What is the dream of a fish fishing rod: woman, girl or man? The main interpretation of what I dreamed of fishing


Our ancestors also knew that to see a fish in a dream a married woman - to an early pregnancy. But why dream of catching fish on a fishing rod? It’s worth sorting out.

What a woman dreams about fish - the main interpretation

What does a woman dream about fish? She appears in a dream as a harbinger of the opportunity to continue her family. But what if a pregnant woman already has such a dream? Is such a dream dangerous for her? Already a pregnant woman to see fish in a dream - to a favorable fertility, to the good health of her and her relatives.

If a woman in a dream cleans fish - she learns the truth, which should have been revealed long ago. If a pregnant woman dreams of a dead fish - such a dream promises her pregnancy problems, so a woman should be especially careful with her health and avoid stress.

If a dead fish just fills her dream - then she will not be able to avoid trouble. It is time to make decisions, and boldly move forward to meet new relationships and events if the fish speaks to a woman in a dream. Such a dream will mean that she will be able to change herself and her future due to the fact that she will be prompted with the right decision. It is worthwhile to carefully listen to the advice of the fish that she will give the girl in a dream. They have a lot of truth. They will allow you to open endless horizons in front of a person, will allow you to open those opportunities that were hidden by other people.

If a fish in a dream a woman promises love - so it will be. But if the speech of the fish in a dream is unpleasant to the girl, she will actually have a rather unpleasant conversation. If a girl dreams of sea fish, which she will buy in a dream - she herself initially began to slow down the development of her love relationships and now she is reaping the fruits of her neglect. If a girl dreams of a fish on the shore that breathes very hard, she will be overtaken by a chronic disease that she will not be able to get rid of for a long time.

Smoked fish in a dream for a girl - This is a very unfavorable sign, which indicates that her enemies are preparing a conspiracy, the purpose of which will deprive her of the soil under her feet and make her lose faith in her own strength. We can say that if a girl eats smoked fish in a dream, the plans of the enemies are realized. In order to destroy these plans, the girl will have to work hard and try to change herself in the first place.

Also, smoked fish in a girl’s dream can mean that she herself confused her life plans when she entered into a dubious relationship. She should have been more attentive and vigilant about her health, her desires and priorities, not to embark on adventures.

Dried fish in a woman’s dream it just means that she will have a wonderful and fun time in a pleasant company of friends. Friends may even come from afar. If she eats dried fish and can’t eat at all, then there will be a lot of cheerful and joyful meetings, she should not be discouraged, if not everything she plans in the near future will succeed, friends will come to the rescue and help make a difference.

In a dream, a woman buying dried fish - have happiness and prosperity in the family, but if she had chosen fish for a long time and still couldn’t stop on one option - such a dream suggests that she can expect boredom and monotony in life with a partner. Then she should reconsider her relations and try to embellish them, bring a share of optimism and healthy humor into them.

A woman may dream of fresh fishas a symbol of future pleasant changes and surprises. If a woman serves fresh fish on a table in a dream, such a dream means that family relations are kept on her, she makes the most important decisions. But you need to know the measure and not go too far in your desire to manage the situation and households, sometimes you need to relax and really be a woman, caring and affectionate.

If a woman dreams of fresh sea fish - A joyful feast and fun awaits her, luck in all endeavors and incredible success. It is worthwhile to be especially careful with those who have long wanted to get the woman’s heart; after such a dream, pleasant meetings and long trips with the aim of relaxing together are very likely. But dream books indicate that such trips will not lead to a strong relationship.

The head of a fish can be dreamed of by a woman as a symbol of a favorable romantic relationship. These relationships will be lasting. If a woman in a dream eats red fish - she will marry a rich and dignified man. Why dream of catching a fish on a fishing rod for a woman? Such a dream promises her a favorable and lasting relationship with a worthy partner whom she has long been waiting for.

Why dream of a fishing rod on Freud’s dream book

According to Freud’s dream book, a fishing rod means a masculine beginning in a dream, symbolizes a strong and confident man. What is the dream of a fish on a fishing rod - a dream book interprets such a dream as a man’s desire to take possession of a woman and his successful realization. At the same time, the woman played with the man for a long time before falling for the bait of his courtship.

Why dream of fishing for a fishing rod? If a man dreams about how he is fishing, such a dream means that in reality he is really busy looking for a worthy passion. But is he looking in that place? If fishing in a dream passes quite safely and the fish really bite, then the man will not have waking up from brides. But whether he needs such a huge number of options, or is it enough for him the only one that he can not find in a huge variety of choice of partners.

What can mean a dream in which a man puts fish on a fishing rod? He wants to get the location of a particular woman and can not find an approach to her. For a woman to see herself engaged in fishing is to the desire to play a relationship with a man, but this game can cost her a long and strong relationship with another.

If a couple dreams of how they went fishing together - such a dream may indicate that despite the temptations of fate, the partners will still remain true to each other, nothing will be able to break their union, on the contrary, the influence of others will only strengthen it.

Why dream of fishing with an esoteric dream book

In the esoteric dream book it is said that fishing in a dream is an opportunity to open new horizons in life. But if this fish is dead - you can, thanks to ill-wishers, lose everything you had before.

If you catch fish in a dream and suddenly it disappears in some inconceivable way - in the same way you can lose your loved one. The reason for this will be your predictability and monotony of the relationships that you built together. You are too late on the beach alone, while your partner is looking for love and affection from you. It is worth stopping looking deep into yourself and it is worth starting to reckon with the needs of the partner in the first place.

To catch a fishing rod for a married woman is to succumb to the tricks of a cunning boyfriend who will not have real intentions, but will be able to quickly influence the already existing relations of a woman. In order to save the family, she will have to listen to the prompts of the dream book and not give in to temptations.

Why dream of fishing for fishing in other dream books

In the eastern dream book it is said that if a person catches fish in a dream for a fishing rod - in reality he will be able to become quite successful, and will conclude many profitable contracts. If the fish at the last moment jumps off his fishing rod - in the same way his arrangements will be torn off.

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that a fish on a fishing rod often dreams when a person needs to correctly convey information to another person. This means that he is subconsciously awake looking for opportunities and options to influence the decisions made by another person. To dream about how several fish just jump out of the water and fall for the bait - to have a huge number of options and a difficult choice between them.

It is worth noting that not all dreams need to be taken literally, some dreams should be considered from the point of view of a comprehensive interpretation, when every detail of a dream is important, and even the time when a dream is dreamed. When it is important to remember who else was present in your dream and what the role of man was, was in it. What emotions did you experience while sleeping. In any case, dreams are human helpers, they suggest what is best to do in a given situation, how to protect yourself from evil.


Watch the video: Fish in dream. hindi me (June 2024).