Swelling of the little finger on the foot: the causes of the pathological condition. How to treat a swollen finger?


The little finger on the foot is that finger that is most often injured. There are situations when the little finger swells. Usually the reason is wearing tight shoes or a bruised toe.

What to do in this situation? Treatment depends on the cause of the swelling and pain.

Swelling of the little finger on the foot: causes

There are many reasons why the little finger swells on the foot.

The most common are:

• infection and suppuration;

• injuries, bruises or fractures;

• tumors;

• ingrown nail;

• the presence of skin or nail fungus;

• diabetic foot;

• uncomfortable shoes;

• general edema of the limbs;

• problems with joints and bone tissue;

• problems with lymphatic and venous outflow.

Due to the extreme position, this finger is most often injured and injured. There are many nerve endings on the finger, so severe pain occurs. After removal, a hematoma under the nail can also form, which leads to swelling.

When choosing uncomfortable and tight shoes, all fingers are deformed. Shoes with narrowed toes create excessive pressure, which leads to such a problem. There is also a problem such as the ingrowth of the nail plate. The reason is a violation of the rules for trimming nails. The line should always be straight and go to the edges. Inconvenient shoes also become a cause.

Systemic puffiness can occur with congestive heart failure, kidney or thyroid disease. Edema also appears with lymphatic edema.

Fungal lesions often occur when the legs sweat while in synthetic socks. To eliminate puffiness, you will need to use antifungal agents.

Other infections also provoke swelling and an island-inflammatory process. A tendency to suppuration and infections occurs in diabetes mellitus, when the immune system and antibody production deteriorate.

Swelling of the little finger on the foot: what to do and how to provide first aid

If an injury is received, a bruise of the little finger has occurred, then apply a cold compress to the sore spot to eliminate puffiness. He will help lower the temperature. The compress is applied for a quarter of an hour. Then take a break for five minutes and again apply for a quarter of an hour.

In case of suspected bone fracture, it is necessary to fix the leg in one position. Mobility in the damaged joint must not be allowed. To do this, you can apply tires, wrapping them to the leg. Then seek help at the emergency room. The specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is forbidden to delay visiting a doctor if pain and swelling are observed for several days, the dermis has changed its color, and overall health has worsened.

If the little finger on the leg is swollen, the cause is known, then first aid is to use external ointments and gels, which will eliminate the island-inflammatory process, swelling and pain. Diclofenac or Fastum gel will cope with this.

In addition to non-steroidal antiflogistic drugs, chondoprotectors are also used. Such remedies help restore cartilage, nourish them and slow down the destruction process. Coolants are used immediately after the injury. This is a first aid, relieving swelling, pain. Warming preparations should be used during the recovery period after an injury.

What to do if swollen little finger on the leg?

If there are problems with the little finger, tormented by pain and swelling does not recede, then it is important to get the doctor's recommendations in time. Otherwise, the problem can only be solved with surgery. If the little finger hurts, the dermis turns red and all this is accompanied by pain, then there is a chance of an ingrown nail. Over time, the plate begins to fester, provoking shooting and aching pain in the joint. This condition can cause tumor progression. You can help relieve stress with the help of the foot baths. Great for:

• salt;

• with the addition of medicinal herbs.

Such procedures have a beneficial effect on the feet. The skin becomes softer and the ingrown nail becomes free. Herbal tinctures act as natural antiseptics. They relieve symptoms such as swelling and inflammation.

It is important to trim your nails properly. The length of the nail should fully reach the tip of the finger. It is also important not to cut your nails too short. The shape should be straight, and cut off the sharp edges.

Pay extreme attention to the selection of shoes. She must bring comfort. It is best to choose special orthopedic shoes. In public places use special shoes.

Swelling of the little finger on the leg: what to do and to which doctor to go?

If there is pain in the nail and all this is accompanied by swelling, the first thing you need to visit a therapist. The doctor will be able to examine the affected finger. If necessary, a referral to a specialist with a narrow profile will be issued. If there is a need to exclude heart disease, then consult with a surgeon and a rheumatologist in addition.

With swelling of the finger and suspected problems with the hormonal background, the patient is led by an endocrinologist. An orthopedic surgeon will be able to determine arthrosis, arthritis and other disorders of the foot. For bruises and sprains, consult a traumatologist. In case of violation of the cartilage tissue around the joint, tissue deformation is observed.

Various means and procedures may be prescribed:

• physiotherapy procedures - UHF, electrophoresis, magnetic resonance therapy;

• medicines - painkillers, antiflogistic ointments.

For acute pain caused by the deposition of urolithic salts, ice cubes must be applied. It is important to limit your intake of protein-rich foods.

What to do when the little finger on the leg is swollen at home?

If there is pain for a long period of time, swelling does not pass, then you can start treatment at home. Traditional medicine has a positive result.

The most effective are:

1. Compress from the leaves of plantain. The leaves of the plant should be ground to obtain a mass of uniform consistency. The resulting slurry is applied to the affected area. Repeat this procedure every three hours.

2. Powder Body Stir the product with water. The consistency should be like that of sour cream. Apply the resulting composition to the thumb and bandage it. The dressing should be changed every 12 hours.

3. Compress with potatoes. To complete the procedure, you need to boil the potatoes. After the vegetable is kneading and let it cool. Wrap the mass with a bandage and apply to a sore finger. Leave the compress for 4 hours. After this time, change the bandage to a new one. But the compress should not be applied to a damaged nail.

4. Compress from a decoction of calendula. A decoction is made, which subsequently cools and is filtered off. After that, a cotton swab is moistened in it and applied to the affected area. An iodine grid can also be applied.

Any warming procedures can be carried out no earlier than a day after the damage of the little finger. If you violate this rule, then there is a risk of deterioration. If two weeks after the sessions at home, the condition does not improve, the pain does not go away, then it is important to get specialist advice. Otherwise, complications may occur.

Swelling of the little finger on the foot - what can not be done?

For injuries of the little finger on the leg, it is not recommended to perform such actions:

1. Massage or rub sore spots. Such actions can provoke thrombophlebitis, which is a blockage of veins.

2. Do not warm the affected area on the first day after the injury.

3. It is forbidden to forcibly unbend or bend a sore finger. You can not insert the little finger on your own.

4. It is forbidden to use medicines without consulting a specialist. This rule is important for serious injuries and fractures.

Bruising of the little finger on the leg is a very serious problem, which is accompanied by pain and swelling. Often with minor injuries, you can independently cope with the problem using traditional medicine. With proper use, serious consequences can be avoided.


Watch the video: Trigger Finger (June 2024).