The broth in the crock-pot is a convenient semi-finished product. How to cook chicken, meat, fish, vegetable broth in a slow cooker


The broth is most often used as the basis for soups, and can also be used independently or added to sauces, main dishes.

In fact, the broth is a decoction, and the main one for it can be meat of various types, poultry, vegetables, mushrooms, fish, seafood.

To prepare the broth from meat, you need at least an hour of time, vegetable and fish broths are prepared faster. The hostess's main concern is to collect the scale that appears during the boiling of the broth. And of course, salt the dish, add the necessary ingredients. Indeed, in addition to the main product, additional ones are also used. For example, vegetables are added to the meat broth, spices are necessary to the fish broth, and so on. An assistant in cooking can be a slow cooker. This is even better than cooking it in a pan. After all, the base languishes in water for a long time, giving all its nutrients and taste. Let's talk about the broth in a slow cooker and how to cook meat, fish broth in a slow cooker and its other types.

Slow cooker broth - how to cook: basic principles

To get a delicious broth, you need to choose a quality starting product. It must be fresh.

If a meat broth is planned in a multicooker, the meat should be washed well, remove the films, tendons, rinse again and pour in cold water.

It is also good to wash the chicken if you need chicken stock in a slow cooker.

It is advisable to remove excess fat if the meat is too much.

Salt the broth is advised at the end of cooking, and not immediately when the meat or other products are laid.

It is better to cut a large piece of meat or a carcass of a bird, rabbit, fish into several parts - if you do not need a whole boiled carcass for cooking another dish.

How to cook the broth in a slow cooker - the hostess decides. For this, the unit has the function of Cooking, Soup, Broth. It is recommended to bring the dish to a boil in the Cooking mode, and then transfer to the Extinguishing mode. Then the broth will languish, which will improve its useful and palatability.

In chicken or meat broth in a slow cooker add onions, carrots, parsley root, various greens, bay leaves, black and allspice, both ground and peas, nutmeg, marjoram, thyme, basil. A little different from this is the set of additives for fish stock.

Vegetables and meat can be laid in the broth raw or pre-baked in a pan, this gives the dish an additional bright color.

The landlady, who decides how to cook the broth in a slow cooker, needs to know that the scum does not rise up, but is deposited on the walls of the bowl. Therefore, after the cooking of the broth, it is necessary to strain it, wash the bowl, even if you plan to continue to cook soup from this broth here.

Meat broth in a beef slow cooker

The most popular of the meat broths is beef. The meat itself is not too fat, has a pronounced taste and aroma, rich in nutrients. When cooking meat broth in a slow cooker, useful substances are preserved, saturating the broth. It is advisable to take the meat for the broth not old - it is distinguished by a too dark color and yellow fat. A great option is meat with bone, such a broth will be more rich.


• Beef with pits - about 700 grams

• Water - approximately 2.5 liters

• Medium onion

• Carrot

• Bay leaf

• Black pepper peas - 5 pieces

• Allspice - 2 pieces

• Salt - a tablespoon without a slide.

Cooking method

Peel the onion, cut in half.

Peel the carrots, also cut along.

In a dry hot frying pan, hold the vegetables sliced ​​down for a few minutes until golden brown. You can also do this in a slow cooker in Frying mode.

You can omit this step, then the broth will be very bright.

In the multicooker bowl, put the meat, divided into pieces, vegetables, spices, pour water, turn on the Cooking mode for an hour.

Salt the broth and set the stewing mode for 2 hours. This time is calculated not for old beef, but not young. Depending on the age of the animal, the time can vary.

At the end of cooking, strain the broth, discard the vegetables, and use the meat as intended.

Pork or mutton pork meat broth

Pork and lamb are considered less lean meat compared to beef. For broth, pulp is usually taken on the bones - for example, on ribs, pieces of the spine. Tasty, beautiful and very fragrant broth will turn out if you first bake the meat component.


• Half a kilogram of pork meat, lamb on the bones

• Two liters of water

• Two teaspoons of soda

• Onion

• garlic clove

• Allspice peas

• Ground black pepper

• Parsley root

• A slice of hot chili pepper or ground red hot pepper on the tip of a knife - optional.

Cooking method

Divide the meat into parts, if there is a lot of fat, cut it off, then wash it, dry it with a napkin.

Put in the bowl of the multicooker and set the Baking mode for 15 minutes.

The bones should be browned. If this does not happen, add time.

The bulb does not need to be completely cleaned; several layers of dry scales are left on it. It must be washed and cut off part at the root.

Add onion, peeled garlic, spices to the meat, salt and put on a stewing mode for 3 hours.

After cooking, you can put in the broth dry or fresh herbs directly in a bunch and let it brew for about ten minutes. Then filter.

Chicken stock in a slow cooker

The traditional broth is made from chicken. On it you can cook homemade noodles, another delicious soup, and also just eat with croutons, pies, and other dishes. The best broth is obtained from homemade and not too young chicken. To cook chicken broth in a slow cooker, you do not need to take too large a carcass, otherwise it will take up a lot of space in the bowl, the broth will turn out not enough.


• Medium-sized chicken weighing within a kilogram

• Large onion

• A couple of carrots

• Seasoning - a mixture of peppers or different types of pepper individually

• Celery Stalk

• Black pepper peas

• A few stalks of parsley

• A tablespoon of salt without a slide

• Two liters of water.

Cooking method

Chicken meat or bones, as well as vegetables, do not usually bake with them.

Divide the prepared washed chicken meat into pieces.

Put in a bowl, add peeled onions and carrots, celery, spices, salt and pour water.

Set Extinguishing mode to two hours. This time is enough to prepare the broth. If you need boiled meat, then check its condition. If necessary, add another hour of cooking.

After the multicooker signal, put whole parsley branches into the broth. After ten minutes, the broth can be filtered and used further.

Chicken stock in a slow cooker with vegetables

Such a broth is almost ready soup. And all because various vegetables are added to the chicken stock in the multicooker. This dish is especially combined with boiled rice, barley, noodles.


• Average chicken

• 2.5 liters of water

• Carrot

• 2 onions

• Parsley root

• 50 grams of green peas

• A tablespoon of vegetable oil

• Bay leaf

• Allspice - 3 peas

• 2 teaspoons of salt.

Cooking method

Wash the chicken, divide into parts, add water, put the bay leaf and pepper, one unpeeled onion.

Add salt.

Set Extinguishing mode for 2-3 hours depending on the age of the chicken.

Peel the second onion, cut into cubes.

Peel and chop carrots with straws.

Also do with parsley.

When the broth is ready, remove the meat. Strain the liquid.

Wash the bowl of the multicooker from scale. Pour in a spoonful of oil.

Put parsley, carrots, onions, set the mode to frying for 10 minutes.

Add the peas, pour in the broth and hold for another 15 minutes in the Extinguishing mode.

In boiled bowls or deep plates, put boiled cereal or vermicelli, pour broth with vegetables. Serve chicken separately.

A broth in a slow cooker - how to cook it from fish

In addition to the usual meat broth in a slow cooker, you can also prepare a dish from fish. Cooking time is much shorter. The plus is that not always a pleasant fishy smell does not spread throughout the kitchen, and even throughout the apartment. And the broth is transparent, scented - an excellent component for fish soup or aspic.


• Fish - it can be carcasses of river fish, as well as heads, ridges, tails and other parts of fish carcasses - about a kilogram

• 2 liters of water

• Carrot

• Onion

• Bay leaf

• Ground black pepper

• Allspice - 3 peas

• A pair of dry dill stalks or dried greens

• Salt - half a tablespoon

• Sugar - half a teaspoon.

Cooking method

Clean fish, gut, rinse well.

If carcasses of fish with a head or fish heads are used separately, you need to remove their gills.

Peel and cut the onion in half.

Peel and chop the carrots coarsely.

Put all the ingredients in a multicooker bowl, including spices.

Pour with water, set Extinguishing mode for 1 hour.

After the multicooker signal, strain the broth.

Mushroom broth in a slow cooker - how to cook correctly

Mushrooms are special foods in cooking. They are rich in protein and other useful substances, but heavy for digestion by the digestive system. However, mushrooms, even edible, may contain some of the toxic substances. Therefore, when preparing any dishes from mushrooms, they need to be cooked for a rather long time. Therefore, a slow cooker is very useful here.


• A half kilogram of fresh mushrooms - chanterelles, porcini, boletus or other - or 200 grams of dried

• Large onion

• Bay leaf

• 2.5 liters of water

• Pepper black peas - five to ten pieces

• Salt - a tablespoon without a slide.

Cooking method

Mushrooms to prepare. Rinse thoroughly in several waters to remove sand. Dried soak for an hour in warm water, drain.

Cut the mushrooms into pieces if they are very large. Fold in a slow cooker.

Add spices and salt.

Peel the vegetables.

Dice the onion, carrot into several parts.

Add vegetables to the mushrooms - you can preheat them in a hot dry pan.

Pour with water, salt.

Set Extinguishing mode to 30 minutes.

Open the slow cooker after the signal, remove the bay leaf, check the mushrooms - depending on the softness, set the Extinguishing mode for another 10-20 minutes.

Secrets and tricks of the broth in a slow cooker - how to cook it most deliciously

  • The broth can be cooked without vegetables, with only one spice - peas of allspice or black pepper. They will give a wonderful aroma.

  • Bay leaf is not recommended to leave in a dish until the end of cooking. If you plan to use the broth immediately and not use it for other dishes, you need to remove the lavrushka from the broth at least 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

  • When using parsley, dill, stalks often remain stiff. Throw them away, it’s better to dry them. Then, when boiling the broth, put a couple of stems - the dish will come out more flavorful and rich in taste.


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