Cheese pasta casserole in the oven - hearty! Original mushroom, meat, vegetable pasta casseroles in the oven with cheese


Cheese pasta is a combination that has been repeatedly tested and trouble-free. Casseroles based on the listed products are quite simple and, nevertheless, elegant in their own way. Even using only homemade noodles and varying the variety and amount of cheese, you can cook completely different dishes. Well, if you approach the matter on a grand scale?

Cheese pasta casserole in a oven - general principles of preparation

• For cheese casseroles, boiled pasta is used. Moreover, their degree of readiness may be different. Boil pasta until fully cooked or the so-called "al dente" state, when the products remain slightly undercooked. Often, casseroles are made from leftover garnish.

• Products use various shapes and lengths. For cooking, they are immersed in boiling slightly salty water and brought under slight boiling to the desired readiness. Then washed and thoroughly decanted water. So that the boiled products do not stick together, they are filled with butter or refined vegetable oil.

• Cheese pasta casseroles are cooked with various products. They put fresh or fried vegetables, cottage cheese, sausages, minced meat or offal, for example, liver. Often mushrooms are added to such casseroles.

• Spread prepared ingredients in layers or mix.

• Used hard cheese is mixed with the bulk or sprinkled on the surface of the casseroles. The size of the cheese chips does not really matter; the main thing is that the cheese should melt well.

• Bake casseroles in the oven in deep forms, which are pre-lubricated with butter. Put the mold in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. The duration of baking depends on the recipe.

Oven pasta meat casserole with cheese, tomatoes and zucchini


• 250 gr. pasta

• small zucchini;

• a pound of beef (pulp);

• a half-liter can of tomatoes canned in tomato juice;

• 200 ml medium-fat cream;

• garlic;

• young parsley;

• four eggs;

• olive oil;

• onion head;

• 120 gr. cheese, varieties "Russian".

Cooking method:

1. Chop onion and garlic finely, cut the zucchini into medium sized slices, and do not cut the peel.

2. Wash the meat with cold water and cut into large pieces. Grind the beef through a fine grill in a meat grinder.

3. Put the minced meat in a frying pan in a well-warmed olive oil and sauté over low heat. Stuffing should not become dry, and at the same time remain crumbly. Therefore, during frying, knead the meat collected in lumps with a fork.

4. When the meat is almost ready, add onion with garlic and coarsely chopped tomatoes with juice. Peel the canned tomatoes in advance. Season everything with ground pepper and add chopped parsley. Stir and continue to simmer for about three minutes.

5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put a layer of oil on the surface of the baking dish and place in it half the cooked pasta until cooked. On them lay a layer of large cheese crumbs (half the specified amount). Gently spread the zucchini over the cheese layer.

6. Break the eggs into cream and beat lightly. Pour half the resulting mixture into a zucchini mold and spread the fried minced meat evenly.

7. Sprinkle the meat layer with the remaining cheese, lay out the remaining pasta, fill the casserole with the rest of the egg-milk mixture and slightly sprinkle with cheese crumbs. Place the mold in a hot oven.

8. A casserole can be considered finished when its top layer is sufficiently browned, this will take about half an hour.

Original pasta casserole in the oven with cheese and sausages


• 400 gr. long pasta;

• eight sausages;

• butter;

• portioned processed cheese (for cheeseburgers) - 8 plates;

• 50 gr. cheese, varieties "Russian";

• two eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Boil and slightly salt the water, dip the pasta broken into pieces into it. Do not grind, just break the product into three parts. On a small fire with a slight boil, bring the pasta to full readiness. Put in a colander and rinse several times with water.

2. When all the water has drained, transfer the pasta to a bowl and mix with lightly beaten eggs.

3. Wrap each sausage with cheese and put temporarily on a plate.

4. In a small roasting pan, covered with a layer of oil, lay and flatten half the pasta. On them, lay the cheese-wrapped sausages and cover them with the remaining pasta, even out.

5. Top hard cheese in a coarse grater and place the roasting pan in the oven.

6. Remove after 25-30 minutes, cool slightly and cut the casserole into portions.

Mushroom pasta casserole in the oven with cheese


• 200 gr. pasta (feathers);

• 20 gr. "Peasant" butter;

• half a glass of milk;

• three sausages;

• six eggs;

• 60 gr. cheese, any hard variety;

• Four fresh medium sized champignons.

Cooking method:

1. In salted boiling water, boil the "feathers" to a state of 90% readiness. Then rinse with water, drain it and immediately fill with oil.

2. Shake and beat the eggs slightly, pour in the milk and whisk a little more to make the mixture homogeneous.

3. Grate hard cheese and mix with pasta.

4. Boil sausages, cool and cut into small rings.

5. Peel the mushrooms and weld for 5-6 minutes in a small amount of slightly salted water.

6. Cut the mushrooms with slices or strips and send them together with pieces of sausages to the “feathers”.

7. Fill the parchment with a suitable size form with small sides, put the mass prepared for the casserole in it and fill it with an egg mash.

8. Bake at 180 degrees mushroom casserole for 20 minutes.

Oven pasta casserole with cheese, eggplant and ham


• pasta (curly, medium-sized) - 200 gr.;

• small eggplant;

• three eggs;

• a glass of low-fat cream;

• cumin seeds, basil and dill - to taste;

• cheese, varieties "Dutch" - 100 gr.;

• vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;

• garlic;

• boiled ham - 150 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Cut into egg cubes of arbitrary shape, not too small and not large. Put the slices of the vegetable on a sieve, add a little salt and leave for a quarter hour. Grind the garlic with a knife, cut the ham into thin strips.

2. Rinse the eggplant slices with salt and bitterness. Dry well and dip in oil preheated in a pan. Stirring constantly, fry for three minutes. At the end, add the garlic, mix and cool.

3. Boil pasta until half cooked, rinse thoroughly and drain well.

4. Combine the pasta with the cooled eggplant, ham and grated cheese. Add chopped dill, mix.

5. Beat the eggs with salt, mix them with cream and beat.

6. Put the products in a mold, fill with cream. Sprinkle caraway seeds on top and cover with foil.

7. Bake for 25 minutes, cool slightly, cut into slices and put two basil leaves on each.

Oven pasta casserole with cheese and cottage cheese


• short pasta with holes - 200 gr .;

• two large tomatoes (fresh);

• eggs - 3 pcs.;

• a handful of green olives (seedless);

• 250 gr. granular home-made cottage cheese;

• elastic 9% cottage cheese - 300 g .;

• a pound of "Kostroma" cheese;

• two tablespoons of ground oregano.

Cooking method:

1. Season the cooked pasta until half cooked.

2. For a minute, dip the tomatoes in boiling water, then just as quickly cool with water and gently remove the skin. Cut the tomatoes into small slices.

3. Mix granular curd with elastic. Add raw eggs, oregano, chopped pulp of tomatoes. Pour in cheese crumbs and mix. Be sure to salt to your liking.

4. Mix the curd mass with pasta and arrange in a greased form.

5. Smooth the surface of the casserole and place in the hot oven for baking. The cooking time is 40 minutes.

Oven pasta casserole with cheese and chicken liver


• 300 gr. chilled chicken liver;

• a glass of fat milk;

• a spoon of flour;

• 300 gr. long pasta with holes;

• one onion;

• two eggs;

• cheese, varieties "Dutch" 200 gr.;

• 50 gr. creamy "Peasant" butter.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the liver and cut into several parts (4-5 pieces).

2. Lightly chopped onion and fry in hot hot vegetable oil until golden. Add chicken liver, mix and simmer until tender.

3. Then sprinkle the liver with flour, mix thoroughly and pour in the milk carefully, without ceasing to mix. For flavor, a small pinch of ground pepper can be added to the fried liver.

4. Break pasta of ordinary length into two and dip in boiling, slightly salted water. When they are ready, drain the water and rinse the pasta well with hot water.

5. Apply oil to a rounded surface and spread half pasta into it. Try to place them "in a spiral."

6. Put the whole liver on top, and on it, also in a spiral, lay out the remaining pasta.

7. Fill the surface with grated cheese and spread the butter sliced ​​into thin slices over it.

8. Put the casserole in the oven and let it stand for a quarter of an hour. The temperature is 180 degrees.

Cheese pasta casserole - tricks and cooking tips

• To avoid sticking the casserole to the walls and bottom of the mold, you can make sure - sprinkle the oil layer with flour, small bread crumbs or dry semolina.

• Any casserole that does not need to be sprinkled with grated cheese according to the recipe can still be sprinkled. It will melt and cover the dish with a golden brown.

• When hot, it’s almost impossible to carefully cut the casserole. Therefore, be sure to allow the dish to cool at least a little.


Watch the video: Betty's Cheeseburger and Fries Casserole (July 2024).