Coffee lovers risk losing their eyesight?


After analyzing the results of a new study, American scientists advises coffee lovers to reconsider their attitude to this drink and reduce its consumption.

The author of this study, Jae Hee Kang, explains that over-passion for caffeinated coffee can lead to undesirable consequences - an increased risk of developing exfoliative glaucoma, which often leads to secondary glaucoma.

The study examined data from two groups: 41,202 men and 78977 women. All of them were 40 years old and older, and none of the participants was diagnosed with this disease. From 1980 women and from 1986 men to 2008 regularly underwent eye examinations.

Researchers also resorted to questionnaires to obtain information on the amount of caffeinated drinks they consume.

The results of a meta-analysis showed that those participants who drank three or more cups of caffeinated coffee a day were at risk of becoming victims of the disease, unlike people who abstained from this drink. As for other products containing caffeine, such as tea, chocolate, as well as decaffeinated coffee, the researchers did not reveal any correlation between their active consumption and the development of this disease. Moreover, scientists have received confirmation that women with a family history of glaucoma are at even greater risk.

Researchers believe that their study will provide a deeper understanding of what causes exfoliative glaucoma. Confirmation of these results among the population of other countries is also required, which may help establish a connection between eye diseases and nutrition, and even lifestyle.


Watch the video: The Coffee Cancer Risk (July 2024).