October 19: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Lyceum Day begins its history in 1811. This year, on October 19, by decree of Alexander the First, the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened. It was intended for the training of noble children. In the early years, about thirty people from ten to twelve years old were admitted to the lyceum. Among the very first and famous lyceum students were: the great poet - A. S. Pushkin, Delvig, Matyushkin, Gorchakov, Pushchin and other personalities who glorified Russia.

The Day of Rocket and Artillery Troops (RAV) in Armenia is celebrated annually on October 19 since 1992. This year was the completion of the formation of the RA units of the Armed forces in the country. RAV Day is accompanied by congratulations and numerous rewards from the best rocket launchers, artillerymen, as well as RAV veterans.

On October 19, the Republic of Moldova celebrates Lawyer's Day. This holiday annually brings together thousands of lawyers from various fields of activity, people whose life is dedicated to the great mission of protecting the constitutional rights of citizens.

The beatification day of the Catholic associate - Mother Teresa of Calcutta - is annually celebrated by Albanians as a national holiday. Despite the Muslim faith, the people consider Saint Theresa to be the most heroic and outstanding personality in the country. The capital hospital and the airport in Albania were named in her honor.

Germany has long attached great importance to commemorations held in honor of trade. And it is not surprising that such a large event as the festival "Free Market" (free fair), which takes place annually in Bremen from the second half of October to the very end of the month, has survived to our days. Each year, the festival gathers millions of local residents and tourists. The first such fair was held almost a thousand years ago with the approval of the emperor. In the days of the two-week trade triumph, all guests and residents of Bremen can purchase any goods at very competitive prices. Jewelry, clothing, traditional dishes, and more are on sale.

In Perugia (Italy) will be one of the most ambitious chocolate festivals in the world. It is held in October and is called "Euro Chocolate" by local residents. An exhibition of natural delicacies for every taste and color, the most intricate and bizarre shapes decorated with the skillful hands of confectioners - such an unusual picture will open before real connoisseurs of chocolate.

Fomin day

Thomas is one of the 12 apostles. He was engaged in fishing in the Galilee until he heard an appeal to the people of Jesus Christ, which aroused his desire to join the ranks of the Companions of the Messiah. Thomas resembled Christ, therefore the apostle was often called the "twin." Traveling the world with his teacher, he courageously and proudly endured all the hardships of the chosen path and was soon elected the closest disciple of Jesus, and after his ascension he “inherited” the gift of casting out evil spirits and healing people.

It is believed that strong winds and snowstorms begin with Fomin's day, and unexpected snowfalls are possible. On this day in Russia, they were afraid of the awakening of evil spirits, sowing disease. With the help of an aspen bitch, a special rite was carried out in the houses, protecting from the attack of evil spirits and fever. Also on October 19, people counted stocks for the winter. If the cellars were full, they said: "Glad Thomas, great is the chrome." In this case, people went to church to light a candle in gratitude to the saint.

October 19, 1812 - Napoleon left Moscow

The small army of Napoleon was forced to leave Moscow. Only one garrison remains in the city, which is entrusted with destroying the Kremlin. The French emperor decided to take such a step in order to save the prestige of his state. As soon as the army left Moscow, the planned bombings followed. Many houses, buildings, structures, including the Simon Monastery, which miraculously survived the entire war but fell under the onslaught of the last Bonaparte army, were completely burned up.

October 19, 1943 - discovery of the antibiotic Streptomycin

The discovery in the field of medicine was made by Selman Waxmann, however, the “new level” medicine possessed a number of toxic properties, therefore it did not attract wide attention from buyers. Over time, on the basis of streptomycin, scientists managed to develop a group of valuable broad-spectrum antibiotics and reduce all side effects from the active substance to a minimum.

October 19, 1987 - Black Monday

“Black Monday” is the name of the event that went down in history that day as the biggest stock market crash in its history. There were no prerequisites for such a trend, no news, but, nevertheless, this happened. The collapse affected not only the United States, with lightning speed it spread throughout the world. The collapse to a large extent limited trade on world stock markets, because disabled computers could not cope with a huge number of incoming orders. The federal reserve system and central banks had to take serious measures to curb the growth of the global crisis.

October 19, 1960 - The United States imposes an embargo on trade with Cuba

In the winter of 1959, a revolutionary government was created in Cuba. In the spring of the same year, a decree on agrarian reform was issued, according to which the island was deprived of the right to private land ownership, as well as to land ownership of foreigners. About half of the land was seized by the state, the rest was given to peasants. On October 19, 1960, the US government announced the economic blockade of Cuba, ending operations on oil supplies. The law lasted until 2000, when President Clinton launched the liberalization of the blockade. Under the new act, Cuba is allowed to sell a wide range of agricultural products.

- Alexander Galich (1918) - Soviet playwright, poet, screenwriter. He graduated from the Gorky Literary Institute and the Stanislavsky Opera and Drama Studio. The Great Patriotic War bypassed Galich - doctors discovered in him a congenital heart disease. In 1941, his rapid career growth began, and in 1969, Alexander released his song book, causing discontent from the Union of Cinematographers and the Union of Writers. Galich was expelled, and in 1974 he left the USSR.

- Evander Holyfield (1962) - boxer, multiple world champion in heavyweight. From childhood, the future champion was fond of boxing. At the age of eight, his parents sent him to the sports section. At the age of 16, Evander participated in amateur competitions and often emerged victorious. Holyfield was rapidly on the verge of victory, and in 1990 his dream came true: the boxer became the absolute world heavyweight champion.

- Boris Frolov (1932) - an outstanding Soviet architect. Following in the footsteps of his father, in 1951 he entered the Civil Engineering Institute, but a year later he transferred to the Military Engineering Academy. After training, he worked as a foreman, a few years later he achieved the status of chief engineer, and after that - commander of the unit. He has counted hundreds of objects: residential buildings, landfills, training centers, Star City, and many others.

- Umberto Boccioni (1882) - Italian sculptor and artist. Received art education in Rome. In 1913, an exhibition of his sculptures in the style of futurism was held at the Bernhaf Gallery.

- Vyacheslav Klykov (1939) - Soviet sculptor and artist. From childhood, I realized that he wanted to devote his life to drawing and art. He received professional education at the Surikov Art Institute. Vyacheslav came to fame thanks to the work on the sculptural decoration of the children's theater in Moscow. In addition, Fangs created many famous monuments. Among them: Rubtsov, Sergius of Radonezh, Bunin, Batyushkov, Zhukov, Ilya Muromets, Peter the Great, A. Nevsky and others.

- Zhanna Bolotova (1941) - actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR. She made her debut in the film "The house I live in" while still a schoolgirl. After school, she entered the All-Union Institute of Cinematography, and then got a job in the theater. In 1985 she received the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

- Veronica Castro (born in 1952) - a popular Mexican actress. From a young age she dreamed of becoming a top-level actress, and she succeeded. At first, she began acting on TV shows as a teenager, moonlighting on local radio. With the release of the series “The Rich Also Cry”, it gained popularity and love from a large audience. The role of Marianne brought her world success.

On this day, the name day can be celebrated by representatives of the names: Arkhip, Makar, Ivan, Nikanor, Claudia and Thomas.

People born 19 october have a solid, independent and independent character. They are decisive, courageous, smart, talented and hardworking. They ideally combine courage and caution, and success in business, including money, always accompanies. The magic number of such personalities is only 1, the patron planet is the Sun, karmic colors are any bright shades.


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