Conventional product in unusual quality helps treat stomach cancer


Studies conducted by Chinese scientists, allowed to identify components of ordinary milk that are able to effectively fight cancer of the stomach.

As it turned out, milk protein lactoferricin has extremely high antiviral properties. In addition, as shown by studies of the three peptide enzymes contained in this protein, it is an excellent immunomodulator that can increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

An in-depth analysis of the protein showed that one of the three enzymes included in it - lactoferricin B25 is able to reduce the degree of survival of the cells of a malignant tumor of the stomach - adenocarcinoma. However, its effectiveness depends on a number of factors, among which the dosage of this compound and the time of its effect on cancer cells are most important.

The conducted studies give confidence that in the near future, scientists will begin to create unique drugs that help in the fight against cancer of the stomach.

This is not the first discovery in the field of oncology research of malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Recall that not so long ago, scientists managed to isolate the protein lactoferricin 4-14, capable of slowing the growth of cancerous cells in the rectum. In the course of research, specialists exposed the cells of the large intestine to ultraviolet radiation until their DNA structure was disrupted, which ultimately led to the modification of the cells, they became similar to cancer cells. When exposed to the obtained cells of lactoferricin 4-14, their growth was noticeably slowed. Ordinary cells continued to develop in their normal mode.

It was previously believed that milk is harmful to the elderly. Today this point of view is recognized as erroneous. At this age, the risk of developing cancer of the gastrointestinal tract is significantly increased. Therefore, moderate use of milk gives hope for the protection of the body from this serious disease.


Watch the video: The Role of Immunotherapy in Childhood Cancer Treatment (July 2024).