Pomegranate peels: the benefits of their use in traditional medicine. How to use the medicine from pomegranate peels does not harm the body


According to popular wisdom, the substance used in small doses is a medicine for the body, in large doses it is perceived as poison.

Pomegranate peels, the benefits and harms of which are enormous, deserve to tell readers in detail about their medicinal properties and possible contraindications.

Pomegranate Peel Properties

Unaware of the benefits of pomegranate peels, most of this product is thrown away. In fact, for many diseases, the use of drugs made from pomegranate peels will give its result.

Using the medicine with pomegranate peel, you can get much more benefit than eating grains or drinking the juice of this berry. In its rich composition, vitamins PP, B, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron are especially valuable to us.

In addition to the fact that it can be a medicine at low pressure, with colds, infectious diseases, pomegranate peels can provide the body with an adequate level of iodine, potassium, iron, and strengthen it as a whole.

In addition, there are substances in the skin that can fight harmful bacteria. This is especially valuable in the summer, when the risk of contracting such infectious sores as cholera, salmonellosis and others increases.

Interesting! Hippocrates knew about the benefits of pomegranate peels back in those days. He used them with success to treat dysentery. The result could be seen already after five hours.

Such medicinal properties are explained by the fact that the skin of this fruit contains polyphenols - the strongest antioxidants that can suppress the developing dysenteric bacillus.

As a remedy for diarrhea, pomegranate peel can also be used to treat children. But at the same time it is worth remembering: this is an allergenic product, therefore, adherence to doses should be very strict.

One of the main natural purposes of the peel is the fight against worms, since in sufficient quantities it contains peltierin, isopeltierin, methylisopeltrin. All of them expel parasites from the body.

Suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the pomegranate peel will also bring relief.

We will talk about how to prepare a medicine to combat the above diseases and others.

Is it possible to harm from treatment with pomegranate peels?

Of course, the benefits of using drugs prepared with pomegranate peel are much greater than the possible harm. But in case of an overdose, a drink such as tea from pomegranate peel can lead to vomiting, convulsions, bleeding, partial or complete loss of vision.

With caution, it should be used by women in position (at a reduced dose).

Do not use pomegranate peel in cases:

• if the patient is allergic to him;

• for diseases such as hepatitis, hemorrhoids, constipation;

• for the treatment of liver and kidney diseases;

• in the presence of chronic diseases, since pomegranate can exacerbate their symptoms;

• without consulting a doctor, especially if you are taking drugs based on pomegranate peel. The fact is that in the skin of this fruit, along with useful substances, harmful substances such as isopelletierin, alkanoids, and pelletierin also take place.

The benefits of pomegranate peels and treatment methods

We have already talked about the benefits of using pomegranate peels. But this is not an apple peel, which at the same time is pleasant to eat. Next, consider the methods of preparation of the medicine.

Pomegranate peel preparation

You can buy dried pomegranate peels in a pharmacy, but why not do it yourself. We wash the pomegranate, remove the grains and internal partitions together with the white part of the zest, as it gives bitterness. In addition, the most valuable in the peel is in the upper layer. Now the peel needs to be dried,

How to make pomegranate peel powder

Grind the crust into powder using a coffee grinder. After grinding, the powder is poured into a glass container, after drying. To do this qualitatively, it is best to pour the crushed product on a napkin, cover with gauze on top, periodically loosen.

You can grind the peel beforehand, or you can dry the crust before brewing. But such a product is tougher, it is more difficult to grind.

How to cook a cold infusion

The cooking method is quite simple. To do this, take a powder of pomegranate peel 1 teaspoon, dissolve in 250 ml of warm water and mix. After the infusion has stood for about an hour, it can be considered ready for use. Use a cold infusion to wash the wounds, with cough and sore throat they gargle. If the infusion seems too unpleasant in taste, you can add a little honey to it.

Pomegranate peel decoction

For cooking, use 1 teaspoon of crushed crusts, add 500 ml. hot water is left to infuse. Strain and use it for its intended purpose after the broth has cooled down.

It is used to treat the following diseases:

• liver;

• kidneys;

• throat;

• eye;

• ears;

• joints.

Pomegranate tea

There are several cooking options. Here is one of them. Pomegranate powder is added in equal proportions to green tea, bringing to four tablespoons, pour boiling water. You can add mint or ginger, bring to a boil.

Tea is able to improve the digestive tract, it can also be used as a prophylactic against parasites.

Decoction against helminths

To combat parasites in the human body, you can prepare the following remedy: infusion of pomegranate peels:

Cooking method:

1. Pour 50 grams of peel powder with two glasses of water and leave for 6 hours.

2. Bring to a boil, leave over low heat, stir constantly. It is necessary to achieve that the amount of liquid is reduced to half.

3. Remove from heat. When the liquid cools down, it must be drunk all on an empty stomach, then put an enema or drink a laxative.

Oral hygiene

Many toothpastes that can fight bad odors include pomegranate peel extract. Such a medicine can be prepared at home. To do this, take pomegranate peel powder, dilute with water and rinse your mouth twice a day.

To combat cough and sore throat

In folk medicine, a pomegranate peel has long been used to combat sore throat. For this, the crushed peel is diluted with water and with this composition the throat is periodically rinsed.

The following medicine will help overcome cough:

1. Take 8 parts of crushed pomegranate peels and add part of pink salt.

2. Add enough water to get a thick paste.

3. Roll up small balls.

Take one ball 3 times a day. It must be resolved.

Hair and Skin Health

If taken in combination with pomegranate peel extract, its seed oil is used, which contributes to the rapid synthesis of procallogen. This compound contributes to the rapid growth of cells, subsequently suspend the aging process of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Good pomegranate peel affects hair health. Although the value of the peel of this berry is not scientifically proven, many have successfully used it to get rid of dandruff, in the fight against hair loss.

In addition to this, pomegranate zest with rose water helps get rid of acne and acne.


Watch the video: Amazing Benefits Of Pomegranate Peel for Skin Hair And Health (June 2024).