Why is it scary to love? Philophobia: what is it, the reasons for its development in women and men, methods for solving the problem.


Philophobia is a fear of love relationships that hinders the creation of a family and the production of offspring. This fear disturbs the psychological and emotional balance, because every person has a need to love and be loved since birth. The panic fear of love relationships with the opposite sex inevitably leads to loneliness, and sometimes it causes stagnation in personal life. Philophobia is still amenable to therapy, if you follow the recommendations of specialists.

Why people are afraid to love: reasons for the development of phylophobia

For different sexes, the causes of fear of relationships may vary slightly. In women, phylophobia develops for the following reasons:

1. Family review. Women who feel paternal aggression in childhood are afraid of the repetition of this dysfunctional scenario, and therefore do not trust men.

2. Painful experience. A heavy separation can provoke strong negative emotions, because of which a woman has a fear of experiencing bitter disappointment again.

3. Low self-esteem. Girls suffering from an inferiority complex lose an adequate perception of reality and try to meet someone's imaginary expectations.

4. Fear of the first sexual experience often causes prolonged loneliness. Also, phylophobia can develop as a result of unsuccessful first intimate relationships.

Men suffer from phylophobia for the following reasons:

1. Fear of responsibility. Long-term relationships involve getting to know the parents of the chosen one and marrying her, which often repels men who are not ready for such a step.

2. Financial difficulties. On a subconscious level, it is important for a man to feel like a breadwinner and earner, but insufficient material support precludes this possibility and often leads to the development of complexes.

3. Fear of losing independence. Bachelors often do not want to enter into a long relationship because of the possibility of control of their life by the chosen one and the loss of former freedom.

How to get rid of phylophobia?

To overcome the fear of a new relationship and open up to love, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Encourage your own strengths and work to eliminate deficiencies. It is necessary to develop, monitor your own appearance and maintain spiritual enrichment, so you should often communicate with interesting personalities.

2. Get rid of children's grievances. If the cause of the fear was precisely the abusive parents, all that remains is to forgive them and move on.

3. Accept the negative experience and benefit from it. Many people think that there is no life after parting, but this is not so. It is worth learning a lesson from this situation in order to prevent mistakes when creating new relationships.

4. Increase social activity - do not be afraid to flirt, accept invitations for walks and dates with nice people.

Many young people associate relationships with the opposite sex with danger, loss of freedom, blurring of personal boundaries. Previous failures and a fear of responsibility also strengthen philophobia in people. To overcome it, a person must be aware that he is able to influence relationships, make them more warm and sincere. Telling your loved one about your fear will help break free from internal gravity and build trust between partners.


Watch the video: FEAR OF INTIMACY & the 5 Ways to Overcome it. Kati Morton - Love, Relationships, Dating & Sex (June 2024).