Rejuvenating face mask, incredible effect at home


Is it possible to fight wrinkles if there is no opportunity to visit a cosmetologist and do expensive professional procedures? Anti-aging face masks at home will help to cope with this (after 30 you will feel an urgent need for them).

Such folk recipes will help preserve youth and beauty, and the organic matter used will have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Face masks (anti-aging masks for women with age-related changes)

On the assurances of cosmetologists themselves, home procedures are not inferior to the salon, and sometimes even better than them, since they consist solely of natural ingredients. However, before applying the resulting composition, it is necessary to consider such factors as:
• the possibility of an allergic reaction to the components;
• skin type;
• selection of complete skin care, which will ensure maximum results.

Yeast Mask (Anti-Aging)

Yeast is a unique storehouse of beneficial substances, which they are ready to give to the fading derma without a trace. As a result - taut and even dermal cover, and with regular use - a significant reduction in the number of wrinkles. To prepare the mask, you need 1 tablespoon of yeast and one teaspoon of honey. Fresh baker's yeast is ideal for the mix. The ingredients are mixed and left to "swell" for half an hour at room temperature. Then you need to cover your face with this mixture and leave for 20-25 minutes. The mask can be easily removed with warm water. This mixture is also suitable for men, and it is already possible to wait for improvement through the night.

How to make a wrinkle mask with gelatin

Gelatin is a natural collagen that everyone loves for a lifting effect. The recipe is simple - you need to use it as a mask. soak gelatin in water, milk or any juice with glycerin (cucumber, carrot, parsley, etc.). Mix in proportions of 1: 6 and leave for half an hour to swell. Then the resulting mass is heated in a water bath, excluding boiling. The mixture is applied to a pre-cleansed face, and removed only when it is completely dry. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in a state of complete rest, so that the results were maximum. Such an elegant rejuvenating and restoring gelatin face mask gives an incredible effect at home in a month.

Masochki on elk milk

Elk milk perfectly nourishes the upper layer of the epidermis, gives it elasticity and perfectly copes with any wrinkles on the face. To prepare a mask based on it, you can just mix it with any herbal infusions or flavored essential oilswhich can be bought at the pharmacy. Hold this mixture for half an hour, then rinse with warm water and apply a cream for basic care. A great alternative to expensive products is Grandma Agafya's Bathhouse. This alginate mask works wonders, improves protein synthesis, and silk epidermis is provided.

Nutritious fruit for vitamin enrichment

Fruits are rich in vitamins, which they share with the epidermis. For such masks you can use strawberries, strawberries, grapes, plums, apples. They can apply as puree or juice. In order to better mix the consistency You can add a spoonful of olive oil or egg yolk. Keep this mixture should be about half an hour, then rinse with water at a comfortable temperature. Reviews of admirers of such mixtures speak for themselves.

Simple honey for any age

It is difficult to find a mask that is perfect at any age, as well as to cope with all types of wrinkles, will have a super tightening effect, but this honey-based mask. Simply combine the honey and the separated egg yolk, evenly spread over the face and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. This mixture works optimally in the area around the eyes, and the paradox is that it fights mimic wrinkles and stimulates metabolic processes in the cells. This English honey mask from Olga Metelskoy, which was offered by the program, which occupies the blue screen every weekday - “Everything will be good” (everything will be fine) is real gold.

Masks at home with all skin types

If you are going to apply masks, you need to know your skin type, since many moisturizing ingredients, herbal mixtures and acids are effective not only in terms of rejuvenation, but can also provoke a number of dermatological problems if the type is incorrectly defined. Compression masks are popular, but they are not suitable for everyone. How easy to find him:

  • normal skin has a smooth surface, uniform tone, it is elastic to the touch, pores imperceptible;
  • dry dermis pink-yellowish with small pores, very thin, often showing signs of peeling;
  • oily skin has a yellow-gray or earthy hue, enlarged pores, oily shine, pronounced inflamed elements, however, due to the abundant secretion of sebum longer than other types, it retains elasticity and firmness;
  • combination skin - the most common of all, it is characterized by manifestations of fat on the forehead, nose and chin, but the cheeks have normal or even dry skin.

Natural for oily skin

For owners of this type of epidermis is perfect apple mask. It must be peeled, cut into small pieces and boil for 5-10 minutes in a small amount of milk. The resulting mixture is warm to apply on face and keep for 20-25 minutes. Rinse with warm water, and the result will be obvious instantly.

It helps to fight off excessive secretion of sebium and kaolin, which is also suitable for fighting wrinkles. For this take 1 teaspoon of clay, add to it the same amount of sour cream and 10 drops of tea tree oil, stirred and applied to the skin, excluding the area around the eyes. Stand 15 minutes and wash off. You can add the whitening properties of starch (the golden recipe from our age is Olga Seymour herself), which also fights rashes. Just dilute the powder with warm water, add lemon juice or aloe and kefir (you can substitute yogurt), apply on face for 20 minutes, then remove with a wet wipe.

Best for dry skin

Dry epidermis needs nourishment and hydration, so you should prefer mixtures based on such ingredients as tomatoes, cucumbers or potatoes. Grind vegetables, add vegetable (olive) oil or yolk to them and applied to the skin, leave for 20-30 minutes, then wash off. Components can be used as separately from each other, and mixing. Fighting dryness also helps egg yolkwhich is applied to the skin, pre-lubricated with olive oil. It perfectly cleans and nourishes the skin. ground cinnamon, vegetable oil and sakhap, having refreshing properties. In addition to rejuvenation, it will give a slight tanning effect.

What you need for the problem

The dermis, which has rashes and inflammatory elements on its surface, needs to be dried and antiseptic, so it’s best to choose clay masks, which eliminates excess sebum and dries pimples. Also fitoatmeal (on the basis of simple hercules or oatmeal in the form of flakes), healing small wounds.

In the fight against problem skin tryginger. His tinder grated mixed in equal proportions with honey, orange oil and kefir, a pinch of salt leave on the skin no more than 10 minutes. Mix with ginger will make the skin smooth and smooth.

For normal skin anti-aging

Normal skin also needs constant care. Curd Maska will help against wrinkles. For her, we put in a container 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese, add the same amount of cucumber juice or green tea, a tablespoon of flax oil and a bit of lemon peel or orange. We make the mixture homogeneous, evenly distributed over the face and leave for a third of an hour.

You can also replace the egg yolk, combining it with fruit juices. A protein can make the relief of the skin better, after beating in a thick foam. Put on the skin, waiting for drying and repeat the procedure. After the mask dries, wash off with warm water. Many stars also use eggs, even Sophia Loren herself does this procedure three times a week, and her photo clearly demonstrates the result, and it is not the French air that makes a miracle, but regular work on oneself.

The trend today and Japanese cosmetics, as well as Korean cosmetics and Chinese cleansing magnetic masks, which offers Planet Shop.

Very popular products based on mummy, rice, cocoa, with cranberries, lavender, solcoseryl, dimexidum, iodine, turmeric, aspirin, laminaria, banana, aevit, extracts of trowel, sea buckthorn, rose petals and even beer. According to more than one forum, such masks as rice, banana, kefir, despite their simplicity, are able to return youth and elasticity to the skin, and a tissue mask, strongly impregnated with a therapeutic mixture, will let you forget about your age.

Medicine calls to turn to Botox, but the healing properties of folk remedies are preferable for mature skin in the fight against wrinkles.

Summing up, we can say that every woman dreams of a beautiful and healthy skin and will try to do everything for it. However, the modern rhythm of life, ecology and age-related changes do their job. The skin loses its former beauty, wrinkles appear, and there is no against this simple secret, but if you listen to our advice, your little face will thank you.


Watch the video: Anti-Aging Face Mask To REDUCE WRINKLES + NATURAL BOTOX. Instant Effects! Immy (July 2024).