The benefits and harms of the irgi for men and women. Is it true that irga is useful for hypertensive patients with tonsillitis and those who want to lose weight?


Irga is one of the most delicious berries. Currently, about 21 plant species are known. From this article it will be possible to learn about the useful and harmful properties of berries of the most common type - common berries.

Irga - what is it?

The game is a bluish berry, with a “plaque” on top. Nowadays, unfortunately, not many people know about its beneficial properties that even expensive exotic fruits cannot compare with.

Benefits of Irgi

These berries have a huge number of healing properties that contribute to the treatment or prevention of many serious diseases:

· Treatment of insomnia and depression.

· The fight against diseases of the oral cavity.


Thrombophlebitis, venous expansion.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis, diarrhea and constipation).

· Treatment of tonsillitis and upper respiratory tract diseases.

· Improving vision in the dark.

· Diseases of the kidneys and liver.

· Compresses and lotions are used for suppurating wounds, bedsores.

In addition to treating diseases, berries can become the prevention of the following diseases for the body:

· Decreased attention span.

· Diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart attack and stroke.

Eye diseases - glaucoma, cataract, conjunctivitis.

· Heart rhythm disturbances - arrhythmia.

It must be remembered that one of the main actions of the irgi is the strengthening of immunity and relaxation of the central nervous system. In view of this, a person copes with stress better, his general condition improves greatly.

Game: benefit for men

Nutritionists believe that these berries should be taken by men over 50 years old. At this age, most representatives of the strong half of humanity are faced with the occurrence of diseases of the reproductive system, which are most often associated with thinning of the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, the use of irgi by men over 50 can not only increase sexual activity, but also strengthen blood vessels, thus preventing the development of heart disease.

Berries are also useful for middle-aged men. At this age, men very often experience stressful conditions, which will help out the iragha.

Game: benefit for women

Women often have diseases and disorders that are not characteristic of men. For example, painful menstruation, menopause, menopause. All this is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, sometimes severe pain. Women can cope with such problems with the help of a jerk. Berries relieve stitching and cutting pain during the menstrual cycle, restore the body after bleeding during menopause.

In addition, the berries help get rid of postpartum depression and strengthen the overall well-being of a woman even after a difficult birth.

Benefits of Irgi: the opinion of nutritionists

According to nutritionists, most diets involve limiting the use of sugar or its complete exclusion from the diet. Irgha contains a minimal amount of glucose and practically does not contain calories (approximately 45 kcal). In addition, berries do not contain fats and proteins, carbohydrates are present in an amount of 12 grams. Therefore, people who monitor their nutrition can prepare various desserts using the fruit of the berry and not worry about the calorie content of the prepared dish.

It should be noted that not only nutritionists note the unique composition of the fetus. Many experts, conducting research, found that the berry contains more than 50 different vitamins, trace elements and substances that can improve the functioning of the whole organism. The main elements that make up the berries confirm the above findings of experts:

1. Carotene. Helps to restore immunity, increase the body's resistance to viruses, improves eyesight.

2. Vitamins of groups A, B, C, P. They allow the body to respond more quickly to the emergence of pathogens of various diseases.

3. Pectins. Remove harmful substances from the body: toxins, heavy metals and cholesterol.

4. Microelements: zinc, copper, cobalt. Increase the body's resistance to disease.

5. Malic acid, fiber. Improve the liver and kidneys, increase visual acuity.

6. Oils. They make joints more flexible, bones less brittle.

7. Antioxidants. They neutralize the effects of harmful decay products in the body.

Harm Irgi

Despite the huge number of useful properties that this berry has, it can also harm people:

· Allergy. If a person is predisposed to allergies or has a large number of them, it is worthwhile to refrain from drinking irgi. If there is no allergy to this particular berry, symptoms of an allergic reaction appear in 90% of cases.

Diathesis Children under 5 years of age should not take berry berries. This often leads to the development of diathesis or an allergic reaction. It is advisable to give the fruits of the plant to children older than 5 years of about 50-70 grams per day.

Hypotension Due to the fact that irga reduces pressure, with hypertension this usually leads to a critical condition of the patient.

Diarrhea If you eat berries in large quantities, diarrhea can occur. If you take a lot of berries constantly, it can lead to obesity. In addition, you can not take a berry with milk. It can also lead to indigestion.

· Poisons. Irga accumulates in itself poisons obtained in the process of growth from the soil or the environment. Therefore, berries from shrubs growing in unfavorable areas should not be consumed.


Reception of irgi in any form (fruits, compote, jam) strongly affects the central nervous system of a person, relaxing it. Therefore, you should not drive a car or engage in work that requires a high concentration of attention after eating these berries.

Irga is contraindicated in pregnant women and those who breastfeed a child. Due to the fact that berries can cause severe allergies, the mother may lose her baby. When breastfeeding, milk can acquire a bitter taste. Therefore, before taking the berries, you need to consult that specialist. It is advisable to do this before pregnancy.

Ways to use Irgi

I. With high blood pressure, diseases of the eyes and intestines.

2-3 tablespoons of ihrgi knead and pour boiling water (1 cup). The infusion must be filtered and drunk half a glass twice a day.

II. With vascular disease, bleeding, hemorrhage.

Infusion must be prepared from two glasses of berries and ½ liter of boiling water. It is necessary to let it brew for half an hour and squeeze.

III. With gastritis and colitis.

It is necessary to prepare an infusion of birch bark. The bark is crushed and left in boiling water (1 glass). 15 minutes it is necessary to keep the bark on fire, after infusing for two hours. Tincture is taken before meals 3-4 times a day in about a quarter cup.

IV. For ulcers and wounds (externally).

It is necessary to mix 200 grams of leaves of a bush and a root of a berry with 100 grams of chestnuts. Insisted on ½ liter of boiling water in a thermos.

V. With high blood pressure and heart disease.

The infusion is made from a handful of flowers of irgi, which is filled with water for 2 hours. After filtering, I drink 2 tablespoons of infusion 2-3 times a day before meals.


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