Prokhor Shalyapin threatened his wife with divorce if she didn’t make face plastic


As it was recently reported, 55-year-old Larisa Kopenkina, the wife of Prokhor Shalyapin, performed a series of plastic operations. According to Larisa herself, Prokhor, who, according to rumors, in case of her refusal to rejuvenate her face, was the initiator of all this, threatened his wife with divorce.

Shalyapin’s decision was supported by TV presenter Dana Borisova, who immodestly emphasized that Larissa had wrinkles, and yet the wife, regardless of age, should correspond to her spouse. And in the pair of Chaliapin-Kopenkin, this issue is particularly acute, because Prokhor is so “cute”, and Larissa’s appearance is somewhat “slowed down”.


drovoseka 03/31/2016
How much turbidity - and nature can not be fooled. Well, I did the N-th number of operations, I entered into my "young" heifer CHEMISTRY, so what ????? Through the N-th number-days - will be released by the DRUM. And Hfeodorushka-lad will again look for living water in the image of another fading lady with zeros below the waterline. Good luck, PROFILE.


Watch the video: Димаш Беседа # 20 ЭХО ПЕТЕРБУРГА (June 2024).