Protein diet - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews on the protein diet and examples of recipes.


Protein diet - description and general principles

Do you want to eat plenty, but lose up to 8 kilograms of excess weight in two weeks, and then not gain them again? Pay attention to the protein diet, which today is recognized as one of the most effective ways to lose weight. People who have already tested its effect on themselves claim that they feel cheerful and active, like ancestors eating a piece of mammoth with plant foods. Of course, you still have to eat less, but the feeling of hunger when eating foods rich in protein is reduced due to longer processing of food.

What is this sensational protein diet?

Its main task is to cause stress in the body, repeatedly increasing the intake of protein and limiting carbohydrates in the daily diet. In other words, it is necessary to ensure energy shortages. Carbohydrates are a kind of "fuel". The human body that observes a specific, "protein" diet, dramatically restructures the metabolism.

Despite the fact that there is enough nutrition, carbohydrate “hunger” leads to the use of hidden reserves. First of all, glycogen stores go into business. Weight loss is felt already at first, but at first it is due to a significant loss of fluid. Fats and muscle mass begin to “melt” a little later, due to these reserves glucose is produced and energy deficiency is eliminated. The scheme is very simple, but in fact, everything is much more complicated. It is necessary to strictly observe all the rules, correctly compose the menu, and show real willpower.

The duration of the diet should be no more than two weeks, after this period too much person can be in trouble in the form of overdried skin and hair, fatigue and unhealthy complexion. With all the advantages of a protein diet, this nutrition can not be called balanced, it can be repeated no earlier than a year later.

Protein diet - what foods can be consumed

To start a two-week marathon of protein products, stock up on any meat, fish and eggs. You can add a small amount of lard, sausage, canned fish on the water and many, many raw vegetables: cucumbers, cabbage, herbs and especially tomatoes. Since the composition of tomatoes includes lycopene, which enhances the effect of the protein diet, their presence on the menu is especially welcome. Salads are seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice. All the time that you have taken to comply with this diet will have to eat at least 5 times a day. Particular attention should be paid to water - you will have to drink a lot and often. Before each meal, about a half hour before a meal, you should drink a glass of water. A lot of controversy over the presence of carbohydrate products in the menu comes down to the fact that it is worth consuming buckwheat and oatmeal twice a week.

Protein diet - which foods should not be consumed

The main thing at this time is to limit your body from foods that can easily turn into fat.
First of all, you have to say goodbye to sweets. Even sweet fruits can nullify all efforts, and even more so cakes, biscuits, pastries - all this will have to be abandoned completely. We also exclude pasta, bread and rolls, fried foods in large quantities of fat. Potatoes, butter, cereals, side dishes and desserts will not bring any benefits.

Protein Diet - Menu Examples

There are several options for a protein diet. The main menu is scheduled for two weeks, but there are options that use the menu of the first week in the reverse order. The menu indicates three meals, however, if you follow this particular diet, you must stretch this food several times to get at least 5 meals a day. Complete the daily meal will have at 18-19 hours. The diet begins with a small amount of food, so the first days are especially difficult - you have to mobilize all your will in order to get used to the fact that you limit yourself to certain types of food. Every day you need to drink at least 1, 5 -2 liters of water, a feeling of hunger is better quenched by warm water. Forget about sugar and salt - these are the rules of the game!

The most common protein diet:

Breakfast: make a cup of black coffee, of course, without sugar. This is the easiest breakfast you can imagine for any diet.
Lunch: boil 2-3 steep eggs, chop finely cabbage (boiled or stewed with vegetable oil),
Dinner: fried or boiled fish without a side dish (you can eat until saturated)

Breakfast: crackers, a traditional cup of black coffee without sugar.
Lunch: fry or boil fish, prepare a salad of cabbage or other vegetables with vegetable oil.
Dinner: boiled beef (as much as you can eat, about 200 grams), kefir 20 grams.

Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar, crackers
Lunch: stew or fry vegetable oil with vegetable marrow of any size, apples.
Dinner: boiled beef (200 grams), 2 hard boiled eggs, salad with vegetable oil (from cabbage or tomatoes).

Breakfast: again only a cup of coffee without sugar.
Lunch: a raw egg, boiled vegetables with vegetable oil (for example, 3 large boiled carrots), cheese (15 gr., Except for creamy varieties).
Dinner: as much as you want fruit.

Breakfast: raw vegetables with lemon juice (for example, carrots), lemon juice with water.
Lunch: fry or boil fish (300 gr), tomato juice.
Dinner: fruit in unlimited quantities.

Breakfast: as always, a cup of black coffee without sugar.
Lunch: boiled chicken, carrot or cabbage salad.
Dinner: hard-boiled eggs (at least 2 pcs.), Raw carrots, grated on a coarse grater (10 grams) with the addition of vegetable oil.

Breakfast: coffee can be replaced with tea without sugar.
Lunch: boiled meat (beef, 200 grams), fruits, as much as you like, in unlimited quantities.
Dinner: you can repeat the same as on any day of the week, except the third.

Second week:

Repeat Sunday menu.

Breakfast: and again black coffee, without sugar.
Lunch: boiled chicken, a salad of vegetables flavored with vegetable oil and lemon juice, it is better to take fresh cabbage and carrots.
Dinner: hard-boiled eggs (2 pcs.), Prepare a salad of raw carrots (grate, with the addition of vegetable oil).

Breakfast: grate carrots, add lemon juice, drink coffee as always, without sugar.
Lunch: fry or boil fish in an unlimited volume, tomato juice.
Dinner: apples, pears, plums, in general, fruits in unlimited quantities.

Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar.
Lunch: boil carrots, cut and season with vegetable oil, 2 slices of hard cheese.
Dinner: fruits in any form and volume, preferably fresh.

Breakfast: crackers and tea without sugar or black coffee.
Lunch: prepare a large vegetable marrow, several apples in vegetable oil.
Dinner: boiled meat, better beef (200 gr), 2 eggs, fresh cabbage with vegetable oil.

Breakfast: a portion of black coffee without sugar, a few small crackers.
Lunch: boil or fry fish in oil, prepare a salad (fresh cabbage salad with the addition of other vegetables and vegetable oil).
Dinner: boiled beef (200 gr), kefir.

Breakfast: a glass of tea or black coffee.
Lunch: a salad of hard-boiled eggs with herbs, boiled cabbage with vegetable oil,
Dinner: greens, fried or boiled fish, eat as much as you want.

Protein diet - useful tips and reviews

If you have already decided to experience the miraculous property of this diet, remember that
it can be used only for two weeks. Continuation threatens with kidney dysfunction, and a large amount of incoming protein can affect the level of cholesterol and calcium in the body. You can start a diet only when you are sure that there are no contraindications. For elderly and inactive people, such a diet is contraindicated, since the risk of blood clots increases many times. It is also not recommended for people with kidney and gastrointestinal diseases. In order to reduce fermentation in the intestine, you can drink a glass of kefir or herbal tea without sugar in the evenings, and you must drink a lot of fresh herbs.

The restructuring of the body occurs with the correct observance of all instructions. According to the reviews of people who have passed this and achieved success, the third, fourth, fifth, and also the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth may seem the most difficult days. If you are a passionate person, lead an active lifestyle and have a lot of hobbies and can be distracted, it will be much easier for you to endure the restrictions. In general, whether it is worth the guaranteed weight loss of these inconveniences, everyone decides for himself, but there is no doubt that the effectiveness of the protein diet is proven.


Elena 11/28/2016
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Alice 11/06/2016
girls download the weight loss program on the site there are 2 plans for proper nutrition for every day and all the effective exercises for problem areas. immediately notice the result and you can quickly lose weight!

Illaria 09/18/2016
Tell me, is it possible to replace meat with some vegetable protein, for example: lentils? And instead of coffee, drink black or green tea?

Vera 04/04/2016
My friend put her husband on a protein diet. This is a whole joke. Lose weight then - he lost weight, but there were so many lamentations! His main weakness is all sorts of buns, cakes ... Imagine - he was deprived of this all !!! Now he is still allowed little by little sweet.

Larisabel 04/04/2016
What you do not need to eat after six is ​​understandable without any diets ... I don’t understand at all. how people eat up before going to bed, and some get up in the middle of the night to eat ... It’s hard to sleep later! At the expense of this diet, I myself have not tried it; on the contrary, I was sitting on a carbohydrate.


Watch the video: Rob Lowes High-Protein, Low-Carb Diet (June 2024).