Yogurt cake - a diet dessert! Recipes of delicate yogurt cakes with biscuit, berries and jelly


The cake, in itself, is a sweet treat and therefore, in most cases, is very high-calorie. A sweetheart, despite the diet! What to do with horror to look at the arrow of the scales? Not at all necessary. Make a cake filled with yogurt, almost all recipes contain a modest number of calories. Overeating is not worth it, but you can not really worry about the waist.

Yogurt cakes - general principles of preparation

• Yogurt cakes can be attributed to low-calorie desserts, since most of them are sour-milk mass, based on yoghurts. As a rule, for such cakes no more than one cake is baked, which is used as a base. Sometimes it is cut in half, into two thin ones, and the yogurt mass is spread between them. Often the biscuit is broken into pieces, which are layered with a light base and additional components.

• It is not necessary to bake a biscuit for a yogurt cake. If you don’t feel like bothering with the dough, you can also prepare the base from cookies or purchase a ready-made biscuit billet.

• The yoghurt mass for the cake is prepared from drinking yogurt and gelatin. There are no restrictions on the choice of a dairy product, the main thing is that it is fresh. Using a drink with different flavors only diversifies the dessert.

• Thanks to gelatin, the frozen yogurt mass keeps its shape well and does not spread. Gelatin can be used both granular and sheet. It is poured with cold water and left for 20 minutes or more to swell. Then dissolve, warming in a water bath or the minimum heat, then cool to room temperature.

• The neutral taste of yogurt mass in the preparation of cakes is usually shaded by the addition of fruits and berries. They can be taken both fresh and frozen, canned ones are also suitable.

• Yogurt cakes are formed in containers, which are lined with film or parchment. For convenience, it is better to take detachable forms, especially if the yogurt mass needs to be laid out on the basis of cookies or biscuit.

Yogurt Cake with Peaches and Biscuit


For biscuit:

• five eggs;

• 20 gr. butter;

• two and a half tablespoons of high-grade, wheat flour (75 gr.);

• 150 gr. unrefined sugar;

• starch - 75 gr.;

• a pinch of fine salt;

• vanilla powder - a quarter of a teaspoon.

For impregnation:

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• 50 ml of water;

• a tablespoon of strong alcohol (cognac or rum).

In yogurt mousse:

• a glass of milk (250 ml);

• yolks from three eggs;

• 12 gr. gelatin sheet;

• fatty, 33% cream - 200 gr.;

• 100 gr. refined sugar;

• half of medium-sized lime;

• 75 gr. white chocolate;

• 400 gr. plain yogurt without additives (not drinkable).


• canned peaches - 6 halves.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, you need to prepare yogurt, decant excess moisture from it. To do this, put in a colander a moistened, well-wrung gauze, folded in 4 layers. Place the colander on a smaller container, pour the yogurt into it and place in the refrigerator for 6 hours. The output should be at least 250 grams. thick yogurt mass.

2. Make a biscuit. Melt the butter over low heat and set aside temporarily to the side to cool.

3. Stir the flour with starch, double-transfer the mixture.

4. Pour sugar into a separate bowl, add eggs, vanilla and salt. Using a mixer, turning on the average speed, beat everything for five minutes, or rather, until you get a white, light mass.

5. Now, add the flour sifted with starch, and gently stir. You should get a rare dough of uniform consistency.

6. Separate a few tablespoons of dough and in a separate bowl, mix it with melted butter. Then pour the mixture to the total mass, mix.

7. Abundantly rub the bottom and walls of the ring of the detachable form with butter, line the parchment along the bottom. Fill the container with dough and bake a biscuit at 150 degrees for 35 minutes, until the “dry match”.

8. While the cake is cooling, pour water on the sugar prepared for impregnation. On medium heat, cook a clear syrup, then remove from heat and add cognac, cool.

9. Pour gelatin plates with cold water.

10. In milk, dilute 50 grams of sugar and put on a medium heat to boil.

11. With the remaining sugar, beat the yolks. Pour in half of the hot milk, mix thoroughly with a whisk.

12. Pour the resulting mixture into the pan with the remaining hot milk and place it back on the stove.

13. Stirring, warm the milk mixture to 82 degrees, then strain through a sieve.

14. Add the squeezed gelatin and mix the cream mass thoroughly until the thickener is completely dissolved.

15. Until the mass has cooled, pour white chocolate grated into small chips into it and stir once more, achieving homogeneity.

16. Place a container of cream on ice or place it in cold water. While stirring regularly, cool to about 35 degrees.

17. Whisk the slightly chilled cream until soft peaks.

18. Into the cooled cream, stir in a thick yogurt mass, Then put the whipped cream and, slowly, intervene with folding movements.

19. Ring from a detachable shape, slightly larger than the one in which the biscuit was baked, place on a dish. Cut the biscuit in half and lay its lower part with the cut up in the ring.

20. Soak the cake with cooled syrup, applying it to a biscuit with a brush or pouring from a spoon. Then spread the peaches on its surface and fill the fruit with half the yogurt mass.

21. Put the second crust, soak it in syrup and pour the remaining yogurt mousse. Peaches do not need to be put on it.

22. Place in the refrigerator for four hours. It is possible in the freezer, but not more than one and a half.

23. Gently remove the ring from the frozen cake. To level the surface, walk along it with a hot, wide knife.

The recipe for yogurt cake on a biscuit with a berry layer - "Currant"


• two eggs;

• 100 gr. Sahara;

• four tablespoons of baking flour.

For the yogurt layer:

• 600 gr. natural yogurt free of additives;

• red or black currants - 300 gr.;

• 200 ml of liquid cream, not less than 22% fat content;

• granulated gelatin - 25 gr.;

• a pound of elastic homemade cottage cheese;

• granulated sugar - 250 gr.

Cooking method:

1. In a wide bowl, beat the eggs into a thick, milky foamy mass. Then, gradually pouring in, add sugar and do not stop whipping until its grains are completely dissolved.

2. Carefully mix in the egg mixture, the flour sifted twice, and put the dough in a parchment covered form. Bake a biscuit for a quarter of an hour, at 180 degrees.

3. Mash currants through a sieve. Add a little sugar to the resulting puree, mix.

4. Combine the cottage cheese with yogurt. Put sugar (200 g.), Mix well, then beat.

5. Pour gelatin with water. When the granules swell well, pour in the cream and start heating over low heat. Stirring, warm the mixture, achieving complete dissolution of the gelatin.

6. Pour a third of the cooled gelatin mass into the berry puree, and mix the remaining mass with the curd and thoroughly mix both masses.

7. On the cooled biscuit in the form, put the curd mass and immediately place in the refrigerator. When the layer hardens, after about two hours, cover its surface with a berry mass and put the cake in the refrigerator again, all night.

A simple recipe for strawberry yogurt cake with cocoa


• pasteurized or homemade milk - 300 ml;

• a large spoonful of cocoa powder;

• 300 gr. strawberry-flavored yogurt;

• a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice;

• 30 gr. instant gelatin;

• granulated sugar to taste.

For the interlayer:

• fresh or frozen strawberries - 350 gr.;

• a tablespoon of sugar;

• 60 ml of drinking water;

• 6 gr. gelatin.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the gelatin over the milk and wait about 10 minutes. Then place the bowl on minimum heat and warm it slightly, not bringing to a boil. Stir the mixture continuously, otherwise the granules will stick to the bottom.

2. Beat the yogurt with a sugar and lemon juice mixer. Then, stirring the mixture with a spoon, introduce the cooled gelatin milk.

3. Pour a third of the mass into a separate bowl, add cocoa powder and mix. So that the powder does not stray into lumps, pour it in, sifting through a sieve.

4. Pour the cocoa tinted mass into a detachable mold and place it in the freezer for a quarter of an hour. Then take out, pour the remaining mass on the hardened layer and put it back in the freezer, but for an hour.

5. Prepare the strawberry layer. Cold water for a quarter of an hour pour gelatin. Then warm it up at the very minimum of heating, or a water bath, to dissolve.

6. Mash the strawberries in mashed potatoes. If you want pieces of it to be felt in the layer, make it a pusher. If you want a homogeneous layer, grind the berries on a sieve or beat with a blender.

7. Add the cooled gelatin and a little sugar to the cooked puree, mix.

8. Pour the strawberry mass onto the frozen yoghurt layer and place it in the refrigerator again, but in the common chamber. The cake will be ready completely after three hours, when the berry layer hardens well.

Fruit-and-yogurt cake without baking with cookies


• butter 72% butter - 200 gr.;

• 250 gr. friable, preferably shortbread, cookies;

• two bananas;

• kiwi fruits - 4 pcs.;

• half a glass of drinking water;

• juice from 1/3 of an average lemon;

• granular gelatin - 4 tsp;

• 70 gr. sugar

• half a liter of pure drinking yogurt.

For registration:

• two small size kiwi fruits;

• 40 gr. almond "petals".

Cooking method:

1. Prepare crumbs from cookies. Break it into pieces, put in a blender bowl and beat. You can collect the pastries in a bag and roll it with a rolling pin.

2. Pour the crumbs into a bowl, add softened butter and, thoroughly mixing, mash with a fork. According to the recipe, it is recommended to soften the oil in advance, leaving it on the table, but you can melt it. In this case, it will need to be well cooled, almost until thickened.

3. Align the cooked oil mass along the bottom of the mold, on the bottom of which lay parchment and for half an hour put it in the “warm” section of the refrigerator.

4. Pour gelatin with cool water, in the volume of half a glass, and set aside for 20 minutes to swell, then dissolve, warming in a water bath, and cool.

5. Peel the kiwi. Cut the fruit into small pieces (cubes), cover with sugar and, adding lemon juice, put on medium heat. As soon as the kiwi starts to juice, immediately remove from the stove, mix well until you make sure that the sugar has dissolved, leave to cool.

6. Pour yogurt into the chilled fruit mass, add the dissolved gelatin and mix gently. Try not to crush the pieces of kiwi.

7. Remove the frozen cake from the refrigerator. Spread bananas sliced ​​in thin rings on it and pour the whole fruit and yogurt mass. Smooth its surface and place the cake to cool in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours.

8. After that, release the dessert from the mold, remove the paper. Decorate by laying on the surface slices of kiwi and roasted almond petals.

Quick yogurt cake without baking with fruit


• two large spoons of whole condensed milk;

• 70 gr. creamy "Traditional" butter;

• shortbread or biscuit friable cookies - 200 g .;

• 12 gr. granular gelatin;

• 200 ml of fatty, liquid 30% cream;

• any yogurt - 200 gr. (possible with additives);

• 100 gr. raspberries;

• two small bananas;

• four halves of canned or fresh peaches

• drinking water - 1/2 cup.

Cooking method:

1. Mix crushed cookies into a crumb with condensed milk. Add pieces of softened butter and mix again.

2. Place parchment on the bottom of the mold. Put the cooked oil mass in it, smooth it and set it to cool.

3. First, soak the gelatin in water, then dissolve, warming over low heat, and cool well.

4. Whisk cream with added sugar until soft peaks. Cut bananas and peaches into centimeter cubes.

5. Pour fruit slices with yogurt. Add the dissolved gelatin, put the whipped cream here and mix gently.

6. Pour chilled biscuits from the yogurt mass and place the cake in the refrigerator for six hours.

7. Ready, well-cured dessert, free from the form, remove the paper from the cake. Garnish the cake with raspberries and slices of fruit.

Light yogurt cake with strawberries and kiwi - "Summer"


• ready-made biscuit cake;

• half a liter of yogurt;

• four tablespoons of gelatin;

• a glass of sugar;

• fresh strawberries;

• kiwi.

Cooking method:

1. Pour gelatin with 120 ml of cool water and wait for half an hour until its granules swell well. Put on moderate heat and, not bringing to a boil, warm to dissolve.

2. Intensively stirring the slightly cooled gelatin mass, pour the yogurt into it with a thin stream.

3. Cover a deep bowl with a film. Gently spread a slice of sliced ​​strawberries and thin kiwi rings along its bottom. Lay out a portion of a broken biscuit on top and pour it with a small amount of yogurt.

4. Repeat the layers, fill everything with the remaining yogurt and refrigerate for two hours.

5. After the specified time, turn the bowl over onto a plate, the cake will slip out of it on its own.

6. For decoration, sprinkle the dessert surface with white coconut.

Yogurt Cake - Cooking Tips and Useful Tips

• Gelatin can be replaced with agar. The thickener from the algae extract does not require soaking and heating. It holds its shape well and solidifies at medium room temperature.

• Melt gelatin over a fire or in a microwave oven much faster, but by slowly warming it in a water bath, you will get a better thickener.

• Gelatin should not be boiled, much less boil. It loses its basic properties. If such a thickener is added to the prepared mass, it will not solidify.


Watch the video: Strawberry Yogurt Parfait. How To Make Parafait. Divine Taste With Anushruti (June 2024).