Jellied pork tongue - table decoration! Recipes of various aspic from pork tongue: with mushrooms, vegetables, eggs


Jellied - a gorgeous appetizer. A dish can be prepared from various meat or fish products, but it is especially successful with the tongue. By the way, it is not necessary to purchase beef offal. With the pork tongue, the aspic turns out no worse, moreover, it boils much faster.

Pork tongue filler - general cooking principles

Jellied differs from aspic using gelatin. The gelling product is added to the broth in which the tongue was prepared. It is desirable to make the broth transparent. To do this, thoroughly wash the tongue, soak it, remove all unnecessary, then boil it. Often use the double method, that is, the first broth after boiling is drained, pure water is added and cooked to the end.

After cooking, the tongue needs to be cleaned. So that the crust can be easily removed, the hot product is dipped in ice water. The finished tongue is cut into plates, spread in a dish. For beauty and nutrition, vegetables, eggs, herbs, mushrooms are added to it. Sometimes aspic from the tongue is supplemented with other meat products. The laid out ingredients are poured with gelatin broth. The dish is placed in the refrigerator, kept until solidified.

Classic pork tongue aspic

A recipe for a traditional jellied pork tongue with a rich meat taste. You can use any gelatin, see the packaging for soaking time.


• 2 languages;

• 1 carrot;

• greenery;

• onion;

• 40 g of gelatin.

Spices: laurel, cloves, peppercorns, salt.


1. Soak the washed tongues in cold water, rinse, squeeze, transfer to a pan.

2. Fill with water, set to maximum heat, bring to a boil and after a minute drain the broth. We wash the tongues, add filtered water. The liquid should cover the product about a centimeter.

3. Put the pan again on the stove, quickly bring to a boil, remove the foam, fat. We reduce the fire so that the water barely boils. Cook languages ​​and broth for an hour.

4. Add chopped onion and carrot. Since it will be used in a dish, cook whole until soft. After boiling vegetables, add spices. Cook the broth until the tongue is ready.

5. Add 100 ml of water to gelatin, leave to swell.

6. We take out languages ​​from a broth, we quickly cool in ice water, we clean a skin.

7. Cut the meat product into neat slices across.

8. We also cut carrots into slices or cut out figures: flowers, stars, leaflets. You can cut out letters, put congratulations out of them.

9. We taste the broth to taste, add spices if necessary. We mix gelatin with broth, warm up to dissolution, try not to bring to a hot state.

10. Pour a little broth into the dishes for aspic, just a layer of 5 millimeters is enough. Cool in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes.

11. Once the layer has hardened, we spread beautifully pieces of the tongue, greens, carrots. Fill with broth, cool for 5 hours.

Jellied pork tongue "Forest walk"

For this aspic from pork tongue you need mushrooms. Ideally, marinated mushrooms fit into the dish. A very beautiful composition is obtained with them.


• 3 languages;

• 200 g pickled mushrooms;

• 1 carrot;

• 1 onion;

• 40 g of gelatin;

• 1.6 liters of water;

• spices.


1. Bring the washed tongues to a boil, boil for five minutes, drain the cloudy liquid.

2. Fill with clean water according to the recipe. Cook on small 1 hour and 15 minutes after boiling.

3. Add onions and carrots, cook another 20 minutes.

4. Salt, put spices, cook the product until soft. Cool, clean. Filter the broth.

5. Pour gelatin in advance with clean water according to the instructions. Liquids can not be added a lot, 150 ml is enough.

6. Mix the broth with gelatin, warm and cool. If necessary, salt more.

7. Pour mushrooms into a colander, let the brine drain.

8. Pour the gelatinous layer of the broth into the salad bowls, cool to solidification.

9. Lay out pieces of the tongue, carrots and mushrooms on a gelatinous layer. You can add sprigs of greenery.

10. Gently pour the broth. We use a spoon so as not to shift the products and not spoil the composition.

11. Cool until the food is completely frozen.

Pork tongue fillet with green peas

This version of aspic is especially well suited for portioned serving. To assemble the dish, you can use silicone molds, then the jelly dish can be removed, served on a plate with herbs.


• litere of water;

• 1 language;

• laurel, salt, pepper;

• 30 g of gelatin;

• a glass of frozen peas.


1. Cook the tongue on the second broth. At the end, add any seasoning, salt, strain the broth.

2. Dissolve gelatin in 50 ml of water, let it brew, then mix with warm broth. If all the clots do not disperse, you can warm up a little.

3. Peas must be removed in advance so that it thaws. Drain all liquid.

4. Pour some gelatin broth into the bottom of the pan. Chill.

5. While the layer is setting, peel the chilled tongue, cut.

6. Take out the jelly molds, put pieces of tongue in each, you can overlap. Sprinkle a layer of green peas on the sides.

7. Pour the broth, which should completely cover the products. You can add greens for decoration.

Pork tongue and chicken fillet

A variant of aspic made of pork tongue with a bird. He will help out if there is only one language, and you need to cook a lot of dishes.


• tongue;

• fillet of 1 chicken;

• spices;

• 40 g of gelatin;

• carrot;

• onion;

• 2 tablespoons canned corn;

• sprigs of parsley.


1. Boil the tongue until cooked, draining the broth for the first time. In the middle of cooking add to it peeled carrots, chopped onions, salt, pepper, season with other spices.

2. Cool the tongue, clean. Be sure to strain the broth through 2 layers of gauze.

3. Boil chicken fillet separately, put the broth on your needs.

4. The peeled tongue and cooked fillet should be cooled, then put in the refrigerator for at least two hours. The meat structure will get stronger, the products will be easily cut into neat slices.

5. Cut the carrots, tongue, chicken into beautiful slices.

6. Dissolve gelatin in cold water, let it brew, mix with broth and melt. Be sure to try the dish on salt.

7. Pour a gelatin pillow onto which you will lay the dish. Chill.

8. Lay out slices of carrots, chicken and tongue. For brightness, spread canned corn; you can use peas and beans.

9. Pour the remaining broth.

10. Send the aspic to the refrigerator until it is ready.

Pork tongue with garlic

Variant of aspic "a la jelly" with garlic, but only from the tongue. The dish turns out to be unusually fragrant, but at the same time dietary and very useful.


• 2 languages;

• 7 cloves of garlic;

• 1 carrot;

• 2 tablespoons canned or fresh peas;

• 1000 ml of broth;

• 20 g of gelatin.


1. Boil the tongue and carrots, season with spices.

2. Take out the vegetables, clean the tongue.

3. Grind the garlic, place in a warm broth, leave for a couple of hours.

4. In gelatin, add 0.5 cups of water, let it brew.

5. Strain the broth, pour a liter of broth, mix with gelatin and warm. Cool to room temperature.

6. Cut the tongue into slices of any shape, place in a dish. Add to it canned peas, chopped carrots or other decoration at your discretion.

7. Pour the dish with garlic broth.

Jellied pork tongue "Fairytale" with quail eggs

A variant of a very beautiful and bright aspic, for which quail eggs are needed. Of course, the dish can be prepared with a chicken egg, but it will not be so effective.


• 1 language;

• 4 tsp gelatin;

• 4 quail eggs;

• 1 bell pepper;

• 1 tablespoon of peas;

• spices.


1. Boil the tongue until cooked, add spices to it at the end. Cool, remove the skin. Put in a bag and put in the refrigerator for a while.

2. Strain the broth through two layers of gauze or through a fine strainer.

3. Mix gelatin and 70 ml of water, let the mass swell well, then mix into the broth, warm.

4. Pour part of the broth into jars for aspic, set the layer to cool and solidify.

5. Quail eggs boil hard-boiled, peel, cut into neat quarters.

6. Bulgarian pepper free from seeds, cut into half rings. If the pod is large, then you can first cut into quarters, then across the plates.

7. Take the tongue out of the freezer, cut into layers.

8. By this time, gelatin was supposed to freeze in the refrigerator. Take it out.

9. Lay out the tongue, pieces of eggs, pepper. Scatter the peas for brightness.

10. Gently fill the dish with broth. Cool to solidification. Garnish with greens when serving.

Pork tongue filler - tips and tricks

• To cut the tongue neatly and thinly, it is advisable to keep the boiled product in the freezer for an hour or several hours in the refrigerator.

• If you want to replace sheet gelatin with powder, use 1 tsp. granules on 3 plates. Or follow the instructions on the package.

• To ensure that the broth for the aspic is clear, do not let the tongue boil vigorously. Cook on low heat. You can use egg white to lighten the broth.

• Jellied tongue should be served with hot sauces and toppings: mustard, horseradish, pickled ginger, chili ketchup. Sour cream garlic sauces are ideal for it.

• To make the broth golden, add a little onion peel to the pan when cooking the tongue. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise the jelly will turn brown.


Watch the video: Cuisine of Romania. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).