Masculine girls are born from rocking fathers


Physically fit men have always attracted women. Moreover, it was believed that it was from such men that strong, healthful babies would be born. However, scientists have debunked this persistent fallacy: you don’t have to rely too much on inflated men in terms of.

A study conducted by Scottish scientists showed that beautiful parents have a 70% higher chance of having children with a good appearance compared to those parents who are said to not face. However, it is necessary to make a reservation: all this is strongly related to the gender of the child. The boy, as a rule, inherits the external characteristics of his father, becoming strong and masculine.

In the case of a “rocking” father, a daughter is born, she also inherits the father's appearance - broad shoulders, masculine. All this, subsequently, will cause ridicule at school, such girls have problems with their personal lives, numerous complexes appear.

"To give birth to a beautiful child, you need to marry a beautiful man. This is an axiom," said study author Tim Bates. However, if a woman chooses a man for herself, based on his masculinity, she should be prepared for the fact that her children, regardless of gender, will genetically inherit all the external features of the father.


Watch the video: Why was Pink for Boys and Blue for Girls? (July 2024).