Fritters with corn: use canned corn from cans! Author's step-by-step photo recipe for fritters with corn on kefir


Ruddy crispy pancakes with canned corn are not only tasty, but also quite economical. After all, from a single bank, a decent amount of snack fritters is obtained. Such corn pancakes are perfect for a Sunday breakfast to break the stereotype - a cup of coffee and sweetness. Even in such pancakes for taste, you can add cheese and herbs.

In general, this recipe is for everyone who loves corn and for those who simply don’t know where to put the remains of corn, especially after the festive feasts. Briefly about the result - we liked it. Simple but delicious. Therefore, urgently write down a recipe that can ruin your figure if abused.


Canned corn - 1 can;

Egg - 1 pc.;

Flour -120 g;

Baking powder - 1 tsp.

Kefir - 100 ml;

Salt and pepper.


In an bowl, combine the egg and kefir. By the way, if you do not have kefir, boldly prepare pancakes for liquids from a jar. She is perfect for this. Add spices - black pepper or a mixture of peppers and salt.

Stir the egg and kefir and add the corn, already without liquid. In addition to canned corn, you can use boiled. Suddenly you have a few heads left, and nobody wants to eat them anymore. Then cut the grains with a sharp knife and follow the recipe.

Add flour and baking powder.

Mix and get a rather thick dough. But if you think that it is very thick, add a little liquid.

We heat the vegetable oil in your favorite pan and spread the pancakes with a spoon. We fry them on each side for literally 3 minutes. Adjust the fire according to the situation.

Serve corn fritters with chili sauce or ketchup. Sour cream or mayonnaise also work.

Enjoy your meal.

Servings Per Container - 4

Cooking time - 20 min.

Per 100 g:

Squirrels - 5.36

Fats - 1.96

Carbohydrates - 24.63

Kcal - 138.85
