What are the keys to? The main interpretations of different dream books - what is the key to dream


In a dream you can see all the most unexpected and unforgettable. You can even visit those places that you have long dreamed of.

What are the keys to? How to interpret such a dream?

What are the keys to dreaming - basic interpretation

Finding a key in a dream is a very positive omen of upcoming changes that will make you enjoy every new day. If you dream that you have found new keys - get ready for a completely unexpected turn of events. Perhaps you can’t remember the details of the dream? But they are important. Since they will make it possible to fully interpret the dream:

• Where exactly did you get the keys;

• What were they like;

• Whether there were a lot of them;

• What did you do with keys;

• Who else did you dream about;

• What emotions accompanied the dream.

If you have a dream in which you are trying to find the keys in your bag - you will try to find opportunities to solve many problems yourself, choosing the most correct, in your opinion, solution. But it’s important to remember whether you found the keys after a long search, or if you were left with nothing.

If you did find the keys in the bag, you can find in reality an alternative solution to the problem yourself. If the keys were never found, you will have to ask for help and a hint.

The dream in which you are looking for keys throughout the apartment indicates that you will not only suffer yourself, in search of solutions, but also attract others. As a result, you will not be able to find a suitable solution with anyone's help if you have not found the keys in the house.

If you find the keys, you will solve problems with someone else's help. If you were nervous and worried during the search, you will also be nervous and experiencing in reality. You will increasingly delve into some problems and details of negative events. If you happily rushed in search of the loss, and eventually found the keys - and in reality you will actively rush to solve problems and find them quickly enough.

The dream in which you take off a bunch of keys from the wall promises you new opportunities in the professional field. But will you use them? Will you be able to realize all your plans, or will you have to be content with little? The full interpretation of the dream will tell you about this.

If in the bunch you see broken keys, it means that some opportunities will be closed for you. If you want to outweigh the keys in a bunch - it means you will change your priorities, or you will change your decisions spontaneously, without waiting for the logical conclusion of the case.

If you dream that one of the keys is rusted - do not worry in advance, just the time for active solutions has passed. Try to take an active position right now and try to change priorities. If you do not, you will not succeed in the future.

A dream in which you select the key to the well one at a time means that you will not know what is the best way to act, which option to choose. If nevertheless you have found a suitable key - you will succeed. If there is no suitable key, everything will be empty and foreign to you.

The dream in which you see that the keys are stored in a safe - says that the solution to your problems depends not only on you. That it is closed to you and have to trust someone else. Also, after such a dream, someone can manipulate you for your own selfish purposes. Try to avoid manipulation and not let anyone control your life. Stay with your interests and your desires.

If you see yourself in a dream as a keeper of keys - in reality you will keep someone else's secrets. They will be told to you only because the person trusts you and knows that you will not give him all the secrets. Try to actively achieve your goals yourself after such a dream, as you will have enough opportunities for this.

A dream in which you see someone opening your door with a key, and this is unexpected - it does not promise you a very pleasant surprise that your loved one will give you. It will not be so much a gift as negligence and shortsightedness on his part.

The dream in which you see the keys floating on the river - says that the rumor will spread around you. You cannot even understand how everyone knows so much about you and why strangers need to know such details about you.

If in a dream you try to open the door with a key, and it breaks in the keyhole - it is worth worrying about your future, since everything that you have in mind will not come true soon. Everything will collapse at the last moment. You just have to save the remnants of pride and dignity.

If you manage to extract a key fragment from the keyhole, you will be able to restore the events of life, you will be able to restore justice and receive from life everything that you deserve. If the castle is broken completely - do not start important business in the near future. This will not lead to anything good.

The dream in which you see the golden keys promises you great luck. You will simply be filled with joy and love for everyone who will surround you. If you see a dream in which someone is trying to break the golden key - this person will burst into your usual existence and try to harm you. Try to avoid this, try to prevent this person from interfering in your life.

Why dream keys on Freud's dream book

In the dream book of Freud, it is said that the keys are dreaming of new discoveries in the sexual sphere. You might have wanted to realize yourself in some sexual fantasies for a long time and did not allow yourself to do so. Now it's time to afford it. You can allow yourself new acquaintances and new relationships if you see a big bunch of keys in a dream.

If a woman in a dream tries to open the lock and not a single key is suitable for this, she will not be able to build equal and mutual relations with the man. She will become more nervous and worried. Then she will reproach herself for not having done what she wanted so much.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she cannot open the door with the key, she will not be able to deal with her emotions and feelings. The dream book advises her to understand in more detail everything that happens in her life.

If a woman dreams that she has lost her keys, she will lose contact with one of the partners and will be disappointed and upset. She should not be killed on this occasion, this partner will be replaced by another.

What are the keys to the dream of the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the keys are dreamed as a symbol of the search for the right solutions. If in a dream you lost your keys, you will in reality lose the logical chain of events. They will simply happen in your life the way you would not want to. You will not be able to predict the development of events, you will not be able to predict your profit and loss.

If you dream that the keys are rusty - you have a conversation on a long-standing topic. After such a dream, you can meet a good friend who will help and prompt you in many ways. If you dream that someone will try to open the door with your keys, someone will encroach on your life, on your joy.

If in a dream you drop keys into a deep well, the problems will be lingering and will not give you the opportunity to build your life in harmony. You will wait to no avail when the problems end. And in return for solving problems - you will get all new anxieties and fears.

If you dream of a housekeeper with whom you are talking in a dream - remember what he told you. Whether he was categorical, whether he tried to find suitable keys for you. If you quarrel with him and swear - you will swear and quarrel with someone close and awake. The dream in which the key keeper found the key for you promises you success and victory.

Why do I dream of keys for other dream books

In Aesop's dream book it is said that the keys dream of victory over oneself. You will discover a huge potential in yourself that will allow you to solve many problems. Do not rush things. You will soon be able to resolve all pending disputes. If you dream of broken keys - do not make hasty decisions. You will have to abandon them at the last moment.

If you dream that you found the keys under the pillow - wait for pleasant surprises. Someone will open up a whole new world for you. You will constantly meet someone, communicate. So interprets what the keys dream of dream book Grishina. It says that much depends on our perception of not only dreams, but also reality. If in a dream they give you the keys to the apartment - accept gifts of fate and in reality. Try to do the most important things as quickly as possible, then they will give a result.


Watch the video: Biblical Meaning of Keys in Dreams & Interpretation (June 2024).