Excessive multimedia hobby


Fans of using several types of multimedia at the same time, for example, playing computer games while watching TV, risk their mental health. Over time, such a craze can lead to symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Scientists at the University of Michigan were surprised to find such a clear link between the simultaneous use of multimedia and mental health problems.

Although in general over the past decade, American youth began to use multimedia only 20% more, the amount of time spent on their simultaneous use, jumped sharply to 120% during this period.

Such results were obtained as a result of a survey. Participants were asked to answer how many hours a week they spent using two or more types of multimedia in parallel, which included television, music, cell phones, text messages, computer and video games, web surfing and more. Scientists also examined the state of mental health of the survey participants.

But what is the cause is not yet clear. Either such an intense use of multimedia means causes symptoms of depression and social anxiety, or it is people who are depressed and anxious who turn to several multimedia at the same time, considering this as a way to distract from their problems.

In any case, scientists believe that they have received very important information, which can have significant consequences for understanding how to minimize the negative impact of such a hobby.


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