Rules for choosing crab sticks. Crab sticks: harm your favorite product


Crab sticks are appreciated for their perfect taste and versatility in their application. Due to its high nutritional value and low calorie content, this product serves as an excellent snack. But it is important to know the rules for choosing this product, otherwise crab sticks may be harmed.

The benefits of crab sticks: composition of your favorite product

Crab sticks are made from minced fish meat - surimi. For cooking, meat of such fish species as herring and horse mackerel is used. In the composition, you can observe such substances:

• purified water;

• natural egg white;

• processed fish meat;

• salt and sugar;

• vegetable fats;

• potato or corn starch.

But this product also contains amplifiers, natural dyes and a flavor stabilizer. Such substances are necessary to make them similar to crab meat. Such products are added in small quantities, so no harm is done to health.

Crab sticks can be used for cooking a wide variety of dishes. These are usually snacks and various salads, but are also used to prepare hot dishes. Deliciously obtained crab sticks in batter. To make batter, you need to mix milk, flour, salt and a raw egg. The mixture should resemble sour cream. Dip crab sticks in the resulting composition and fry in oil. You can sprinkle cheese on top of the product.

A delicious appetizer is crab rafaello. 200 grams of frozen product will need to be grated. Mix the resulting mixture with six boiled and finely chopped eggs. Also add boiled crushed potatoes. You can add garlic and dill to taste. Add thick mayonnaise to the gruel. From the resulting mixture, it is necessary to roll small balls and roll them in grated cheese. Before serving, such an appetizer will need to be kept in the refrigerator for an hour.

Those who want to lose weight can use a low-calorie salad recipe. To get the dish cut into cubes sticks, tomato, eggs. Add grated hard cheese to a bowl and season with mayonnaise. You can decorate the dish with chopped herbs.

The benefits of crab sticks: product properties

The benefit of the product is explained by a sufficient amount of protein in the composition and a small amount of fat in the composition. Useful sticks in different directions:

1. For weight loss. Sticks are very useful for those who want to lose extra pounds. They can be used as a dietary dish. The diet is designed for four days. For weight loss, you need only two products - this is 200 grams of sticks and a liter of fat-free kefir. These products will need to be distributed in five servings. Before such a diet should consult with a specialist.

2. The product is no less useful for blood vessels and heart. The sticks are rich in calcium and magnesium, which are necessary to maintain normal blood capillaries, heart and nervous system. The norm is 200 grams per day. If you exceed the specified one, then allergic reactions may occur. That is, the benefits and harms of crab sticks depend on the amount of product consumed.

It is difficult to make an unambiguous conclusion about the benefits of the product.

The benefits of crab sticks: features of exposure to the body

This product may have various effects on certain categories of people. What is the use of sticks for the female and male halves? The benefit depends on how natural the selected product is. They are able to enrich the human body with useful substances, help lose weight. But such properties are observed only in that case. If you choose a quality product that is developed using the right technology without adding harmful substances.

Are crab sticks useful for women carrying a baby and when breastfeeding? If a woman is not allergic to seafood, fish, then crab sticks of good quality for pregnant and lactating women can be consumed in moderation.

If crab sticks are part of other dishes, various salads, then a safety analysis of the remaining ingredients in the composition should be carried out. Children are also allowed to give the product in small quantities and only of the best quality. Only in this case there will not be a negative effect on the children's body.

As for people of advanced age, the product may contain trace elements that are important for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Old people should include a small amount of the product in the diet. But it all depends on the composition of the sticks.

The benefits of crab sticks: how to choose the good?

Good and healthy crab sticks are white. If the product is of poor quality, they will have a grayish tint. The structure of the product is uniform and after defrosting will have a soft consistency.

Before buying, you must pay extreme attention to the composition on the package. In the list in the first place should be exactly surimi. If starch comes first, then it is recommended to refuse such a product. Good sticks are those that do not have soy protein in their composition. But the content of potato starch should not be more than 8%.

The fish product is usually pinkish. Very often crab sticks can be seen on display cases where one side is painted bright red. The brighter the color of the product, the more dyes are added. And in this case, it is not always natural. For dyeing sticks, natural dyes such as paprika and carmine are used.

Quality sticks will not be cheap. The composition of the sticks should indicate the minimum number of non-natural products. But choosing sticks, according to all the rules, health will not be inflicted.

Features of a quality product:

• neat appearance;

• without stains and smudges;

• fairly elastic and not falling apart when pressed.

Also pay attention to the shelf life of the product.

Crab sticks: product harm and contraindications

The product contains a large number of nutritional supplements that cause allergic reactions. Allergy sufferers should be especially careful when buying sticks. At a time, it is not recommended to eat more than 100 grams of crab sticks.

Since this product is not subjected to heat treatment, the risk of infection by microorganisms is significantly increased. Purchasing goods is necessary only in vacuum packaging, which protects the product from the penetration of microorganisms and dirt.

Also, sticks can include soy protein, which provokes the progression of chronic ailments. You should not use crab sticks for diseases of the liver and kidneys. With moderate intake of the product can not be harmful to human health. Contraindications to the use of sticks are:

• diseases of the liver and kidneys;

• allergic processes;

• personal intolerance to the components in the product.

If you follow all the tips, then no harm will be done.


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