Female opinion: Even a virtual romance is treason


For a long time and firmly, the Internet has entered our daily lives, and in some moments, virtual communication has replaced the real one. We no longer just chat online with friends, but even manage to twist novels and have sex there! After all, to have a real intrigue on the side means to jeopardize your family life, and network flirting seems so harmless ...

What is a “virtual romance”: is a novel in the network of a married man or a married woman considered a simple pampering, a harmless game or a form of release of excess energy? Or maybe, on the contrary, with its help, somehow you can avoid betrayal in real life? If a virtual romance develops “on the side”, is it possible to equate it to treason? To find out people's opinions on this issue, the portal “Women's Opinion” conducted a sociological survey ...

"No, virtual relationships are not considered treason," - such an opinion was expressed by 26% of respondents.

Some respondents don’t understand how you can make a romance on the Internet at all, believing that true love and passion can arise only during live communication: “How can you virtually change? I can’t imagine at all ... you never know who wrote! If it’s not realized, then Everything is OK". There are opinions that "if such a relationship did arise, then they should not be considered a betrayal, but there is reason to think why this novel happened" ...

It would seem that they are right. From the point of view of psychology, a virtual novel is a form of role-playing game. In each of us there is a part of the personality that others do not see or do not want to notice. Perhaps it is obscured by other qualities, the prevailing opinion about a person, stereotypes of perception. But people tend to change, and they begin to seek an adequate resonance for these changes, and it’s very convenient for a virtual interlocutor to fully reveal their new qualities ...

In another case, a person tries to acquire a certain status. But in real life, he does not have such an opportunity, and the Internet gives him the opportunity to appear before a stranger or a stranger exactly the way he would like to see himself. Thus, a person asserts himself and increases his self-esteem, in which there is absolutely nothing criminal. But often a completely innocuous correspondence with a creature of the opposite sex is accepted with hostility by his soulmate.

The main thing is not to hurt your real partner and not to destroy the existing relationships, family. After all, you can just chat with the opposite sex on all sorts of topics without any flirting and sexual background ...

“Yes, even virtual relationships on the side are treason” - the opinion of 74% of respondents.

Most believe that any betrayal remains treason: "Yes, and even if the body changes, what good is it! Though the body, even the soul, is 100% betrayal, whatever one may say." And some survey participants even put spiritual treason higher, believing that it is the worst of all its varieties: "100% treason. For me, it’s better to let the animal change the body than the soul"; "Of course, it’s better without cheating at all. I meant, (for me personally) spiritual betrayal would have been more painful."

The essence of the statements of people who voted is that adultery is not only a physical phenomenon, but also a spiritual one. For some, the spiritual component of a relationship is no less important than physical attraction, and maybe even more ...

Moreover, at any moment, the emerging spiritual intimacy, pleasant, non-binding Internet communication, easy flirting or a little affair can turn into something more. No one can give guarantees that the romance will not develop from a virtual one over time into a real one: "Strengthening the spiritual closeness of a partner with an outsider is a dangerous business. In the end, he may become more interested with this person than with the rightful half. So I don’t approve. "

A virtual romance can begin simply from boredom, because here there is intrigue, and flirting, and an adrenaline rush, and the “forbidden fruit” ... and no obligations ...

But the main law of psychology says: in detail modeling the desired situation and doing it with a strong emotional inclusion, the probability of its implementation increases very easily. This technique underlies many psychological techniques ... Let us consider in more detail ...

As a rule, in the virtual world, people create in their imagination a certain ideal image of a person, falling in love with an image, and not with a specific individual. According to statistics, about 90% of virtual partners at the first meeting are disappointed from a real meeting with a correspondence partner.

But nevertheless, in the network we do not communicate with a robot-computer, but with a living and existing person. Perhaps this communication plays a psychological and therapeutic role for us: we try to distract ourselves from pressing problems and troubles, try to relax and get emotions that we lack so much in life, we feel like other people: more interesting, vibrant, desirable ...

We live in a network another, not lived in real life, segment of life, possibly while helping our virtual interlocutor to feel the same. Who this person will become in our life will depend only on us. A “virtual romance” can remain just pleasant and useful communication, and can also become a deep psychological trauma. It is important here not to play too long and not start thinking about your interlocutor as a living person who, perhaps, doesn’t want to translate your relationship into real life ...

Thus, the majority of those surveyed considered the virtual romance to be a betrayal on the side, but all those who voted agreed that such novels did not arise for no reason. And if your other half was convicted of "Internet treason", you need to think and analyze why he (she) even had a desire to live such a "parallel life"? What does a loved one lack in your relationship? And if this person is really dear to you, take action until his virtual betrayal has grown into a real one ... Maybe he needs only a little more of your attention?

In this poll, 1990 people from 145 cities of Russia aged 20 - 38 years voted.


Watch the video: Rethinking infidelity . . a talk for anyone who has ever loved. Esther Perel (July 2024).