Trampoline - the health and youth of your skin for a penny. Ways of application of a badiaga in cosmetology and medicine


Tramp is an unsightly-looking means of animal origin. The main component of the drug is a sponge bath. Despite the strange appearance, it has unique properties that can quickly eliminate many skin problems.

The tool is used to eliminate such skin problems: bruises, acne and acne, pigmentation, including age-related, oily seborrhea, sagging skin and wrinkles.

Tramp: what helps and what is its value

The basis of bodyagi is an element of silica. It acts intensively at the cellular level. The tool consists of small needles that remove dead cells, affecting part of the living. Due to this, the lymph flow and blood flow are activated, which accelerates the regeneration and activates all processes.

Tramp: what helps:

• speeds up the process of resorption of hematomas;

• cleanses the skin from the upper stratum corneum and deeply cleanses it;

• strengthens blood vessels and capillaries;

• pulls dirt and secretions from pores;

• stimulates the supply of vitamins and oxygen to cells;

• smooths out small wrinkles;

• dries inflamed acne and prevents the formation of new ones;

• normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and narrows the pores;

• heals existing injuries;

• reduces soreness with subcutaneous hemorrhages and bruises;

• eliminates pigmented heel, acne marks and scars;

• used to treat bone on the big toe and arthritis.

The effect of the application is visible immediately after application. The skin becomes more elastic, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases markedly, acquires a healthy shade.

Contraindications to the use of badiaga

One of the benefits of badiaga is the almost complete absence of contraindications. However, there are some rules for using the drug that must be followed so as not to get a burn.

Before applying to the skin, you should check the body's response to this drug. This will avoid hyperemia and allergies. The drug must be applied to the inside of the bend of the elbow and wait a few minutes. If everything is normal with the skin, you can apply it on the face.

Badyaga is recommended to be used during periods when the sun is less active. From late autumn to early spring. Categorically it is impossible to apply bodyagion to the skin that has mechanical damage, a pronounced vascular network, abscess skin diseases.

After applying the badiaga, slight redness and burning may occur. If the symptom persists for two days, you should consult a doctor.

Tramp: what helps with skin problems. Recipes and methods of use in the treatment

Method 1. Rashes and increased oily skin.

• sachet (5 g) of body powder;

• 2% boric acid.

The powder is mixed with the liquid until a thick slurry is obtained. Apply to areas where acne appears. We stand for half an hour and rinse with plenty of water.

The tool will dry the inflammation and destroy the bacteria. Thanks to its light abrasive effect, it will reduce acne marks, even out skin tone and eliminate black spots.

Method 2: Treating Bones on the Big Toe

• 5 g of mustard, machine oil and giardi;

• 20 ml of turpentine.

Combine badyaga, mustard and machine oil. Mix well, add turpentine and stir once more.

Before using, we steam the legs, apply the ointment to the bones and warm them by putting on woolen socks. We stand for half an hour. We carry out the treatment every other day by doing seven procedures. We pause for two weeks and continue treatment.

Method 3. From stretch marks and bruises

• 5 g of badiagi powder;

• 10 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

We mix both ingredients and apply a thin layer to the problem area. Soak until completely dry and remove with a damp cloth.

We use the drug until the hematoma disappears. We do not apply the mask to the skin around the eyes.

The mixture activates blood circulation, accelerates the resorption of hematomas and strengthens blood vessels.

Method 4. From scars and scars on the skin

• boiled water (mineral);

• powder of a bug;

• boric alcohol.

We mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply on a scar or scar, rubbing slightly. Stand until dry. Wash off with plenty of water.

After a week, the upper layer of the scar will begin to peel off. Before complete resorption, the mask is made a course in 10-12.

Method 5. From joint pain

To eliminate joint pain, the powder of the bug is combined with sunflower oil until a thick slurry is obtained. The mixture is applied to the joints and insulated. The procedure is carried out at night.

Tramp: what helps in cosmetology. Mask recipes and methods of application

Badyag is actively used in cosmetology to remove pigmentation and freckles on the face, cleanse, reduce stretch marks on the body, as well as a rejuvenating agent.

Mask 1. At the first sign of aging

Removing the upper stratum corneum, the badiag effectively removes shallow wrinkles and restores skin elasticity.

• 5 g of flower honey;

• 5 g of badiaga powder.

We combine both components, mix and apply to problem areas. Leave for half an hour.

Honey will fill the skin with vitamins and moisturize it. Tramp will remove keratinized particles and even out the color.

Mask 2. To eliminate age spots and freckles

The composition of the mask depends on what skin it is used for.

For dry skin:

• 50 ml of fat cream;

• rice flour;

• bag of badiaga.

For oily skin:

• Tramp - a bag;

• pressed yeast - 5 g;

• milk - 50 ml.

The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous, thick mixture without lumps. Apply a thick layer to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask is used once a week.

Mask 3. To prevent pigmentation, rashes and wrinkles

Suitable for oily and normal skin. Use recommended twice a month to prevent problems.

• 5 ml of cucumber juice;

• 10 ml of refined olive oil;

• 5 g of badiagi powder;

• 5 ml tincture of calendula;

• 5 ml of chamomile tincture.

We combine the components in a glass container and mix thoroughly. Apply a thin layer to cleansed skin and wash off after ten minutes.

The mask acts as a scrub, and also has a nourishing, brightening and moisturizing effect. By stimulating blood circulation, it activates metabolic processes, which prevents premature aging.

After using the badyagi, it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, visit the pool, sauna and use decorative cosmetics for several days.


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