Eggplant salted in jars - stuffed with vegetables. Pickles with eggplant salted in jars


A favorite focus of our housewives is to stylize eggplants, either with mushrooms, or almost with tropical fruits. What for? After all, they are healthy and tasty on their own. Of course, we will salt them, marinate, or even stuff them to enhance the taste. And so be it, too, cook "mushroom" style.

Salted eggplant in jars - general principles of preparation

• Small oblong oblong fruits are subject to salting. They must be well ripened and in no case overripe, otherwise conservation will be bitter.

• Eggplant is thoroughly washed and trimmed ends on both sides before use. Prepared "little blue ones," as they are called, must be blanched for about 5 minutes before salting. They are dipped in boiling saline, in the preparation of which the following proportions are observed: for one liter of drinking water, take 50 g. coarse salt. Then the vegetables are dried, laid in a colander, or put for a couple of hours under oppression.

• Salted mainly fruits stuffed whole, less often they are cut into medium-sized cubes or wide rings. Salted eggplant in jars is prepared with garlic, fresh herbs and other vegetables: cabbage, carrots.

• Stuffed eggplant is first salted in a large container under pressure and only then packaged in a sterile glass container. The brine in which the "little blue ones" were salted out is filtered off, boiled and the vegetables laid in jars are poured with it.

• Glass containers with salty “blue” are hermetically sealed or closed with nylon caps. Leaking sealed preservation is stored in the refrigerator so that salting does not ferment.

• Before rolling, the tanks with salted eggplant must be sterilized to stop the fermentation process, otherwise conservation will explode.

Salted eggplant in jars of garlic


• 10 kg of medium-sized eggplant;

• five grams of parsley;

• garlic - 250 gr.;

• one and a half tablespoons of salt;

• one liter of drinking water.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the tails of the eggplant.

2. Pour seven liters of water into a bucket or large pot, add 350 grams of coarse salt and put it to a boil.

3. Lower the eggplants into boiling saline and boil them after boiling for no more than five minutes. Then immediately transfer the "little blue ones" to cold water and soak in it until completely cooled.

4. Take a large baking sheet or any other suitable dish and place the chilled vegetables on it in one or two rows. Install a large cutting board on top and place a load on it.

5. After three hours, remove the “little blue ones”, cut each one from one side, without cutting to the end, and open. Spread finely chopped garlic evenly on the inside and close them again, giving the fruit its original shape.

6. Tightly place the eggplants in a large pot or bucket, evenly distributing between them leaves of parsley and the remaining garlic.

7. In a small saucepan, boil one liter of clean water, add salt to it. Stir the brine until it is completely dissolved and cool well.

8. Pour vegetables with a cooled solution and place them under oppression for seven days.

9. After this, drain the brine into the pan, and stuff the stuffed vegetables in sterile jars.

10. Filter the filtered brine through cheesecloth, and set to boil quickly. Carefully remove the foam that forms on its surface so that it does not get into conservation.

11. Pour the boiling brine into cans, cover with sterile tin lids and seal them tightly by rolling with a key.

Stuffed Spicy Eggplant Salted in Jars


• eight medium eggplants;

• one hot chili pepper;

• three large carrots;

• a small bunch of parsley;

• three heads of garlic.

For brine:

• one liter of water;

• 5 peas of allspice;

• two leaves of lavrushka;

• black pepper peas - 5 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Take prepared vegetables and cut each one on one side, without cutting to the end about one centimeter.

2. In a large saucepan, prepare a 5% saline solution and boil in it "little blue" until soft. Do not digest! After about five minutes from boiling, check the degree of readiness by piercing with a match. It should pass freely through the skin.

3. Blanched vegetables cool in cold water and put for one hour under a press.

4. Rinse the parsley with water and dry it well by spreading it on a towel. Then cut off the dense stems, and finely chop the greens with a heavy knife.

5. Grate the carrots with a special grater for cooking Korean salads. If this is not, use the usual vegetable, with large cells.

6. Hot pepper with seeds cut into thin rings.

7. In a large bowl, combine all the chopped ingredients, here, press the garlic, lightly add salt and mix well by hand.

8. Expand the "little blue ones" and fill with the cooked vegetable filling.

9. In a separate pan, place boiling water for brine. Add to it all the components of the marinade and bring to a boil again. Leave to heat, mix thoroughly and cool.

10. Parsley stalks separated from greenery are literally immersed in boiling water for a couple of seconds to make them flexible and tie them with fruits stuffed with greenery.

11. Stuff the stuffed "blue ones" in dense rows in an enameled pan, fill with cold brine. Place a flat plate or wooden circle on top and place a small load. So that the eggplants are well salted, keep them warm for about a week.

12. After this, put in sterile jars, and boil the brine, and add hot to the vegetables.

13. From the top pour 2-3 tablespoons of calcined oil, cover the jars with nylon covers. After complete cooling, put in storage in the general chamber of the refrigerator.

Spicy salted eggplant in jars


• hot pepper - 4 pods;

• 6 kg of "little blue ones";

• two tablespoons of refined oil;

• 65 gr. salt;

• a small bunch of dill and parsley;

• 9% table vinegar - 250 ml;

• 200 gr. garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the prepared eggplants into small cubes. Slightly add salt, mix and leave for a while so that bitterness comes out of vegetables.

2. After that, dip the slices in boiling water and boil for no more than two minutes. Put in a colander, cool.

3. Rinse parsley, hot peppers and peeled garlic cloves. Dry everything and twist in a meat grinder. Add salt, pour vinegar and vegetable, preferably refined, oil, mix.

4. Add the eggplant pulp to the prepared mixture, mix everything well again and place it in sterile half-liter jars.

5. Cover the containers with clean boiled lids, place them in a pan on a wire rack and pour warm water over the shoulders.

6. On a small fire, bring the water to a boil, then lower the heat so that it does not boil intensively, and sterilize the jars for 10 minutes. Then quickly remove and tightly seal.

Salted eggplant in jars with garlic - "Like mushrooms"


• five kilograms of "little blue ones";

• table 9% vinegar - 400 ml;

• two large heads of garlic;

• one glass of pure vegetable oil;

• five liters of water.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the prepared fruits for preservation into small cubes.

2. Pour five liters of water into a large pot, and mix it with a bite.

3. Add salt, stir and place on an intense fire.

4. As soon as it begins to boil, dip the crushed “blue ones” into the boiling solution and cook for five minutes without giving an intensive boil.

5. Transfer the finished eggplant to gauze, tie in the form of a bag and hang it so that all the liquid comes off.

6. After six hours, transfer to a large bowl, mix them with garlic squeezed through a press. Pour in hot vegetable oil, mix well again and pack in sterile jars with a capacity of half a liter.

7. Place the containers in a pan with very hot water and sterilize for a quarter hour under slight sterilization under sterile lids. Time is counted from boiling water.

8. After that, roll the metal covers well with a preservation key, and cool them by turning them over onto the covers under a thick blanket.

Salted eggplant in jars stuffed with cabbage


• seven large "little blue ones";

• half a small head of cabbage;

• large head of garlic;

• one large carrot;

• peppercorns - 6 pcs.

• a small bunch of parsley.

For brine:

• for every liter of water, 2 tablespoons of non-iodized salt.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse all vegetables well under running water. Remove the ponytails from the eggplant, grate the carrots with a special grater for Korean salads, and chop the cabbage into thin strips. Grind the garlic with parsley with a knife and combine everything in a large bowl.

2. Add salt, put pepper in peas, mix well and set aside for three hours.

3. Cut the eggplant from one side, do not cut it to the end, dip in boiling, slightly brackish water and cook until they are soft enough. Add salt at the rate of 50 grams per liter of liquid.

4. Put blanched vegetables in a colander and wait until the water comes off them. Then open each and select seeds from them with a teaspoon, and in the formed recess lay the settled vegetable mixture and tie the fruit with a thread.

5. Prepare the brine. Pour one and a half liters of water into a small saucepan, add three tablespoons of salt, boil.

6. Put “blue” stuffed with vegetables in a clean jar. Pour them, shortening to the neck by 1.5 cm, with cold brine. Cover the jar with a nylon cover and leave it in the room for three days, before fermentation begins, and then put it in the refrigerator for storage.

7. If you want to get not salted, but pickled eggplant, keep them warm for at least 6 days.

Salted eggplant in jars with dill and garlic sauce


• one and a half kilograms of mature eggplant;

• 150 ml of refined vegetable oil;

• 60 gr. coarse rock salt;

• a large bunch of dill;

• garlic - 2 large heads.

Cooking method:

1. Cut washed and dried eggplant without tails into large circles, 2 cm thick, in circles.

2. Dip in boiling saline and boil for no more than 3 minutes. Then put on a sieve and let the brine drain.

3. Grind the washed and well-dried dill with a knife.

4. Mix vegetable oil with garlic and salt crushed on a press.

5. In a sterilized container, half a liter volume, lay out the dried blue rings in layers, layering them with chopped dill and pouring over the cooked garlic sauce.

6. Tie the necks of the filled containers with gauze and place them in a warm place.

7. After three days, remove the cheesecloth, and cover the jars with sterile lids and set to sterilize for 25 minutes. Then roll the covers well with a special key and set the preservation to cool under the covers.

Canned eggplants - cooking tips and tricks

• Blanching eggplants, already three minutes after boiling, check their readiness with a match puncture. If it passes through the peel freely, then it's time to get it. Overcooked vegetables will crawl when salted.

• If the “little blue ones” need to be salted under oppression beforehand, carefully monitor the process, otherwise they will become pickled.

• When rolling salted eggplant into jars, try to follow all the rules of preservation: put vegetables only in sterile jars and cover with boiled lids. Strict adherence to such recommendations will extend the shelf life of preservation.


Watch the video: Stuffed Eggplants Pickles Makdoos مكدوس recipe#162 (July 2024).