Why dream of an explosion: one or more. Basic interpretations of what an explosion at home or in a public place dreams of


Dreams sometimes take us to fabulous places, give us joyful moments. There are sad dreams, dreams that scare.

What is the dream of the explosion? It’s worth sorting out.

What is the dream of explosion - the main interpretation

An explosion is a very unpleasant incident. Even if it was insignificant and did not bring you any inconvenience. An explosion in a dream is also a harbinger of unpleasant and very frightening events in reality.

An explosion in a dream is a harbinger of impending troubles, the amount of trouble that awaits you depends on how powerful the explosion was. You may have to deal with a protracted illness or the injustice of those around you for a long time. A more accurate prediction can be obtained by interpreting the whole dream.

What details of sleep should you pay special attention to?

• What exactly exploded;

• When exactly did the explosion sound?

• Who was his culprit;

• Who was injured by the explosion;

• Your emotional state from sleep.

An explosion in a dream is an explosion of emotions in reality, you will literally be furious, perhaps your indignation will cause the behavior of someone close to you, you can interpret the dream in more detail, given all its details.

If you dream that someone from your close circle decided to blow up your house - it’s worth taking a closer look at this person, in life he can give you a lot of trouble. Most likely, you will soon enter into a discussion with him, which will lead to a quarrel. Dream Interpretation advises not to retreat from their positions and not to change their point of view. You need rest and peace. In the near future you should not expect support from loved ones.

If you dream that you yourself decided to blow up your house - you are tired of the routine and relationships that you currently have - you are very burdened. What you need? Revise your personal attitude towards them. It’s time for you to change the situation in your favor. How to do it? The dream book advises you to be extremely honest with your close people and build relationships with them solely on trust.

If in the near future you catch someone from your circle of lies, the dream book advises you not to worry too much about this. The man most likely did not wish you harm. He simply pursued his goals. Also, the dream in which you witnessed an explosion promises a meeting with a stranger. It is worth fearing his machinations, do not trust him unconditionally.

If, because of circumstances, a young girl falls in love with a stranger after such a dream, she should not hope for a long and happy life. This union is initially doubtful, since a man does not have deep feelings for his chosen one.

If you dream that someone blew up your workplace - such a dream means that you are quite tired of your work and want to relax. This fatigue significantly affects the quality of your work. The dream book advises to reconsider the approach to work and try to optimize all forces in order to get remarkable results from it. Otherwise, you can’t avoid scandals and troubles. If you dream that you blew up your work, such a dream means that it really does not bring you not only moral pleasure, but also material benefits.

You could try to turn a blind eye to the situation, but your strength was exhausted. The dream interpretation advises you to pay special attention to the emotional state after sleep. If you are alarmed, you have apathy, which means that soon you will be able to change your job.

If you dream that you witnessed several big explosions and did not suffer at the same time, all problems will pass you by. If in a dream you got injuries from explosions, you should prepare for troubles not only in the financial sphere, but also with your health. If the explosions you saw in a dream also affected the housing of one of your close people - such a dream means that you have to help them solve a rather complicated issue.

If in a dream you witnessed an explosion and do your best to save the victims, such a dream means that in reality you will play a decisive role in solving the problems of people unfamiliar to you. Such a kind gesture on your part will help you not only make new contacts, but also improve your reputation in the eyes of your colleagues.

Why dream of an explosion on Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that an explosion in a dream is a symbol of enormous changes in reality. You soon, without expecting it yourself, will become a participant in the clarification of other people's relations. If a girl who is thinking about becoming a lover of a married man has such a dream, she should abandon the idea and stop communicating with the gentleman. Otherwise, their secret will be revealed. This will hit her reputation very hard.

If a man who decided to make an offer to his beloved has an explosion, such a dream means that their engagement will not take place through the fault of unauthorized persons. Perhaps one of the relatives will be categorically against their union. If a young lonely girl dreams of an explosion, such a dream means that she will soon meet a passionate gentleman who will bring her a lot of trouble. She should not be trusted with him, let alone share secrets. Otherwise, they will become public.

If a pregnant girl dreams about how she suffered from the explosion, such a dream promises her health troubles. Perhaps she is already experiencing a slight malaise and does not attach importance to it. It’s time for her to take up her health. If a girl dreams that she was hit by a series of explosions, but she herself wasn’t hurt, such a dream means that she has to get ready for the fateful changes in her life.

Someone has long been watching her and preparing for her an unpleasant surprise. In the near future, as the dream book advises, one should not enter into conflicts with anyone and sort things out. It is better to try as calmly and quietly as possible to survive this time.

Why dream of an explosion in the esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book says that an explosion in a dream is a harbinger of betrayal in reality. Some of your loved ones will not live up to your trust and your expectations. You should not be sad and take everything to heart, most likely, you will briefly fall out of sight of others, and this will normalize the situation.

The dream interpretation indicates that you were too good-natured and open to people, for this you received treason and ridicule. You should not seek your fault in this. If you have a dream in which your limbs are torn off by an explosion, you will be immobilized for a period of time. Nothing new and positive will happen in your life. The dream book advises you to think carefully before trusting others with financial secrets. The dream book also advises you to wait out a storm of events in the near future and not force them. Do not enter into transactions or new contracts.

If you dream that a person close to you suffered as a result of the explosion, something bad will happen to his health. You can warn him in advance so that he can protect himself, take care of himself in advance.

Why dream of an explosion in other dream books

The female dream book says what the explosion is about. Such a dream portends you disappointment with loved ones, loss among friends. If you dream of a series of explosions, then not one person will betray you, but several at once. If you dream that you personally blew up someone’s house, such a dream means that you have to sort things out with these people. If the owners of the house are not familiar to you, you will have to figure out relationships with unfamiliar people.

The Ukrainian dream book says that an explosion in a dream is a harbinger of some serious news that will plunge you into shock. In Miller’s dream book, it’s said that you’ll be disturbed not only by the actions of others, but also by your personal actions. You will be unhappy with the results of your personal life, your work.

If you dream of multiple injuries - expect accusations against you. They will be unjustified and cause you a lot of inconvenience. If in a dream you are covered by a shock wave - such a dream means that a stranger to you will cause a lot of trouble.

In a French dream book it is said that an explosion in a dream is a harbinger of deception, which you never expect. The dream book advises not to rely on other people's promises and not to promise anything to anyone. Only in this way can you protect yourself.

Whatever the dream portends to you, it is worth remembering that you yourself are building your personal life, and there is no point in counting on fate. It is better to make decisions yourself. And dreams will help you with this.
