October 2: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Social pedagogy is engaged in the study of education in the context of socialization, that is, taking into account the impact of the environment on personality formation. The decision to establish the International Day of Social Educators was made in 2009 at the XVII International Conference of Social Educators held in Copenhagen.

On this day, it is customary to conduct thematic events in the form of professional conferences, forums, seminars, which discuss the increasing role of the family in the development of society; healthy lifestyle and youth education issues; social conflicts and methods of overcoming them, etc.

International Day of Non-Violence is celebrated in accordance with a resolution of the UN General Assembly adopted on June 15, 2007. It is no coincidence that he is celebrated on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, 1869-1948), the greatest of the peacekeepers of our time, the leader of the Indian liberation movement, who stood at the origins of the philosophy of non-violence. The UN resolution proposes that day to conduct educational and public awareness campaigns aimed at promoting non-violence in order to establish a culture of peace and tolerance. This resolution was submitted to the General Assembly by the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of India Anand Sharma, who saw in it a testimony of the deepest respect for Mahatma Gandhi and recognition of his services to the world community.

On this day remember the rightful prince Theodore of Smolensk and his noble sons David and Constantine
The date of birth of the Holy Right Prince Theodore of Smolensk and Yaroslavsky is considered to be the time interval from 1237 to 1239. It was named after Theodore Stratelates, the patron saint of Russian warrior princes. In 1240, after the death of his father, Prince Rostislav, the older brothers of Theodore, dividing the lands of his father, allocated him Mozhaisk. In 1260, having married the daughter of Vasily, the holy noble prince of Yaroslavl, Theodore became prince of Yaroslavl. Soon after the birth of his son, Mikhail Theodore was widowed and began to devote much time to military labor and campaigns.

In 1261, thanks to the efforts of Metropolitan Cyril III and Alexander Nevsky, the diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church was established in the capital of the Golden Horde. Since 1276, Prince Theodore stayed there. Khan Mengu-Temir, having heard about the feats of arms of Theodore, treated him with deep respect. After spending three years in the Horde, Theodore married the Tatar princess, who received holy Baptism. She bore Theodora the sons of David and Constantine. Saint Theodore directed all his forces to glorify the Russian Earth and the Russian Church, strengthening Orthodoxy among the Tatars and helping the Horde to learn Russian customs and traditions, and the Russian merchants, architects, craftsmen - to bring Russian culture to them. Thus, the Right Prince Theodore of Smolensk and his sons David and Constantine were at the forefront of the great missionary movement of the Russian Church to the East. After Theodore received the news from Yaroslavl about the death of his eldest son, Prince Mikhail, the khan gifted the prince with rich gifts and, giving him a large retinue, released him to his homeland. After this, Theodore again began to reign in Yaroslavl, carefully taking care of the development of his principality, which made him famous throughout Russia and earned the respect of all the princes.

Memorial Day of Trofim and Zosima

This is the day of memory of Zosima the Hermit and Trofim, two holy martyrs. Zosima, who lived in the 4th century, retired to the desert, preferring life with predators next to pagans. When the governor of Cilicia, who was hunting in those places, became interested in how Zosima manages to tame wild animals, he spoke of faith in Christ. After this, Zosima was subjected to torture, during which his tormentors promised him to convert to Christianity if the predators help the elder. After the prayer of Zosima, a huge lion appeared in front of them. Zosima was released, but he died immediately.

Trofim lived in the 3rd century. Once in Antioch, he and his friend Savvaty prayed during a pagan holiday, for which friends were tortured and executed.

In Russia, on this day, the Bee Nine was celebrated - the feast of the beekeepers, and Trofimov evenings were organized, at which young people looked after grooms and brides. The wind blowing from the south that day foreshadowed a good harvest of winter bread.

October 2, 1552 Kazan was captured by Ivan the Terrible’s troops, which led to the annexation of the Kazan Khanate to Russia.

October 2, 1720 for a significant contribution to the development of mining business was made in hereditary nobles with the name Demidov, the founder of this famous dynasty, Nikita Demidovich Antufiev.

October 2, 1768 Catherine II was sentenced to Daria Nikolaevna Saltykova, who went down in history as Saltychikha. She became famous for her cruel treatment of serfs. According to this verdict, Saltychikhu was imprisoned in the Ivanovo Monastery, where she stayed until her death.

October 2, 1803 Moscow residents for the first time witnessed the flight of a balloon piloted by the former inspector of the French revolutionary army, Andre Jacques Garnerin. The flight of the ball lasted about an hour and ended in the estate of Ostafyevo, owned by Prince Vyazemsky. Together with the pilot, Princess Trubetskaya was in it.

October 2, 1987 the television program “Vzglyad” was broadcast, which at one time broke all the records of popularity on Russian television. Initially, it was led by Vladislav Listyev, Alexander Lyubimov and Alexander Politkovsky. Over the years the program has existed, many of its leaders have changed, its concept has repeatedly changed, periods of take-offs have been replaced by times of failure. Existed "Sight" until 2001.

Nechaev Sergey Gennadevich (1847-1882), Russian nihilist and revolutionary.

Shaposhnikov Boris Mikhailovich (1882-1945), an outstanding Soviet military leader.

Henry Graham Green (1904-1991), an English writer, playwright, and journalist known for his intransigence to manifestations of fascism, racism, or other forms of violence. He is the author of such works as “Strength and Glory”, “The Essence of the Case”, etc.

Levitan Yuri Borisovich (1914-1983), the most famous Soviet broadcaster and official voice of the Kremlin. It was Levitan who announced the beginning of the war to the Soviet people in 1941, during the war years he read the summaries of the Soviet Information Bureau, and on May 9, 1945, declared victory over fascist Germany.

Sting, real name Gordon Matthew Thomas Samir (born in 1951), a famous English singer and actor.

Sidikhin Evgeny Vladimirovich (born in 1964), the famous Russian theater and film actor.

Richard III (1452-1485), one of the kings of England.

William Ramsay (1852-1916), a famous English chemist, Nobel laureate who discovered argon, xenon, neon, krypton and radon.

Halperin Peter Yakovlevich (1902-1988), the great Soviet psychologist who did a lot for the development of general, developmental and educational psychology.

On this day they honor Alexei, Gabriel, George, David, Igor, Konstantin, Makar, Trofim, Fedor.


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (June 2024).