How to choose a cream for peeling skin on the face?


Many people are familiar with such a problem as tightness, dryness and flaking of the skin of the face. The causes of the many. In general, people with a dry skin type or a combination skin are subject to this cosmetic problem. Water and lipid imbalance affect this. The skin ceases to be elastic, they are easily irritated, since they lack a protective lipid barrier, the skin begins to itch and contract, and then peel off.

Also, one of the common problems of peeling can be called temperature changes - humidity and cold or heat and dry air. Moisturizing creams and ointments can help with almost all the mechanical, allergic, or hereditary causes that cause flaking.

Why skin flakes off?

The problem of desquamation or desquamation of the epithelium can be caused by various reasons. The dermis responds to external and internal irritants. Environmental effects, such as temperature fluctuations or climate change, can significantly worsen the condition of the skin of the face. It reacts to improperly selected cosmetics, to the products used, diseases of the internal organs also affect the skin.

Important: if you drink daily at 1.5-2 liters of water per day, you can avoid dehydration of the body, and, as a consequence, dryness and peeling of the skin.

Therefore, in order to correctly determine the treatment or care, to choose the right cream or ointment, you must consult with a dermatologist. The main causes of peeling include the following:

  • Hereditary tendency to dry skin;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Temperature drops and climate change;
  • Improperly chosen cosmetics and hygiene products, as well as improper care;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Side effects after cosmetic procedures;
  • Lack of vitamins and macronutrients leading to dehydration of the dermis;
  • Mechanical damage in the form of scratches, cuts, etc .;
  • Improper nutrition;
  • General dehydration;
  • Diseases of the internal organs.

With serious changes, the dermis and its deeper layers lose the necessary moisture, since the protective barrier is destroyed, which leads to dryness and flaking of the dermis. The protective barrier is the lipid layer, during normal operation of which the natural process of separating dead or damaged skin cells occurs. But at the same time she does not lose elasticity and elasticity.

Recommendations for the care of flaky skin

Before resorting to the use of various moisturizers to completely eliminate the problem of dryness and flaking of the dermis, it is recommended to correct your diet. Perhaps the skin does not receive enough nutrients in the form of vitamins and macronutrients, insufficient amount of water is consumed.

There are several essential recommendations to help the skin look healthy and get rid of desquamation. For this you need:

  • Maintain water balance. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily;
  • Reduce the intake of salt and unhealthy foods;
  • To give up bad habits such as smoking and alcohol;
  • In the summer, use UV-protective and moisturizing cream, and in the winter - nourishing;
  • Air and moisten the room in which you are for a long time;
  • Do not visit often saunas and solariums;
  • Wash with moisturizing gels and foams;
  • Use only high-quality decorative cosmetics.

The following means effectively help to eliminate dryness and peeling:

  • Creams and ointments with lanolin. They create a protective barrier in the form of a film, thanks to a fatty basis. They are used every two to three days. The best option is “baby cream”;
  • “Sudokrem” is also one of the inexpensive and good products that in a few minutes will moisturize the face, eliminate irritation and desquamation of the epithelium;
  • Sea buckthorn oil masks. They can be done once a week or in an emergency. It is a soothing and wound healing remedy. The oil is perfectly absorbed into the dermis and quickly relieves dryness and flaking;
  • Honey diluted in warm water can be used as a healing mask. It not only helps to cope with the peeling, but also provides the dermis with nutrients;
  • Any nourishing creams for the night. Night care is very important for dry skin.

To help creams effectively, they are selected based on the established reason for peeling. More often turn to creams with the following components:

  • Panthenol (provitamin B5) - wound-healing regenerative agent;
  • Hydrocortisone - an antibacterial agent, belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids. It is used for dermatological diseases;
  • Vitamins of group B. They are prescribed for severe desquamation caused by temperature changes;
  • Hyaluronic acid renews and maintains the water balance at the cellular level;
  • Natural essential and vegetable oils nourish and vitaminize the skin;
  • Extracts of medicinal plants, berries and fruits also soothe, relieve inflammatory processes, moisturize and nourish the skin.

What should not be done with flaky skin?

As mentioned, the reasons why the skin of the face becomes dry is a huge amount. Often, women and girls either care little about the skin of the face, or do it excessively and incorrectly.

There are certain rules that must be followed, those who have dry, flaky skin. The following is impossible:

  • Forget about moisturizing. It is necessary to use day and night cream for moisturizing;
  • Rip off exfoliating flakes when peeling. This can cause severe irritation, and there is also the possibility that an infection will get into the epidermis;
  • Use scrubs, as they further injure areas of damaged skin. You can use peeling, but not more often than 1 time in 2-3 weeks;
  • Wash with hot water. It should be at room temperature;
  • To exclude or consume in insufficient quantities products with a content of vitamins B, A, E, C. In order to look healthy, the skin must receive the full range of essential vitamins;
  • Dry the skin with masks and hygiene products. Masks should be nutritious natural, for example, cucumber or aloe. Hygiene products must be selected for the individual skin type;
  • Use powder, as it dries the skin. You can opt for BB-cream, which evens the complexion and does not dry the dermis.

Top creams for flaking skin

Dry and combination skin especially needs careful moisturizing. Currently, the cosmetic industry offers a huge number of different means of moisturizing and treatment. Products are divided into the following groups:

  • Day and night creams. During the day they use moisturizers, and in the evening they apply nutrients. If the problem of dryness and flaking caused by diseases or allergies, then use a cream with a therapeutic effect as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Moisturizing gels can be used to further moisturize the skin of the face, as they contain a greater content of moisturizing ingredients. Now Korean gels are very popular;
  • Emulsions, essences and serums are used on pre-cleansed skin before applying a moisturizer. They are able to penetrate deeper into the layers of the epidermis, thereby contributing to deeper hydration;
  • Tissue and creamy nourishing and moisturizing masks for the night perfectly saturate the necessary nutrients and restore damaged skin.

The most popular ointments that eliminate the problem of desquamation, treat, nourish and moisturize the skin are listed below.

Cream emollience moisturizing and regenerating, from the company Skin Ceuticals. Contains plant and oil extracts that help with very dry skin.

Cream emollience

Cream "Vivifying moisturizing" - This is a nourishing cream for dry and very dry dermis, from Garnier. Based on camellia oil extract and contains the Hydra + complex.

"Vitalizing moisturizing" garnier for dry

Moisturizing cream "Meso Hydra Cream" from KART contains hyaluronic acid and peptides that promote skin regeneration and restore water balance.

Moisturizing cream "Meso Hydra Cream" from the company KART

Nutrilogie 2 Cream Care designed to protect very dry skin, from the company Vichy. It contributes to the development of the lipid layer at the cellular level.

Nutrilogie 2 Care Cream, Vichy

Night cream-gel "Vivifying moistening", from Garnier, also contains the Hydra + complex, and is based on the gaberley oil extract.

Night cream-gel "Vivifying moistening", from Garnier

Night cream gel Toleriane Ultra, La Roche-Posay, designed for sensitive and hypersensitive skin, moisturizes and relieves itching.

Night cream gel Toleriane Ultra, La Roche-Posay

Night Spa Aqualia Thermal, from Vichy, contains hyaluronic acid and a complex of oils.

Night Spa Aqualia Thermal, Vichy

Cream for sensitive skin "Moisturizing Expert" from the company L'Oréal Paris contains oil extracts of rose and currant, which relieve inflammation, nourish and soothe the skin of the face.

Cream for sensitive skin "Moisturizing Expert", L'Oréal Paris

Soothing protective cream Toleriane Riche from La Roche-Posay, which contains squalene and shea butter, relieves allergic reactions.

Protective cream Toleriane Riche, La Roche-Posay

Hydreane Extra Riche Summer Moisturizer for sensitive skin from La Roche-Posay contains a complex of oils and a lipid base. Excellent nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Hydreane Extra Riche Moisturizing Cream, La Roche-Posay

Winter nutritious cream Nutritic Intense Riche from La Roche-Posay designed for deep recovery of dry and very dry skin. Restores lipid and water balance.

Nutritic Intense Riche, La Roche-Posay Nourishing Cream

Medical ointment "Hydrocortisone" - belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids. It is used for dermatological diseases only on prescription. Capable of addiction.

Ointment Hydrocortisone

Ointment "Dexpanthenol" based on the content of synthetic vitamins of group B. Also appointed by a dermatologist with strong desquamation caused by temperature changes (burns, frostbite).

Dexpanthenol Ointment

Ointment "Rescuer" eliminates most of the problems associated with peeling of the dermis. Contains in addition to medicinal components, sea buckthorn oil and refined beeswax.

Ointment Rescuer

Ointment "Acyclovir" appointed in case peeling caused by the herpes virus.

Acyclovir ointment

Ointment "Clotrimazole" eliminates fungal infections that provoke desquamation.

Clotrimazole Ointment

If you properly care for your skin, according to your skin type, select cosmetics, try to avoid the effects of weather changes, you can avoid problems with dryness and peeling.

In any case, consult a beautician who will help you correctly choose cosmetic and hygiene products, as well as give advice on care.


Watch the video: Glycolic Peel Benefits : Skin Care Tips (July 2024).