Candidiasis in women: causes, symptoms, possible complications. Methods for the treatment of candidiasis in women


Candidiasis is a recurrent infectious disease that affects the vaginal mucosa and cervix.

Candida class mushrooms can cause it.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of candidiasis in women and methods for eliminating this unpleasant ailment.

Candidiasis in women: causes

The following reasons can provoke the development of candidiasis or, colloquially, thrush in women:

1. Long-term use of drugs with hormones, especially with a high content of the hormone estrogen. Scientists have proven that those women who receive this sex hormone several times increase the risk of contracting candidiasis. Moreover, it can be not only oral preparations, but also gels and oral contraceptives containing hormones.

2. Treatment with antibiotics can give impetus to the further occurrence of thrush. This is justified by the fact that such drugs, together with the infection, sharply suppress the human immune system, making it more vulnerable to fungi such as Candida.

3. Diabetes mellitus. With this disease, a woman sharply disrupts the metabolism, which increases the level of sugar in the urine. Because of this, the patient creates a favorable environment for the development of candidiasis on the vulvar mucosa.

4. A sharp decrease in immunity occurs with a long illness, after a recent surgery or overwork. Moreover, stress, colds, or lack of sleep can cause this condition.

5. Infection with unprotected sexual contact with the carrier of this infection. It often happens that a man does not even suspect that he has a focus of Candida fungus, since he does not observe any symptoms at home (the disease can proceed monotonously, without showing any alarm signals).

6. A change in the hormonal background of a woman can occur during menopause or with long-term use of birth control pills.

7. Allergic reaction as a result of chronic "carriage" of Candida fungus. At the same time, scientists found that in women who did not respond to traditional treatment, antibodies to Candida fungi were found in vaginal secretions.

Based on this, it was found that if candidiasis is poorly treated, there is every reason to contact not only a gynecologist, but also an allergist.

8. Dysbacteriosis of the vagina in women.

9. The period of pregnancy.

10. Improper nutrition (especially the excessive use of alcohol and sweet, which is why a woman’s diet contains an increased amount of carbohydrates).

11. Wearing too narrow underwear. At the same time, the situation is even more complicated if a woman often wears synthetic underwear, which completely does not let air through and creates the effect of a “greenhouse” - ideal conditions for the propagation of pathogenic bacteria.

12. The presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

13. Not enough careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene.

14. Oncological pathologies.

15. Obesity.

16. An acute shortage of useful vitamin and trace elements.

17. Strong hypothermia.

Candidiasis in women: symptoms and signs

Most often, candidiasis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. The appearance of white cheesy discharge after urination.

2. The appearance of a white rash on the mucous membranes. In this case, the longer the woman will delay the treatment, the greater the rash.

3. Genital itching, which will only increase over time.

4. Burning and redness of the female genital organs.

5. The appearance of unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse due to the formation of microcracks and inflammation.

6. Pain and pain during urination.

7. Delayed urination.

It is also important to note that in the acute form of candidiasis, the above symptoms can develop in just 1-2 days.

In a chronic form, in addition to itching and white discharge, a woman may not feel any more symptoms. In this case, the disease will proceed in waves, with periods of exacerbations (usually this occurs with weakened immunity).

Candidiasis in women: treatment

Traditional therapeutic therapy for the diagnosis of thrush involves the following:

1. The appointment of drugs to strengthen the immune system.

2. The purpose of vitamin complexes.

3. The use of vaginal tablets with an antifungal therapeutic effect (Terzhinan, Betadin). With their help, you can suppress the activity of the fungus and restore normal microflora in the patient's vagina.

4. If the thrush caused the intake of hormone-containing drugs, then such drugs must be abolished. The patient should undergo additional tests and prescribe other drugs (safe analogues).

5. It is very important in the treatment of thrush to find the root cause of the disease and eliminate it. For this reason, parallel therapy is sometimes carried out to treat gynecological diseases in women or sexually transmitted pathologies.

6. Oral antifungal drugs (Nystatin) should be taken for a long time (at least a month).

7. Flucostat is a strong drug that must be taken no more than two times. It aims to quickly suppress the activity of the fungus.

8. Miconazole is a vaginal suppository. They will help eliminate pain, burning and itching. The duration of their use is 7-10 days.

In addition, during treatment, the patient is recommended to temporarily refrain from sexual intercourse, so as not to infect the partner. Also, a woman must necessarily monitor intimate hygiene and change pads as often as possible.

Candidiasis in women: features of treatment and prevention

With the elimination of the acute course of thrush, you can practice such folk treatment methods:

1. Performing sedentary baths with the addition of a decoction of chamomile, calendula and oak bark. Repeat the procedure daily, preferably before bedtime.

2. A sitz bath with soda (1 tsp. Soda per 1 liter of water) and another 1 tsp. iodine. The duration of the procedure should be no more than twenty minutes.

3. Processing with a honey solution (1 tablespoon of honey per glass of water) of the affected areas of the mucosa. Repeat the procedure twice a day: morning and evening.

4. The use of kefir (always fresh) is considered very effective. It must be dipped in a gauze swab and installed in the vagina. Leave for a few hours, better all night. Such a therapeutic swab will help normalize the microflora in the vagina and eliminate candidiasis.

To reduce the risk of thrush, you should adhere to the following doctor's recommendations:

1. Wear comfortable cotton underwear.

2. Regularly observe intimate hygiene (wash yourself at least twice a day). It is also desirable to use special gels for the intimate zone based on lactic acids. These funds will create a favorable microflora on the mucous membranes.

3. It is not advisable to use tampons for longer than three hours in a row. Daily pads should be changed every two to three hours.

4. When treating with antibiotics, it is important to take special bifidobacteria to maintain intestinal microflora.

5. Do not use colored, or even more flavored toilet paper or napkins.

6. In hot weather, you can not stay in a wet bathing suit for a long time.

7. The use of sweet and starchy foods should be minimized.

8. Enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables, as they contain healthy vitamins. You can also take vitamin complexes.

9. Avoid accidental sexual intercourse. If this happens, then be sure to use a condom.

10. Regularly visit a gynecologist for a routine preventive check. At the same time, it is also important that the sexual partner pass all the tests.

11. When observing the first signs of candidiasis, you should immediately consult a doctor until the disease has passed into a more advanced form.

12. Do not douching without urgent need, so as not to once again wash the microflora from the vagina. In general, gynecologists do not recommend frequent douching for women. This is an extreme measure, permissible in serious inflammatory processes.

13. Avoid stress and severe nervous strain.

14. Control your weight and prevent obesity.

15. You should not prescribe yourself oral contraceptives (tablets). They must be selected by the doctor. The same applies to taking hormone-containing drugs.


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