Lumbago: treatment with exercise therapy. Treatment of lumbago at home with compresses, infusions and herbs


Lumbago is a disease that is accompanied by sharp sharp lower back pain. Usually they appear at the time of physical activity or after them. Most often, the disease annoys the male sex between the ages of 30 and 40. If symptoms of Lumbago are manifested and treatment at home is started in a timely manner, then there will be no complications.

Reasons for Lumbago

The main root causes of the disease include:

Displacement of the vertebrae;

Congenital malformations of the spine;


Excessive tension of the lumbar region;

· Awkward movement in any direction;

A hernia in the lumbar region.

It is not always possible to establish the cause of the disease, but treatment should be started in a timely manner.

Symptoms of Lumbago

The main symptom of the disease is a sharp pain in the lower back, which has a tearing, tingling and throbbing character. It can last only a few minutes and last up to several days. Any shift leads to increased pain. The source of pain is deep in the muscles, bones, and ligaments.

The pain may abruptly go away, but it may feel like everything is back in place. With pathology, the pain syndrome can manifest itself gradually. It begins to appear in the leg, severe swelling occurs.

There are many other pathologies in which such a symptom manifests itself, but with this disease the pain is very acute and often immobilizes the patient. Each minimal movement causes only discomfort and severe pain.

The first symptoms and treatment of Lumbago at home: first aid

Lumbago can overtake at any time, so you need to know what first aid to give the victim. There are a number of recommendations that must be followed before contacting a specialist:

1. Stay in the position in which the pain recedes.

2. Try not to move or make sudden movements.

3. Be sure to use a tablet of an analgesic drug, which is characterized by an antiflogistic effect. It can be Ibuprofen or Diclofenac.

4. Apply antiflogistic ointment to the lower back, which will warm the sore spot. It can be Ketoprofen or Voltaren.

5. Put a belt of wool on the affected area. With it, you can get rid of puffiness and strengthen the spine.

6. Settle down on a hard surface and put the limbs at right angles. Under the feet put a rolled pillow or roller. It is possible to lie belly on a pillow.

Manifesting symptoms of Lumbago and treatment at home with physical therapy

As soon as the patient has severe pain, they resort to the creation of normalized loads. They are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the lumbar and decompression of the nerve endings. Physical therapy can be practiced at home. But to do this is possible only after prior medical advice.

At home, perform such exercises:

1. The starting position should be horizontal. The patient should lie on his back. Hold one hand along the body, put the other on the stomach. Breathing should be diaphragmatic. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

2. The person must take a horizontal position. Lie on your stomach, keep your hands along the body. Hands clenched into fists, and pull the feet to yourself. Repeat exercise up to 7 times.

3. Lie on your back and take turns bending your knees. Repeat exercise with each leg 4 times.

4. Do the exercise "Cycling." Each leg in turn to make 8 movements.

5. Starting position - lie on your stomach. Legs apart 6 times each.

6. Bend 6 times.

7. The patient must become. Slight forward bends. Perform actions 6 times.

After the recommendation of a neurologist, you can begin to stretch the spine. This is done using special tools. The session lasts about half an hour.

With Lumbago, it is useful to massage, but it is important to follow the correct technique. In the acute form of the disease, carry out very carefully. Session duration up to 10 minutes. Massage techniques for pathology:

· Short general back massage;

· Stroking the lower back;

· Grinding of this site;

· Gentle kneading of back muscles.

The tasks of the sessions are:

· Improvement of blood circulation;

Elimination of inflammation;

· Elimination of pain.

Massage speeds up the recovery process.

In the case of an acute form of pathology, strict bed rest is indicated. Physical activity and any movement are strictly contraindicated. Gymnastics can be carried out only after the elimination of the inflammatory process.

Eliminate Lumbago symptoms and treat at home with compresses, infusions, and herbs

Traditional medicine allows you to cope with pain and reduces the negative effects of drugs on the body, and in particular the liver, kidneys, pancreas. The most effective compresses are:

1. On a fine grater grind black radish. Take cotton fabric and put the resulting mass on it. Apply the composition to the affected area. Stretch cellophane over and wrap yourself in a scarf. Keep until strong heat appears. Duration of cure 3 sessions.

2. Dilute red clay with liquid and pour in a couple of tablespoons of turpentine. For a kilogram of clay you need 3 large tablespoons of turpentine. The prepared cake should be attached to the sore spot.

3. On the lower back, attach a sheet of burdock. Wrap with a woolen cloth or scarf from above and fix everything. Suspension should not be removed for 12 hours.

4. Moisten a cotton cloth in a solution of valerian and attach to the lower back.

No less effective cure with the help of infusion and herbs:

1. Take grass horsetail, shoots of blueberries, calendula flowers, clover, plantain leaf. Take all ingredients in the same proportion. Grind the herbs and put 2 large spoons in the bowl. Pour half a liter of boiling water. Consume two-thirds of a glass after meals for two weeks.

2. Take leaves of nettle, hop cones, lingonberries, mint, chamomile in the same ratio. On 2 large spoons add half a liter of liquid. Leave for at least 8 hours. Take half a glass twice a day before meals.

3. Mix in the same ratio the rhizomes of valerian, plantain, celandine, eucalyptus, lavender and dandelion root. Pour half a liter of liquid into the collection. Put on low heat for 30 minutes. After add boiled water to restore volume. Drink broth three times a day for half a glass after eating.

4. Rub the garlic cloves into the pulp and mix them with pork fat in a ratio of 1 to 2. Rub the resulting product into the affected parts of the body. Such a tool should be stored in a tightly closed container and always in a cool place.

When treating pathology, ointments are used. To receive it, take any fee:

· Mint leaves, poplar and birch buds, dandelion root;

· Buds of birch, St. John's wort, aspen bark, field horsetail;

Mint, celandine, eucalyptus, calendula, saberfish, meadowsweet.

Whatever the composition, the ointment is prepared according to one technique. Add 3 ml of boiling water to 3 large spoons and put on low heat for half an hour. Filter the broth and stir with pork fat. With the resulting composition, lubricate the painful area 6 times a day. The duration of treatment is about 2 months. In case of chronic pathology, the therapy should be carried out for a duration of 2 months with a break of 2 weeks.

After the cure of the disease, it is necessary to pay attention to the rehabilitation period. To do this, follow the rules:

· Wear a corset;

· Conduct therapeutic preventive massage;

· Eliminate heavy loads;

· Penetrate therapeutic baths;

· Optimize the mode of work and rest.

Prevention of the disease includes avoiding hypothermia, working in comfortable conditions. If necessary, stay in one position for a long period. To resort to small loads, which will help to unload the back.

To reduce the load on the spine, you need to sleep on one side. Make the right pillow choice. It should match the height of the shoulder. When lifting heavy things, you should bend your knees and straighten your back.


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