Body scrub recipes at home. How to correctly conduct mechanical skin peeling yourself?


Dull skin with uneven relief and signs of peeling is a common occurrence. Mechanical peeling will make her healthy and radiant. But in order to achieve a visible effect, scrubbing should become a habit.

The procedure does not require special skills, significant time and investment. It takes no more than 15 minutes. Body scrub at home is quickly prepared from products that are always at hand. A stunning result will be seen by you and others.

Over the years, dead cells of the epidermis rise upward, overlap. If they are not removed, the skin becomes thick, rough, groomed.

What happens when peeling scientifically?

1. Through blood vessels, macrophages enter the area of ​​epidermal damage.

2. They absorb the remains of dead cells, bacteria.

3. Macrophages secrete special growth factors that trigger the regeneration process.

As a result, small wrinkles disappear, the skin is smoothed, it becomes more elastic. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Errors during peeling

In the case when the body scrub is properly prepared at home, peeling is done correctly - no complications arise. Common mistakes that lead to irritation, redness.

1. Frequent use of scrubs. If the skin is thin, dry, it is enough to do a peeling once every 10 days. When it is oily, it is important to know a sense of proportion. Peeling more than once a week can provoke sebaceous glands to work in an emergency mode.

2. Not sufficiently steamed skin. Before applying the scrub, it is necessary not only to thoroughly wash off the dirt. It is worth steaming the body well so that the pores open, dead cells are removed more easily. The ideal option is to lie in a warm bath for 10-15 minutes.

3. Coarse scrubbing. The movements should be soft, delicate and gentle. It is important not to stretch the skin, not to damage it with abrasive particles.

4. Peeling of sensitive areas of the body: abdomen, chest. Limit yourself to scrubbing the buttocks, thighs, legs, arms, forearms.

After applying the product, leave it for 5-10 minutes, so that all useful trace elements are absorbed. Then rinse with water, apply a nourishing moisturizer.

Important! Using scrubs without consulting a cosmetologist is not recommended for rashes, rosacea, in the presence of pigmentation, wounds, scars. If there is acne, acne, postpone the procedure. Solid particles transfer bacteria to clean pores.

Body scrub at home: how to choose your own recipe

There are two obligatory components in the composition of means for mechanical peeling. It is an abrasive and emollient. Attention! If the skin is sensitive, solid components must be ground to dust. Coffee, sugar, semolina, salt and other hard particles can damage the thin epidermis.

The most effective ingredients

For delicate skin, use oatmeal as an abrasive, rice. They not only carefully look after, but also serve as excellent absorbents. Your favorite shower gel can act as a softening element if its action is time-tested. The ideal consistency is homogeneous, like thick sour cream.


Anti-aging body scrub at home is prepared from flax seeds. Grind them in a blender and use as an abrasive. To enhance the effect, prepare a tincture. Pour a teaspoon of seed 1/5 cup hot water. Let the mixture brew overnight, strain. Mix it with 3-4 tbsp. ground seed. Rate the tightening effect.


On a rough, not dry epidermis, you can try the effect of large particles. Perfectly removes dead cells sea salt. Pour it in a saucer, add your choice: olive oil, sour cream, yogurt without additives, cream, kefir. The fat content of dairy products should be selected depending on the type of skin.

Valuable advice! When washing off a salt-based scrub, leave a light film. It will enhance the moisturizing properties of the nourishing cream. Sodium chloride absorbs water from the deep layers of the dermis. The skin will become fresher and firmer.


Use this product in both liquid and candied form. Ascorbic acid, B vitamins, zinc, carotene polyphenols, zinc nourish and slow down the aging process. If honey begins to crystallize, you do not need to heat it. In this case, you can not add abrasive components. Sugar crystals are excellent at removing horny scales.

Fruit acids

Try making a body scrub at home with citrus or berry juice. Fruit acids gently soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis. They also:

- bleach the skin, especially lemon (found in citrus fruits, red currants, blueberries and cranberries);

- possess antioxidant properties, help the epidermis withstand aggressive environmental influences;

- accelerate the regeneration process (glycolic, the source is green grapes);

- stimulate collagen production;

- protect against free radicals, best of all apple (there is also in cherries and cherries).

Attention! If the skin is dry, tight, prone to allergic reactions, it is better to abandon the use of fruit acids. They will exacerbate the problems. It is neatly worth using them in the summer. Acids increase the skin's sensitivity to light. Send the berries in the freezer in the summer, treat your skin in the off-season or in the winter.

Essential oils

They have tonic, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory properties. Just a couple drops of essential oil leaves a trail of pleasant aromas.

Important! Experiment with the ingredients. But pre-test the mixture in small areas of the body.

Body scrub at home: popular recipes

The most famous home remedy for peeling is a mixture of liquid honey and finely ground salt (1: 2). Try to apply it after a sauna or bath. Awesome effect guaranteed.

Coffee Chocolate

Thrifty and well-groomed housewives do not throw away coffee grounds. Mix the rest of the drink with a teaspoon of cocoa, a tablespoon of coconut oil - you get an exclusive chocolate scrub.

Pepper anti-cellulite

To combat the “orange peel” try a body scrub at home made from salt, olive oil (3: 2) and one teaspoon of ground red pepper. Heat the mixture slightly in a water bath. To enhance the anti-cellulite effect, add a pinch of crushed cinnamon, a couple of drops of thyme, lemon or orange essential oil. Apply the mixture with light massage movements on problem areas.

Before applying, try the product on the bend of the elbow and leave it for 10 minutes! Caution, peeling may cause a burning sensation!

Delicate coconut

To scrub thin and dry skin, prepare a mixture of yogurt without additives and coconut flakes (half a cup), 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Honey with oatmeal

It will take 200 g of ground flakes and 100 g of liquid honey. Delicate scrub ideal for summer.

Peeling - a kind of "general cleaning" of your skin. Follow the simple recommendations, and after the first procedure you will notice positive changes.


Watch the video: 3 Ways to Scrub Your Body Clean. Beauty with Susan Yara (July 2024).