What vitamins are needed for the nervous system and how to understand that the body needs them? The best pharmacy vitamins for the nervous system


Vitamin support for the human body is vital. Moreover, in different situations, you need a different set of nutrients. If life is full of stress, it would be nice to take a course of vitamins for the nervous system. What for? To support not only the vulnerable psyche, but also physical health.

When you need vitamins for the nervous system

The central nervous system is the coordinator of all human life. If something is wrong in it, not only the brain suffers, but also all internal organs and systems. It is the nervous system that is responsible for coordinating their work, communication with the outside world, the quality and even life expectancy of a person.

The nervous system makes it clear that it needs help:

• a decline in strength;

• frequent colds;

• depressed mood;

• forgetfulness;

• irritability;

• decreased performance;

• drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia.

To restore your health, you need to take comprehensive measures. Firstly, take a course of vitamins for the nervous system, and secondly, change your diet and lifestyle.

What vitamins are needed for the nervous system

The vitamins of group B are the most important for the central nervous system. Each of them, in its own way, strengthens nerves and protects brain cells. When combined, B vitamins work better. Therefore, the complex should include as many of these substances as possible. Especially a lot of B vitamins are needed for schoolchildren and people who daily experience increased mental and emotional stress.

• Vitamin B1 (thiamine) acts as an antidepressant. It restores nerves, improves mental abilities, and soothes.

• Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is actively involved in the regeneration and renewal of cells. If this substance is not enough, then a person suffers from constant fatigue, weakness, headache.

• Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid, vitamin PP, niacin) is actively involved in the exchange of macronutrients - fats and proteins, as well as the synthesis of hormones. It is no coincidence that nicotinic acid is considered a drug. For example, this substance is able to improve the condition of patients with schizophrenia, it is included in the treatment regimen for bulimia and anorexia. Niacin improves the blood supply to the brain, like no other substance, quickly restores mental balance. With a lack of vitamin B3, depression develops, nervousness increases, and serious nervous pathologies develop. To eliminate these symptoms, the body needs to get up to 100 mg of nicotinic acid per day.

• Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - the same substance that is involved in the synthesis of the famous "hormone of happiness", serotonin. In addition, pyridoxine promotes the production of hemoglobin, relieves the state of overexcitation, improves mood, and ensures normal healthy sleep.

• Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is responsible for the energy resources of the body. With their depletion and deficiency of this substance, a person experiences a variety of nervous disorders, memory and attention decrease, phobias occur, and anxiety increases.

• Vitamin B11 (levocarnitine) strengthens and restores the nervous system, boosts immunity, improves the functioning of the heart, muscle system, and brain. four

• Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) protects nerve fibers from death and damage. Deficiency of this substance leads to the development of sclerosis, the appearance of depression. A threatening condition with a lack of cobalamin is confusion.

In addition to the powerful B-group, the body needs other vitamins for the nervous system: retinol, carotene, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and vitamin D. They should also be included in the complex of pharmacy vitamins and food products if possible.

• Vitamin A (retinol, beta-carotene) slows down the aging and degradation of body cells, including nerve cells. Increases life expectancy, helps to normalize sleep, increases nervous system reactions, including attention and concentration ability.

• Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - a powerful antioxidant that enhances the body's immune forces and strengthens the psyche. Indispensable for stress, as it minimizes their harmful effects on the emotional sphere of children and adults. It depends on the normal content of vitamin C in the blood whether a person will feel cheerful, joyful, focused on the positive. Ascorbic acid enhances human exposure to other beneficial vitamins.

• Vitamin E (tocopherol) reduces the risk of developing incurable Alzhemer’s disease by 30 percent, protecting brain cells from free radical attacks. It pushes back the onset of old age, helping to maintain the normal functions of the central nervous system, and relieves anxiety.

• Vitamin D provides a normal rate of nerve reactions, provides a connection between nerve fibers.

It is dangerous to prescribe a drug for yourself at one or another dosage. It is better for the doctor to make an appointment after the tests. In addition, you need to make your diet complete in order to get vitamins from food.

Pharmacy vitamins for the nervous system

Bad mood, mental disorders, apathy and depression are the result of the destruction of nerve cells. As soon as immune defense is reduced, the outer sheath of the nerve cell remains defenseless against attacks of free radicals. To strengthen the myelin layer, you need B vitamins. They are found in brewer's yeast, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

In pharmacies special complexes are sold, containing whole groups of vitamins for the nervous system. The most popular are:

• Magne B6;

• Magnelis;

• Neurovitan;

• Magvit B6;

• Vitrum superstress;

• Multitabs B-complex;

• Neurorubin Fort;

• Vitrum superstress;

• Theravit Antistress;

• Neurobeks;

• B-complex.

With a lack of folic acid, you can take Neuromultivit, Complivit, Supradin. The deficit of levocarnitine is compensated by Pentavit, the lack of cobalamin - Polivit, Vita-Mineral, Duovit. Ascorbic acid is found in almost all multivitamin complexes. You can purchase, for example, Multitabs Classic, Alphabet, Norma.

What foods can get vitamins for the nervous system

For urgent help to the nervous system, multivitamin pharmacy complexes are, of course, good. However, a complete diet is no less important. You need to eat varied, then health will be in order.

Vitamins for the nervous system can be taken directly from food. Here is a list.

• B1: beans, buckwheat, milk, rice, oatmeal and oatmeal.

• B2: nuts, meat, liver, milk.

• B3: liver, beans, chicken, mushrooms, nuts, oats, wheat.

• B6: pistachios, seeds, wheat bran, garlic.

• B9: green vegetables, tops, greens, peanuts, soy, lentils, yeast, carrots, cauliflower.

• B11: meat, milk.

• B12: liver, eggs, sardines, herring, kidneys, squid.

• Vitamin A: carrots, yolks, fish liver, pumpkin, butter, apricots.

• Vitamin E: vegetable oil, cabbage, spinach, onions, seeds, almonds.

• Vitamin C: tomatoes, strawberries, citrus fruits, cranberries, black currants, rose hips, red peppers, spinach, herbs.

Beneficial effect on the nervous system of a banana, do not forget to include them periodically in your diet. The combination of ascorbic acid, tocopherol and glucose relieves irritability, fatigue, saturates with energy and improves mood.


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