Methods of dealing with diaper rash in a child: effective and useless. How can diaper rash be prevented?


The skin of a newborn is one of its most vulnerable organs, because it is so delicate and thin. It is easily permeable to infections and harmful substances and does not do very well with the function of thermoregulation. That is why the kids are so overheated and sweat so easily. All these factors often lead to diaper dermatitis, which is also called diaper rash. They appear where the skin has long been in conditions of high humidity or friction. As a rule, this happens in the skin folds of the baby: inguinal, axillary, etc. The ideal environment for diaper rash is the skin of the buttocks and perineum, which has been in diapers for a long time.

How diaper dermatitis appears

The main reasons include:

Improper care of the baby: a rare change of diapers, washing and bathing.

Overheating that occurs when the child is wrapped too much.

Coarse or tight clothing, the use of synthetic fabrics in a child’s clothing.

Sufficiently long (for several hours) contact of the skin of the buttocks and perineum with urine and feces. Their combination releases substances that irritate and corrode the baby's delicate skin (ammonia, fecal enzymes). If the child has diarrhea, then the bowel movements become acidic and have an even more irritating effect. In addition, defecation and skin irritation occur much more often than usual.

An allergic reaction to the components of washing powders, baby cosmetics, etc.

Overweight, leading to excessive sweating. Fat children have a lot of skin folds where sweat lingers.

Bacterial and fungal infections.

Symptoms and classification

The main symptoms of diaper rash include redness of the skin, itching and burning, leading to increased tearfulness and moodiness of the baby. There may be small wounds and cracks, sometimes pustules. Doctors distinguish several degrees of diaper rash:

First one. The skin is reddened, its integrity is maintained.

The second one. The skin at the diaper rash is very red, small wounds and cracks are visible.

The third. The cracks are large enough, ulcers and suppurations can form, the baby is worried and naughty due to severe pain and burning.

Diaper rash treatment

If diaper rash is not pronounced, then normal hygiene is enough. It is necessary to wash the baby more thoroughly than usual during the diaper change, and if he has a nap, then be sure to wash it with baby soap or a special means for washing. Wet skin should be thoroughly blotted with a soft cloth (do not wipe, namely, get wet) and dry. It is very useful to leave the baby without a diaper for at least 10 minutes to ventilate and dry irritated skin. Before putting on a clean diaper, you need to apply a special cream, baby oil (you can use boiled vegetable oil) or powder. You need to use one thing: either cream or dusting powder.

For diaper rash of the second degree, you may need to use special ointments or irradiation with ultraviolet light. All this is prescribed by the doctor. In the event of the appearance of diaper dermatitis of the third degree, special disinfecting lotions and bactericidal emulsions are used according to the doctor's prescription. If the skin has pustules and pimples, you can not use greasy creams. They will prevent the drying of weeping skin and its healing. After removing the inflammation, wound healing creams or ointments (with zinc oxide, panthenol, etc.) should be applied to the baby's skin.

For drying and disinfection of the skin, it is worth while returning to bathing the baby in a solution of potassium permanganate or a decoction of oak bark. Also helps applying to the affected skin a decoction of eucalyptus, bathing in a tincture of a string or chamomile. Pustules can be treated with brilliant green.

Diaper rash prevention

In order to keep the baby's skin healthy, it is imperative to follow some hygienic rules:

It is necessary to carefully select disposable diapers. At the slightest sign of skin irritation, subject to other conditions, the diaper manufacturer must be changed.

Even the best diapers need to be changed often (ideally after 3-4 hours). Be sure to change the diaper after a bowel movement.

After removing the used diaper, the baby is washed with running water. Then you need to gently pat the skin and let it dry in the open air. If you have to change the diaper for a walk, you must carefully wipe the contaminated area with baby wet wipes (it is preferable to use special disinfectants).

Lubricate the skin with cream, use a powder or regular starch, and then put on a new diaper.

Toddler clothes should be made of natural fabrics, for the smallest - with seams outward. It must be washed with special products for children and rinsed very carefully.

The child should be worn, taking into account the weather and the “+1” rule, which states: the baby should have one more coat than the adult.

The products used to care for the child should be of high quality, hypoallergenic, with a minimum of additives.

Examine your baby’s skin regularly for redness and irritation. Particularly careful should be examined the skin of the neck, the groin and buttocks, behind the ears.

Daily air baths will not only protect the skin of the child from diaper rash, but also contribute to hardening.

Compliance with these simple rules will keep the baby's skin healthy, as well as the nerves of his parents.


Watch the video: Diaper Rash Treatment - 10 Best Diaper Rash Treatment Options (June 2024).