan will become the leader in the number of awards given: he has 17 of them. His colleague in the line, Sergey Lazarev, is a little off - 11 awards. The great and terrible Philip Kirkorov kept a plate 10 times. Group "Beasts", so famously rode the rink in 2000, received 11 awards. Most of the awards for one year managed to snatch singer Maxim in 2008. And the longest-playing host was Lera Kudryavtseva, who led the award as much as 10 times.

Also at one time the prize was received (ATTENTION!): Mikhail Gorbachev, Vladimir Pozner, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Evgeni Plushenko and Timati.

Years pass, the names of the MUZ-TV award are becoming more shocking, starting with Gravity and ending with Evolution, the names of nominations change, new ones are added, and the performers remain the same.

So, the Beasts group, with all due respect to its army of fans, has been called the "Best Rock Band of the Country" for 6 consecutive years. In addition, after a couple of years, the Beasts group was moved to another, radically opposite nomination - Best Pop Group. Less and less truly truly cool western performers are invited. So, for two years in a row, the audience tried to enter into the annoying Craig David as a musical mastodon, which everyone has already forgotten about all over the world, except for our country. Every year, the award is getting brighter for scandals and special effects, but dimmer for filling.


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