Lily transplant in the fall: when and how to carry out. Detailed transplant instructions, care for lilies


Lilies are beautiful perennial flowers, but you can’t grow them in one place for a long time without a transplant.

Plants lose their attractiveness, flowering becomes sparse. When and how to transplant lilies depends on the variety of the flower.

Some hybrids require an annual transplant, while there are varieties that can be planted once every ten years. How to understand the needs of the plant? It's not that complicated!

Autumn lily transplant dates

Often gardeners wonder when to carry out a bulb transplant? There are two options - in autumn and spring. A spring transplant is more troublesome, in the fall it is easier to carry out the procedure, since the bulbs are at rest. Experienced gardeners prefer the autumn transplant of lilies.

When to carry it out? There is no definite answer, it all depends on weather conditions, the variety of lilies and the climatic zone of cultivation. The main thing that a gardener needs to learn is that the plant must have time to take root before the onset of frost.

If the bulbs are planted too soon, they will start growing, and this will lead to death. Delayed planting of lilies also adversely affects the plant. It is important to consider the ambient temperature, it should not exceed 10 degrees. At higher temperatures, transplantation must be postponed.

Transplant timing depends on the climatic zone of cultivation:

• in the north, transplantation is carried out at the end of September or at the very beginning of October;

• in the middle lane, the transplant can be postponed until mid-October;

• in the southern regions you need to navigate the weather. Lilies are transplanted throughout October. Under favorable conditions, you can postpone the procedure until the beginning of November.

Important! After transplanting, the bulbs should be well covered. This will help them to take root in a new place.

Basic rules for transplanting lilies in the fall

Lilies are one of the most beautiful flowers. With their help create exquisite flower beds, but growing lilies requires special knowledge. How to transplant lilies so that plants do not experience stress?

We select a place for planting lilies

The plant is very demanding on the composition of the soil. To grow lilies, you need to pick up light moisture-permeable soil. Heavy clay soils are not suitable for these flowers. Stagnant water near the bulb is detrimental to the condition of the plant.

The area under the lilies should be moderately dry so that meltwater does not lead to flooding of the plantings. At the bottom of the holes, a good drainage layer is sure to be made. For this, it is good to use river sand.

Important! Flooding of the bulbs leads to rotting of the roots.

How to prepare the soil before planting

Lilies prefer nutrient land. The bed is pre-dug up to a depth of at least 30 cm. If required, sand and peat are made for digging. If the earth is loose, then you can limit yourself to adding peat.

When growing Asian varieties and LA hybrids, the following fertilizers must be added to the soil:

• humus - 10 kg;

• potassium sulfate - 50 g;

• superphosphate - 100 gr.

The amount of nutrients is calculated per 1 square. m. beds.

When planting tubular hybrids make wood ash, at the rate of 250-500 grams per 1 square. m

Selection of planting material

How to transplant lilies in the fall? To begin with, the plant is carefully dug up, freed from the ground and dead roots, scales. Next, the bulbs are washed under running water.

The prepared material is sorted and disinfected. All damaged and diseased bulbs are taken, they are not used for further cultivation. Bulb disinfection is a very important event, which is carried out according to special requirements. For etching of planting material, foundationazole, karbofos or ordinary potassium permanganate are used. In the prepared solution, the bulbs stand for at least 30 minutes.

After processing the lilies need to be dried. It is better to do this in the shade so that the bulbs do not dry out. After a few days of airing, they begin to land. If it is not possible to plant the bulbs, then they are stored in a barn.

Important! For further cultivation, medium-sized bulbs are selected. Plants from small children will not bloom next season, so they are planted separately.

Planting pattern and bulb depth

Bulb depth depends on several factors to consider when planting:

• bulb size;

• soil composition;

• grade features.

To accurately determine the depth of the bulb, its size and height of the flower will help. The more these indicators, the deeper the bulb is planted. Stem root varieties of lilies are buried by 25 cm. Medium-sized bulbs are planted to a depth of 12 cm.

Late flowering hybrids also need a deep planting. With this method of cultivation, the temperature of the soil rises slowly in the spring, the lilies later start to grow, and the risk of freezing during spring frosts is reduced. A comfortable temperature in the summer allows the bulb to mature and plant a flower bud in a timely manner.

The onion planting pattern looks like a “layer cake”. At the bottom of the hole lay a layer of drainage from river sand, on which the bulb is installed. On top of it, sand is again poured, and only after that is nutritious soil. This method of planting will help remove excess moisture from the bulb itself and the roots of the plant.

The distance between the holes on the bed is up to 25 cm. After planting the beds, you need to mulch well. You can use sawdust, humus or peat. Mulch will help to maintain the desired level of soil moisture, and will also serve as a shelter in snowless winters.

Helpful gardener tips

1. How to plant lily bulbs in the fall, if they have sprouts?

If planting material was purchased already with sprouts, then such bulbs should not be planted in autumn. You need to wait until the sprout reaches 15-20 cm in height, then carefully remove it. After this procedure, the bulb can be planted in a permanent place, but this must be done no later than the end of September.

2. How to transplant late flowering bulbs?

Autumn transplantation of medium and late lilies is carried out in mid-autumn. At the same time, from the moment the flower arrow withers to the digging of the bulbs, at least 1.5 months should pass. During this period, the bulb will fully recover, which will help it to take root faster and tolerate winter well.

3. When carrying out a transplant of lilies, it is convenient to put signs with the name of the variety.

This will serve as a kind of marker, when digging the soil, beds with lilies will remain intact.

4. Lily bulbs are conveniently dug with a pitchfork, which reduces the risk of damage to the root system.

5. How often do lilies transplant?

Fast-growing hybrids that form large nests need to be transplanted once every three years. American species of plants, which are distinguished by their slow growth, are grown in one place for up to 10 years.

6. How to propagate lilies?

It is very convenient to combine the transplant of lilies with their reproduction. All varieties of lilies can be propagated by scales. After digging, the scales are separated from the bulb, washed with disinfecting solutions and planted on a separate bed. This method of reproduction is the simplest and brings good results.


Watch the video: Transplanting Lilies (July 2024).