Bloating during pregnancy - symptoms and complications. How to treat bloating during pregnancy: doctor's advice


Bloating during pregnancy - flatulence is a common occurrence, especially in the early stages. Bloating is accompanied by rumbling and pain, and occurs in seven out of ten women. Appears in the early stages, is an early sign of pregnancy.

Causes of bloating during pregnancy

There are several causes of flatulence, they are associated with the influence of external factors, as well as internal changes. Bloating accompanies the discharge of gases - the passage of flatulence, a natural reaction of the body. This is an arbitrary or involuntary discharge of gases, which may be accompanied by a fetid odor and sounds of different loudness. In a healthy woman, up to 1.5 liters of gas per day is formed in the intestines. The norm is considered to be 20 passages per day. All that is more than 20 indicates problems with digestion and reproduction of certain representatives of the intestinal microflora.

Hormonal disorders

Hormonal background: prior to the second trimester of pregnancy, a large amount of progesterone is released into the blood. Its role in this period is to relax the muscles of the uterus in order to prevent the separation of the fetal egg from the wall of the uterus. In this case, not only the muscles of the uterus, but also the intestines are relaxed. There is a decrease in its tone, stagnation of feces and increased gas formation in the loops of the large intestine, which leads to bloating during pregnancy.

Nutrition errors

Nutrition during pregnancy plays a significant role. A number of products that can provoke bloating during pregnancy should be immediately excluded from the diet or their consumption significantly reduced. These include legumes, potatoes, pastries, fresh or pickled cabbage, apples, rye bread.

In addition, when including yoghurts and milk cheeses in the diet, you need to know that some of them are supplemented with special fruit additives and sweeteners, which are a substrate for enhanced reproduction of microflora and contribute to rapid gas formation in the intestines. This is alimentary flatulence.

Fermentopathy in Pregnancy

For some, increased gas formation can be caused by existing enzymeopathy (hypolactasia): an insufficient amount of lactase in the body - an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose). It is produced by the cells of the intestine, and in its absence, in small quantities or when large volumes of whole milk products are consumed, especially in combination with cereals (cereals, biscuits, buns), the process of fermentation and the production of a large amount of gases causing bloating during the body are sharply enhanced. pregnancy.

In addition to the enzyme, lactose is also broken down by the bacterial microflora in the intestine. But the vital activity of the bacteria themselves leads to increased gas formation and further exacerbates flatulence.

Other causes of bloating during pregnancy

In addition to the main, most common, there are several more causes of flatulence in pregnant women. These include:

1. Inadequate intake of water and liquid food contribute to the development of large amounts of gas in the intestines.

2. Dysbacteriosis can also lead to increased gas formation.

3. Chronic diseases of the digestive tract, which the woman might not have known about, during pregnancy are often exacerbated. Such diseases include: enteritis, colitis, pancreatitis, cirrhosis. Violation of the bile secretion process for some reason, irritable bowel syndrome. These are the most common diseases accompanied by high gas formation. With pathology of the stomach or pancreas, the digestion of food is disturbed, which is the trigger for increased gas formation. This is digestive flatulence, when the production of digestive enzymes slows down, and, first of all, a breakdown in the breakdown of carbohydrates occurs, leading to abundant flatulence.

4. The cause of flatulence can be stresses that occur during pregnancy often. Stress causes bloating and abdominal pain. Increased adrenaline production disrupts intestinal motility.

5. The pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines is one of the causes of flatulence. There is a displacement of all digestive organs due to the large uterus. With squeezing and displacement of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, digestion slows down, and the processes of decay and fermentation increase, the amount of gas in the intestine increases.

6. Sometimes the cause of flatulence can be helminthiases. These are, as a rule, isolated cases, but it is better to check in advance for the presence of helminths.

7. Tight and tight clothing that compresses the chest and abdomen.

8. Not the last role is played by physical inactivity.

Clinical symptoms of bloating during pregnancy

Bloating during pregnancy is determined by the following clinical manifestations:

• gas discharge (flatulence) - is rare and noisy;

• a feeling of fullness, discomfort, rumbling in the stomach;

• a constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach;

• paroxysmal abdominal pain;

• frequent abundant discharge of gases, including in the form of belching;

• nausea at any time of the day, and not just in the morning on an empty stomach, as with toxicosis;

• decreased appetite - due to the fact that a woman is afraid to eat any product that will aggravate flatulence;

• the appearance of frequent burping air with an unpleasant odor;

• stool disorder: diarrhea or constipation occurs.

As a result of impaired digestion and constant experiences, headaches, dizziness, weakness, fever, changes in the numbers of blood pressure can occur.

Flatulence occurs not only in the first trimester of pregnancy (the most common cases), but - at different times. In the second and third trimesters, even completely healthy women until this time, problems with increased gas formation in the intestine appear due to increased uterine pressure on the intestines.

Complications of flatulence during pregnancy

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman with increased gas formation in the intestine can be complicated. In addition to the deterioration of the general condition and mood, in cases when the inflated loops of the intestine squeeze the uterus, its tone rises, and premature termination of pregnancy and premature birth occur.

Violation of the intrauterine development of the child can occur with a decrease in appetite during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that trace elements and vitamins cease to flow into the fetal blood. Therefore, any changes in the well-being of a pregnant woman are an occasion to see a doctor in order to avoid serious complications.

Flatulence during pregnancy is accompanied by a general deterioration in the condition, which manifests itself in the appearance of migraines, palpitations, insomnia, pain in the heart. In addition to these unpleasant manifestations, nervousness, a state of anxiety and constant abdominal discomfort arise, which leads to a significant decrease in the quality of life. If at least some of these symptoms appear in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to begin treatment, which should be safe for both the woman and the unborn child. You can not ignore the signs of flatulence that have appeared, so that the condition of the woman and the fetus does not worsen.

Treatment of bloating during pregnancy

Treatment in any case and with any complaints should be prescribed only by a doctor. Without his recommendations, a pregnant woman should not even take infusions of medicinal herbs. The appointment of therapeutic measures depends on the causes of bloating during pregnancy. The cause of flatulence is identified and the necessary and effective treatment for its elimination is prescribed. It could be:

• diet;

• physical exercises that improve muscle activity of the intestine;

• treatment of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Treatment of flatulence during pregnancy with drugs should be carried out in extreme cases. With bloating during pregnancy, the relatively safe medications prescribed by your doctor are as follows:

1. Espumisan: the main active substance is simethicone. It is made in capsules, emulsions, drops. During pregnancy, 2 capsules are taken 4-5 times a day. In the emulsion - 2 teaspoons - the same number of times a day, in solution - 50 drops 4-5 times a day. The drug is completely safe for internal organs, excreted under the influence of intestinal motility, therefore it is safe even in early pregnancy, it is used according to the instructions. The absence of hyperglycemia allows the use of espumisan even with pathologies of the endocrine and digestive systems. It allows you to reduce the surface tension of the bubbles in the colon during flatulence, which greatly improves the condition. Contraindications are:

• bowel obstruction;

• allergy to the drug;

• obstructive pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Iberogast - a herbal preparation, its purpose during pregnancy is carried out according to indications, exclusively in cases of low risk to the fetus. This is a phytopreparation with carminative, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, prokinetic, antioxidant and tonic effects. It normalizes intestinal tone, but does not have a significant effect on intestinal motility. Effectively regulates intestinal motility and reduces intestinal sensitivity. Available in the form of alcohol tincture for oral administration in drops in bottles of 20 50 or 100 ml and contains 9 plant components. 20 drops are prescribed 3 times a day for a month, pre-shaking the solution and washing down with a small (several tablespoons) amount of water. The initial course is 1 month. Further use is agreed repeatedly with the doctor. Side effects may occur: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath. There are contraindications: calculous cholecystitis, sensitivity to the components of the drug, liver pathology.

3. Meteospasmil - active substances: simethicone (300 mg) and alverin (60 mg). It is produced in the form of capsules, has an antispasmodic carminative effect, is prescribed 1 capsule 3 times a day between meals and medications. It is used by pregnant women only as directed by a doctor.

Bloating during pregnancy should not be ignored. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and take emergency measures to eliminate this unpleasant symptom complex in order to avoid further complications.
