October 10: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Every year, the number of people prone to mental disorders is growing in the world, this is largely due to the fact that in the 21st century a large flow of information falls on a person, which not everyone can handle. As a rule, negative news from TVs, newspapers and radio aggravate a person’s mental state, imposing fatigue and stress. Today, there are about 450 million people suffering from mental illness in the world, the risk of becoming a victim of this disease in Western countries is especially high - in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, every seventh inhabitant suffers from mental disorders. The growth of mental illness has forced the world community to actively talk about the dangers of this process. World Psychological Health Day was first held in 1992, and was initiated by representatives of the World Federation of Mental Health. Every year on October 10, themed events are organized in the world, the purpose of which is to convey to residents of different countries the need to learn to monitor their own health and relax in time, avoiding overwork and dangerous consequences for the body. Mental illnesses include not only serious nervous disorders, but also Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia, drug and alcohol addiction.

September 10 is the European Day Against the Death Penalty, the main goal of the events held on this day is to ensure that all countries of the world respect human rights, in particular the fundamental right to life. For the first time, European Day Against the Death Penalty was held in 2007. Currently, almost all European countries have abandoned the death penalty, the only exception is Belarus, whose leadership is not yet ready to abandon this punitive tool. Representatives of the European Union and the Council of Europe have done a great deal of work in order to convince leaders and parliamentarians of many countries, initiate referenda and the subsequent abolition of the death penalty. At the same time, a too humane attitude to dangerous criminals (a vivid example is Anders Breivik, who was sentenced to only 21 years of imprisonment as a punishment for killing 77 people, and in quite comfortable conditions) encourages representatives of some European countries, including Russia, seriously think about the possibility of returning the death penalty.

October 10 in Ukraine is the Day of Standardization and Metrology Workers, this event is designed to draw public attention to protecting the health of people, animals and preserving the plant world. Standardization Day is another reason to pay attention to products sold in retail facilities, the activities of many organizations, on the harmonious work of which depends on the quality of life of people.

The struggle for Cuban independence continued for a decade - from 1868 to 1878, it is not surprising that an important period in the history of a distant country located on the American continent was called the War of Ten Years. A serious conflict between the Cubans and the conquerors from Spain began on October 10, 1868, when Carlos Manuel Cespedes and his patriotic comrades-in-arms organized a strike at the sugar factory, the goal of the organizers of the action was simple and transparent - to achieve the overthrow of the Spanish government. Carlos Manuel Cespedes had many followers who dreamed of freedom of Cuba, the revolutionary decided to start a serious business first and show his colleagues what to do: a wealthy planter freed his slaves. In just one month, Cespedes managed to recruit about 12 thousand Cubans who wanted to fight for their rights to the rebel detachment. A revolution broke out on the east coast of Cuba. The Spaniards were faced not only with the active resistance of the Cubans, they also had to deal with dangerous fever, so that the outcome of the battle sooner or later had to be on the side of the indigenous population of the island.

On October 10, it is customary to honor the memory of the Monk Savvat Solovetsky, who earned respect and respect as a tolerant and humble person, thanks to him an Orthodox monastery was founded on Solovki Island. Savvatiy Solovetsky was for a long time in the monastery of the island of Valaam, but heard that a few days of the waterway was an uninhabited land area and decided to go in search of it. Taking the monk Herman with him on a journey, Savvaty sailed to the island, established an Orthodox cross there and built a cell. On the place where the monk lived, after his death a monastery was founded, named after the man who first settled on the island. In the national calendar, the day of Savvatiy Solovetsky is called Bee Nines - this is the time when the beekeepers prepared their farm for winter: they cleaned the hives in Omshanik. It was customary to pray to Savvaty at the Bee Nines, and adults were not recommended to do this, only the child possessed moral purity, which is necessary for the saint to hear prayers and respond to them accordingly. Popular weather forecasters claimed that the queen bee took away the keys to the summer on October 10 and hid in warm places. Usually on this day no business was started, it was considered a great sin and did not bring benefit to the owner.

Akulina - passionate nature, it is difficult to imagine a more loving and active woman. Akulina tries to see exceptionally good things in people and turns a blind eye to shortcomings, which often brings quite significant problems in life. Among the shortcomings of Akulina, such as arrogance and short temper can be noted, while it is very popular among men.

Victor - a kind and fair person, he tries to make sure that he is surrounded by extremely clean people who are not capable of betrayal and meanness. It doesn’t matter to Victor whether he or someone else was deceived, the fact of deception causes him to be neglected and he will try to get rid of friendship or close communication with a dishonorable person. Victor is a good father and husband with an innate sense of duty; he can be safely selected as a companion for life.

Dmitriy - an incredibly stubborn and hot-tempered person, but he is persistent and smart, so that in any case he will achieve his goal. As a child, Dmitry causes a lot of problems to parents, because he is very moody. In adulthood, Dmitry knows how to communicate with people, appreciates a beautiful and comfortable environment. Relationships with women are ambiguous, he loves to communicate with them, but is not constant in relationships, several marriages are possible. Dmitry is very kind to children.

On October 10, Aristarchus, Ignatius and Mark also celebrate name days.

Giuseppe Verdi (1813) - the famous Italian composer, author of the music "Rigoletto", "Troubadour", "La Traviata. Verdi wrote about two and a half dozen operas included in the treasury of world art. In addition to this heritage, the composer also composed two choirs, a string quartet, worthy examples of chamber vocal music and church works Giuseppe Verdi's life was rather complicated, having been born into a peasant family, he walked to fame for a long time, before reaching it he lost his wife and two children. Verdi died of paralysis in 1901.

Claude Simon (1913) - famous French writer, Nobel Prize laureate, author of the works "Battle of Farsal" and "Road of Flanders." Claude Simon - a bright representative of the school "new novel".

October 10, 1503 - The monks of the Moscow Kremlin got vodka by driving, which was originally used exclusively as an antiseptic. The monks prepared the alcohol of their bread, and then diluted it in a proportion of 1 part alcohol to ½ part water. The drink was called "vodka", this is the name that appears in archival books. Already in the thirties of the XVI century, “vodka” began to be taken inside and sold in royal taverns. Every year, the quality of the alcoholic beverage improved, the noblemen distilleries made sure that the preparation process was of high quality. Products such as egg white and milk, as well as silver, river sand and felt were used to purify vodka.

October 10, 1874 - for the first time in Russia, the first storm in the Baltic was announced, which testified to new achievements in the field of meteorology. Autumn storms on the Baltic Sea often caused trouble for residents of St. Petersburg and its environs. Information about impending natural disasters allowed people to prepare for the elements.

October 10, 1918 - a new spelling was introduced in Russia: the letters Ѣ (я), Ѳ (fit), І ("and decimal") were removed from the alphabet, replacing them with Е, Ф, И, the solid sign was excluded from many words, it remained only as separation element. The changes affected the prefixes “z” and “c”, the endings of the participles and adjectives. Grammar and orthoepy were also amended.


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