Seedlings of tomatoes stretched out - reasons, what to do? How to stop the stretching of tomato seedlings, scientific methods and grandfathering tips


In our country, the earliest fruits of tomatoes can only be obtained by growing in seedlings.

During the growth of seedlings in the room, seedlings sometimes begin to stretch, the bushes become flimsy.

This trouble can be noticed at the initial stage, if you find that the internodes of tomatoes begin to lengthen very much.

Reasons for drawing tomato seedlings

The question arises, why tomato seedlings are pulled and what to do in this case? There are several reasons - seedlings begin to drag out due to a violation of the correct ratio between top dressing, the density of seedlings, the number of irrigation temperature and lighting.

1. High temperature and insufficient amount of light causes the stem to stretch, become weak and thin out;

2. Thicken crops become the reason that plants begin to compete due to the amount of light;

3. Too frequent top dressing force this process.

What is necessary for seedlings not to stretch? First of all, it is necessary to think over the feeding system, for this, they fill the soil with a complex of necessary fertilizers:

• Nitrogen is needed for the rapid development and active growth of seedlings;

• Phosphorus develops and strengthens the roots of seedlings;

• Potassium enhances disease resistance.


Pots with seeded seeds are kept in a warm place until emergence. For germination of tomato seeds, a temperature in the range of 22-25 degrees is best suited. But after the appearance of the first loops, the container with seeds must be placed in a bright and cool room. After the first 2-3 real leaves are formed (3-4 weeks pass), it is necessary to lower the temperature to 12-15 degrees, this will inhibit the growth of seedlings. Before 3 weeks, it is impossible to lower the temperature below 17 degrees - this can cause the development of gray rot.

Attention! Deviations from the optimal temperature regime most often become the main reason for stretching tomato seedlings.


The quality of the gardens, in addition to temperature and lighting, is greatly affected by soil moisture. Even potted drainage may not save you from waterlogging. It is impossible to unambiguously establish the necessary frequency of plants; this must be determined by the state of the soil in pots. But if the leaves begin to fade, then this suggests that seedlings need watering.

Plant lighting

Nature has long thought through to the smallest detail what plants need. And they behave naturally, with a lack of light - you need to reach for it. For this reason, do not save too much space when sowing seeds. Do not try to put too many seedlings in one drawer. Let you grow less seedlings, but it will turn out strong and as a result completely healthy. From such plants, you can get much more tomatoes than from stunted bushes, which developed with a lack of light. And it’s easier to take care of 20 plants that can form and grow a lot of fruits than 40-50 weak seedlings that will give the same amount of fruit.

Distance between plants

Thickly growing seedlings compete with each other for light, moisture and nutrition. They become frail, long and lose their bright green color. After planting in a permanent place, such seedlings are very sick, develops slowly and cannot give a normal crop. On thickened plantings, the risk of developing fungal diseases greatly increases, the infection can quickly move throughout the site along closely standing plants.

How to help thickened seedlings

It doesn't matter why you have seedlings stretched out, you can help them in several proven ways.

Elongated tomato seedlings fall

Plants can fall over for two reasons - the plants are diseased and they have outgrown. Ways to deal with this problem depend on the cause:

• If tomato seedlings are simply extended, then the bush can be divided into several segments, and each of them to be rooted. Or it will be easier to break off the top and place it in a jar of water, where to hold until the roots appear.

• If the stem is not very extended, it can be transplanted by placing it in an inclined position. You do not need to do a very deep hole for this. It is easier to dig a long and shallow trench in which to lay the stem of the plant, sprinkled with soil to normal leaves. Planting a seedling in this way will allow you to place the roots at a normal depth, and new roots will grow from the stem located in the soil.

• Seedlings of tomatoes can fall from infection with a "black leg" which can completely destroy densely grown ones. Sick plants need to be destroyed, the soil treated with some kind of fungicide.

• If the seedlings not only become too long, but also pale green. This indicates a clear lack of nitrogen for plants, in this case, you need to feed it immediately. To do this, dissolve 1 tablespoon in a bucket of water. urea and seedlings are watered with this solution. After this, you need to move the boxes with seedlings for a few days in a cool room (in which the temperature is maintained no more than 8-10 degrees). After this, the plants will begin to look better over time - the foliage will begin to turn green.

The main rules that will help to get healthy and strong seedlings:

1. Sow tomatoes for seedlings need to be full, pre-treated from diseases, sprouted seeds;

2. In the container for growing seedlings, pour only loose, nutritious and previously disinfected soil;

3. Boxes with seedlings should be placed in a bright room with a moderate temperature;

4. You can not very often water the seedlings, and you need to do this only with warm water;

5. Feed seedlings on time;

6. Observe the seedlings and, if necessary, treat it from fungal and viral diseases;

7. Before planting in a permanent place you need to gradually prepare the plants, accustoming them to fresh air.

Folk tips: what to do if tomato seedlings are extended

There are 3 small tips from our ancestors that some experienced gardeners use to restrain the rapid growth of seedlings:

• By hand or using cardboard, you need to carefully draw 2-3 times along the plant from bottom to top. If you do this daily, the seedlings will grow strong and squat. The reason for this effect is that because of the touch of the leaves of the seedling, they begin to emit a gas called ethylene, it is able to stop the stretching of the shoots. But the effect can be obtained only with a sufficient amount of sunlight;

• In daylight, 5-6 times you need to turn the pots with seedlings a little, then they will spend their strength not for growing up, but for turning to the sun (sideways);

• If your seedlings are stretched, it must immediately be transplanted into their own pots, then they will not, so stretch.

If you follow the above recommendations, then for sure your tomato seedlings will not stretch. You can grow strong bushes of tomatoes that can give a decent harvest of fruits.


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