Red mountain ash: useful properties and applications in traditional medicine. Mountain ash: contraindications


Mountain ash, many of whose properties are underestimated, is used both as food and as a medicinal plant.

It has long been believed that if you plant such a tree near the house, happiness and joy reign in the family. Mountain ash also protects from evil.

Now berries are used in folk medicine to deal with many ailments, some are very fond of eating them.

Mountain ash: berries with a unique composition

The beneficial properties of mountain ash make it an indispensable product for humans. The rich composition includes everything necessary to strengthen the immune system of adults and children, normalize digestive and metabolic processes. Why is red rowan tree so valuable? The beneficial properties of the berry stem from its unique composition.

The composition includes:

• organic and amino acids - citric, amber, sorbic, apple, wine;

• tannins and essential oils;

• vitamins - C, A (more than in carrots), K, P, E, PP, B2;

• micro and macro elements - sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper;

• glucose, fructose, sucrose.

Mountain ash: beneficial properties for the body

Berries have more beneficial effects on the body than many would have thought.

Mountain ash: useful properties

1. Allow to activate energy exchange in the tissue. Berries are especially useful for those people who have suffered serious illnesses and need to be restored.

2. Normalize impaired metabolism.

3. It is used for anemia and vitamin deficiency.

4. Improves heart function, cleanses blood vessels.

5. It treats diseases of the stomach and liver. Berries are useful after a long course of taking antibiotics.

6. Has choleretic and diuretic properties.

7. Mountain ash suppresses gas formation in the intestine, while it has a mild laxative effect, removes toxins and toxins.

8. Useful for diabetics, normalizes blood cholesterol levels.

9. It is used in cosmetology, it is included in the composition of means for gentle facial cleansing.

Of course, not everyone will benefit from red mountain ash. There are also contraindications for use, there are not so many of them, but it will not hurt to know some of the nuances.

The use of berries for medicinal purposes

In folk medicine, not only berries are used, but also leaves, bark, and plant flowers. Knowing several medical prescriptions, you can provide yourself with an excellent "home doctor".

Red mountain ash: useful properties and methods of use for medicinal purposes

1. For the general strengthening of immunity. It is necessary to fill in 1 tablespoon of dried berries with 500 ml of boiling water and insist the product in a dark place until it cools completely. The resulting drink is filtered, divided into 3 servings and drunk during the day before meals. It is advisable to repeat the course for a week, then take a break.

2. Cleansing the intestines (a remedy for constipation). You should not buy laxatives in pharmacies, they are very addictive very quickly. It will be much more effective and useful to prepare a medicine based on mountain ash. Berries are passed through a meat grinder so that they turn into porridge, honey or sugar is added there for taste. The resulting mass should be eaten before meals - 3 times a day for a tablespoon.

3. With toxicosis. It has been proven that if a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy eats 10 fruits of mountain ash every day, she will not suffer from toxicosis. Berries soothe, tone.

4. It is useful to eat 5-10 berries every day as well for those who are often stressed. Fruits perfectly relieve headaches, soothe the nervous system.

5. With increased acidity of the stomach and gastritis, it is recommended to drink 2 times a day before eating 100 ml of fresh juice of their mountain ash.

Red mountain ash: useful properties and use of fruits for cosmetic purposes

Fruits are often included in cosmetics, as their balanced composition has a positive effect on the general condition of the skin.

Home recipes

1. The remedy for warts. If suddenly a wart has formed in an adult or child, you can easily get rid of it at home. For this, rowan berries are taken, the necessary area is rubbed daily with juice from them. One must remember to do it every day. It is even better to cut the berry into 2 parts, apply the pulp in the wart and leave for 10-15 minutes.

2. Face mask with anti-aging effect. Red mountain ash is very beneficial for the skin. In this case there is one contraindication to use - individual intolerance to the product. You need to take a handful of mountain ash and crush it well with a mortar, add half a teaspoon of honey there. In the event that the mass is too dry, a tablespoon of boiled water at room temperature is added. The resulting slurry is applied to the face and neck, after half an hour it is washed off with warm water. The procedure must be repeated daily for 10 days.

3. Nourishing face mask. Crush a handful of berries with a mortar, add fat sour cream there, a homogeneous mass should turn out. The mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Mountain ash nourishes and moisturizes the skin, smoothes its texture, and prevents premature aging of cells.

Rowan jam and juice

From mountain ash a very tasty jam and refreshing juice is obtained. Of course, during heat treatment, the berries lose some of their properties, but for the general strengthening of immunity they remain useful.

Jam Recipe

1. The berries are washed well, then blanched for 5-7 minutes, recline in a colander so that the glass is excess moisture.

2. The fruits are transferred to a container with hot syrup, aged there for at least 6 hours.

3. Rowan is cooked over low heat, brought to a boil, then kept on low heat for 15 minutes.

4. Such actions are repeated 2-3 times so that the taste is more saturated, then the finished jam is laid out on sterilized jars, twisted.

For 1 kg of mountain ash you will need about 1 kg of sugar and 1.5 liters of water.

Juice Recipe

1. Water-washed berries are blanched for 5 minutes in boiling water, then rubbed through a sieve.

2. Sugar syrup is prepared from the remaining water.

3. The fruit mass is mixed with syrup, brought to a boil and poured hot on sterilized jars.

You can also make tea from mountain ash. 1 tablespoon of berries is poured with boiled water, left for 20 minutes, then a little honey is added there for taste. Such tea is useful to drink daily for adults and children to strengthen the immune system and remove stagnation of toxins and toxins from the intestines.

Mountain ash: contraindications

Despite all the useful properties of mountain ash, there are still contraindications for use. This is a few "buts" that everyone needs to know in order to avoid adverse reactions.

It is forbidden to use mountain ash in the following cases:

• with poor blood coagulability;

• with low blood pressure;

• with high acidity of the stomach only on the recommendation of a doctor;

• in the presence of individual intolerance to the fruit;

• people who have suffered a stroke or heart attack;

• with coronary heart disease.

Red mountain ash is an indispensable source of beneficial trace elements and vitamins. A bouquet of fresh branches with berries will perfectly decorate the house, and fruit-based recipes will fill up the nutrient deficiency in the body.


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