Blue Cheese Sauce - Cheese Bliss! Blue Cheese fragrant sauces recipes with blue cheese and garlic, mint, onion, cream, sour cream, milk


Blue - blue, Cheese - cheese. Yes, it is blue cheese that is the main ingredient in an amazing, thick, tender and fragrant sauce. It can be served with any dish or used as a dip to fragrant croutons, chicken nuggets, potatoes. Very interesting and tasty with this sauce are tartlets, sandwiches, snack cakes with fish.

Blue Cheese Sauce - General Cooking Principles

• Cheese. This sauce differs from other similar recipes in the use of blue cheese. It gives the dressing an unusual aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. The cheese is crushed before adding, usually a fine grater is used, but you can take medium if you like slices. Cheese is added more often at the very end to mixed, seasoned with other ingredients.

• The foundation. To make the sauce moist, to give it a flowing consistency, dairy products are usually used: sour cream, cream, Greek thick yogurt. Their number depends on the recipe, sometimes more is added than cheese or less. In general, the consistency of this sauce should be thick, even if it resembles a paste.

• Additional ingredients. White and black pepper, fresh dill, garlic are added to Blue Cheese sauce, pleasant sourness will give lime juice or regular lemon. Blue Cheese goes well with various vegetables and spices, which allows you to experiment with tastes, create new recipes, the most interesting and tested ones are collected here.

Classic Blue Cheese Sauce

In the original Blue Cheese sauce recipe, French cream fresh fat content of 15-20% is used as the basis. It is a fermented milk product resembling sour cream, with a very delicate texture. Replace if necessary.


• 100 g sour cream or cream fresh;

• 10 ml lime juice;

• 150 g of cheese;

• 1 pinch of white pepper;

• salt.


1. Add a pinch of white pepper to sour cream, stir. If necessary, salt the mixture, if the cheese is fresh, it all depends on the manufacturer and the batch, it is better to try.

2. Grind the blue cheese, pour lemon juice, stir.

3. Transfer the cheese to sour cream or used fresh cream. Stir again, the sauce is ready!

Blue Cheese sauce with dill and garlic

The most popular variant of Blue Cheese sauce with garlic. But it does not need to be added very much, a light, subtle aroma and taste should appear. For all this portion, one small clove is enough.


• 150 g sour cream;

• 120 g of cheese;

• 3 branches of dill;

• clove of garlic;

• salt pepper.


1. First, peel the garlic, put it on a cutting board, crush with the back of the knife, chop into small pieces. We shift to a mortar.

2. Add salt and pepper to the garlic.

3. Dill chopped into small pieces. We also shift it into a mortar.

4. Take the pestle, gently mash the aromatic mixture. Juice should appear, essential oils stand out.

5. Combine the gruel with prescription sour cream. Stir.

6. Rub the blue cheese finely, add to the sauce. Stir, cover. Leave the tender sauce for about ten minutes.

Blue Cheese Cream Sauce

Recipe for airy sauce with blue cheese, which is prepared on the basis of fat cream. This option is ideal for deep - a thick additive for dipping pieces of chicken, meat, fish, vegetables.


• 150 ml cream 33%;

• salt pepper;

• 2 branches of dill;

• 80 g of blue cheese;

• 0.2 tsp dry garlic (optional);

• 7 ml of lemon juice;

• 1 tsp Worcester sauce.


1. Take high-quality fat cream without any foreign additives, cool, pour into a clean bowl. Immerse the whisk of the mixer. Beat until fluffy foam. At the end, pour in the lemon juice.

2. Combine the Worcester sauce with pepper, salt, gently mix into whipped cream.

3. Rub the blue cheese very finely and also add to the cream. Stir the sauce gently, try not to lower the whipped foam.

4. Add garlic to the sauce to taste, put a little chopped dill for beauty. Stir, serve immediately.

Blue Cheese Sauce with Two Types of Cheese

A sauce option in which, in addition to blue cheese, soft cream cheese is additionally used. We will breed the mass with milk, but similarly, you can take liquid cream of low fat content.


• 100 g blue cheese;

• 120 g of soft cream cheese;

• 80 ml of milk;

• 0.3 lemons;

• salt, pepper, herbs.


1. Put the soft cheese in a bowl, add a little milk, begin to grind until smooth. Pour the liquid in small portions until the sauce acquires a liquid, uniform consistency. If the cheese does not give in, then you can use a blender.

2. Squeeze the juice from the third part of the lemon to the cream cheese. You can add a little fruit vinegar, stir.

3. We throw spices. Usually salt is not required, it is enough in cheeses, but it is better to try the sauce.

4. Grate blue cheese, send to the total mass. You can add a few chopped branches of greens (dill, parsley) for beauty and brightness. Stir again.

Blue Cheese sauce with heating

A variation of the creamy sauce to be warmed up. The consistency is very delicate, uniform. In the classic version, only pepper and a little Worcester sauce are added for the aroma, but you can put seasonings to your taste.


• 150 g cream;

• 1 tsp Worcester sauce;

• 80 g of blue cheese;

• a pinch of pepper, salt.


1. Use a saucepan with a thick bottom or a pan with a good coating. You can cook this sauce in a bowl in a water bath, but the process will take longer, it may take longer. Pour the cream.

2. Put the saucepan on the stove. Add grated or simply crumbled into small pieces cheese with blue-green mold, immediately pour in Worcester sauce.

3. Heat the mixture over low heat, stir. It is best to use a wooden spatula for this.

4. Once all the pieces of cheese have melted, the mixture becomes homogeneous, can be removed from the heat.

5. Cool the sauce a little, season with white pepper, stir. We wait for complete cooling, serve to any dishes.

Blue Cheese sauce with milk and onions

The recipe for custard cream sauce, which is cooked with white onion. You can use any kind of oil to fry it.


• 20 ml of oil;

• 80 g of onion;

• 1 tbsp. l flour (no slide);

• 80 g of cheese;

• a glass of milk;

• clove of garlic;

• 2-3 branches of green dill.


1. pour the oil into the pan, heat it, add the onion, cut into very small and thin pieces, to it. We pass the vegetable over low heat until tender, you do not need to fry it.

2. Now add the fire, add a spoonful of flour, stir, fry until creamy.

3. Add milk of any fat content or liquid cream, but not more than 10%. Bring the sauce to a boil, pepper and salt. As soon as the mass begins to thicken, the first bubbles will go, remove it from the fire.

4. Let the sauce cool to 60-70 degrees.

5. Add the chopped cheese, stir.

6. We chop a clove of garlic. We do the same with dill. We remember them a little so that a pronounced aroma appears, add to the sauce. Let it brew until it cools completely.

Buffalo Wings with Blue Cheese Sauce

A recipe for mouth-watering, spicy, beautiful Buffalo chicken wings, served with a delicate blue cheese sauce. It can be prepared according to any of the recipes above.


• 500 g of chicken wings;

• 0.5 cups of white wheat flour;

• 50 g of cl. oils;

• 0.5 tsp. dry garlic, paprika, hot pepper and seasoning for chicken;

• 3 tbsp. l hot chili sauce;

• cheese sauce 150-200 grams;

• deep-frying oil.


1. Rinse the wings, dry thoroughly with napkins. Be sure to cut through the joints. An extremely thin bone, on which there is practically no meat, can be thrown away.

2. Mix the flour with paprika, pepper, chicken seasoning. Roll the wings in this breading.

3. Run the slices in hot oil, deep-fried until rosy. If all the pieces do not fit immediately. We do it in parts. We take out the slotted spoon, leave it to drain the oil.

4. Cooking red sauce. Combine the softened butter with chili ketchup, add dry garlic to them, grind the mixture until smooth. We put on the stove, warm, but in no case boil. As soon as the bubbles appear, immediately remove the sauce from the heat.

5. Pour red sauce to the wings. Cover the bowl and shake vigorously. Leave for five to ten minutes, so that the red fill is absorbed into the chicken.

6. This time is enough to make a sauce with blue cheese.

7. Serve wings with sauce, decorate with fresh herbs.

Blue Cheese Hot Mint Sauce

Another variant of warm sauce, which is cooked on the stove.


• 250 ml cream;

• 5 leaves of mint;

• 100 g of blue cheese;

• 10 g of oil;

• 5 g flour;

• 5 g of sugar;

• pepper, salt.


1. Brown the flour in butter, add cream, boil the mixture until almost boiling. Remove from heat.

2. Add crumbled cheese, stir until dissolved.

3. Pour sugar. But you can add a similar amount of honey.

4. Add chopped fresh mint leaves, salt and pepper to taste.

Blue Cheese Sauce - Tips & Tricks

• Is there very little cheese with mold? You can add a small part of any other type, but not more than 50%, so as not to lose the unusual taste and aroma of the original product.

• Do not forget that the fat content of the cheese is high, the sauce will turn out not very tasty if you take sour cream or cream 30% or higher, the exception is whipping the product in lush foam.

• When replacing dry garlic with fresh cloves, the amount should be increased 3-4 times and vice versa.


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