Deytsiya: cultivation and care in the open ground. Description and characteristics of varieties of action with a photo


Deytsiya - a sprawling shrub native to East Asia. It was brought to us recently, but some gardeners have already managed to appreciate all the advantages of a perennial.

Deytsiya is famous for its bright flowering, which will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious grower.

In the natural environment, shrubs can be found in Japanese and Chinese gardens. But modern plant varieties allow us to grow it in our latitudes.

The choice of seedlings is striking in its variety, they differ not only in the shade of flowers, but also in the shape of the crown, the size of the bush.

Shrub description

The action bush grows vertically, some varieties have a weeping crown. Shrub shoots reach 4 meters, but there are dwarf forms whose height does not exceed 40 cm. Outwardly, the action resembles honeysuckle, but with the beginning of flowering, odorless white, yellow flowers bloom, then the bush cannot be confused with anything.

Perennial flower buds are laid on last year's shoots, they are collected in racemose inflorescences, which are located on the tops. The average life span of a shrub is 25 years. All these years, the action blooms beautifully and is actively developing, creating the atmosphere of an oriental garden.

Varieties and varieties of action with photos

Deytsiya grown separately from all plants or in combination with other perennials. It looks beautiful when creating hedges, in curbs. Today, some varieties of shrubs are widely used in landscape design.

Star action

This shrub is a frequent guest in our gardens, it was imported from Japan. The plant belongs to deciduous medium-sized perennials. The length of the shoots of stellate action reaches 2.5 meters. Oval-shaped green leaves are densely pubescent, flowering occurs late, approximately in the middle of June. The flowers in this variety are especially elegant, white with a light raspberry hue, collected in inflorescences. Breeders brought terry forms of this variety:

• action rough snow-white;

• terry starry action.

The shoots of these varieties easily bend under an abundance of flowers, the crown takes the form of a weeping one. This makes the shrub even more attractive. It is recommended to grow terry actions in the southern regions, since in the middle zone they are often damaged by frost, which affects flowering. Although experienced gardeners breed action here, providing it with reliable shelter.

Graceful action

Shrub native to North China. It has good winter hardiness and decorativeness, which is maintained throughout the season. In summer, the plant is covered with green, slightly pubescent leaves, and in the fall they acquire a copper hue. Flowering is very plentiful and long, each flower brush contains up to 40 small flowers. The color of the flowers is snowy white. The perennial blooms in mid-May. In our latitudes, the graceful winter acts well under a thick layer of snow, without requiring additional shelter.

Magnificent action

A shrub is a hybrid of other types of action. This is an erect plant, but under the weight of flowers, the shoots tend to land. Terry flowers, pure white. Inflorescences in the form of an umbrella panicle. In the conditions of cold winters, it needs additional shelter, otherwise frost-holes will destroy flower buds.

Growing action in cold winters: planting and selection of seedlings

When planning an action planting, you should study all the features of the shrub and choose the right seedling. The best time for planting a bush is spring, when the buds on the trees are swollen.

Important! By purchasing seedlings with a closed root system, you can stretch the action planting until June.

Choosing a place for a perennial

You should take into account the origin of the action and choose a site where the plant will be comfortable. During the period of active growth, the flower shrub needs good lighting, but in the dining heat, direct sunlight should not singe the crown. Therefore, the landing site is chosen so that it is lit only in the morning hours, as a rule, this is the eastern side of the site.

Deytsiya does not tolerate cold winds and drafts, especially in winter. Land it in a protected area.

The composition of the soil for planting action

The shrub blooms profusely and develops only in nutritious soil. For planting the plant, the soil of a slightly acidic reaction is chosen, if it is too acidic, then hydrated lime is added before planting the seedling.

The composition of the ideal soil for growing action includes humus, compost or peat, sand. All components are mixed at a ratio of 2: 1: 2.

How to choose a seedling

The success of the entire cultivation depends on the correctly selected seedling. Therefore, you should not rush into a choice. When planning a purchase, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced gardeners and gardeners.

1. The seedling should have a healthy appearance, without visible damage to the shoots and buds. The oppressed appearance of the young bush, broken branches indicate that the plant will be sick for a long time.

2. When choosing seedlings, it is worth giving preference to those with an open root system. This will allow you to evaluate the external state of the roots. They should not be too dry or damaged. Although bushes with an open root system require special transportation and safety before planting.

3. Before transporting the seedling to the country, wrap the roots of the plant with thick paper and a damp cloth. If the root system has dried up at the time of planting, soak the seedling in water with the addition of potassium permanganate.

Landing action by all the rules

The shrub is growing rapidly, enough space is needed for its development. The perennial is planted away from buildings and utility structures, retreating at least 2.5 meters from the foundation. If the plant is used as a hedge, then it is placed around the perimeter of the site.

Landing pit must have a certain size. It is dug up, adhering to standards, to a depth of 50 cm. First, a drainage layer is arranged in the pit. The remains of broken bricks, sand or gravel are used.

The second layer is nutrient soil, which is mixed with nitrophos. It is used at the rate of 100-150 g per well. The seedling is lowered into the prepared hole and sprinkled with earth. The soil is well compacted, watered into previously made grooves, mulched with a thick layer of peat.

Important! When planting, the root neck of the seedling should be located at ground level or 1-2 cm deeper.

How to care for the action + photo

Caring for the shrub is simple and not much different from caring for other perennial plants. Basic care includes watering, pruning, feeding and shelter from the cold.

How to water and feed the action

The shrub does not like the abundance of moisture, so it requires minimal watering. In a particularly hot period, the plant is watered at the rate of one bucket of water per bush, with an interval of 10 days. Toward the end of summer, watering is completely stopped.

Neighborhood with weeds causes diseases and infection by pests, so you need to regularly loosen the soil around the bush, to destroy weeds.

Monthly watering action combined with top dressing. Mullein solution has proven itself well. Periodically, organic matter is alternated with mineral fertilizers, introducing 150 g under each bush. Feeding action is necessary only during the flowering period.

Cropping and shaping the crown

It is difficult to take care of the action without pruning, the shrub grows quickly, loses its decorative effect. Deytsiya requires two times pruning. The first is carried out in the spring, the bush is re-formed in the fall.

In the spring, they carry out only sanitary pruning of perennials, trying not to cut last year's shoots, at the ends of which flower buds are formed. If the plant is badly damaged during the winter, then radical pruning is used, but there will be no flowering this season.

Autumn pruning allows you to form a bush. Shorten all the shoots that bloomed this year, you can cut the excess to the base. All branches that lead to bush thickening are also subject to removal.

Wintering action in Russia

Of course, a flowering action is a beautiful sight, but gradually flowering ends, the moment comes when you need to think about wintering the plant.

In Russia, many varieties of action are damaged by frost. It is very important to preserve not only the root system of the shrub, but also its shoots on which flowering occurs. In snowy winters, it is enough to bend the plant to the ground and cover it with snow. When this is not possible, you need to think about an air-dry shelter. To do this, a frame is built over the young plant, which is covered with spruce branches, foliage and covering material. Such a construction will allow the action to winter well. Older specimens are wrapped with twine and then covered with a spanbond.


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