Buckwheat merchants in a slow cooker - a historical dinner. Buckwheat recipes in a merchant in a slow cooker with pork, chicken, mushrooms, etc.


Buckwheat porridge in Russia was considered a noble dish.

In our country, this is one of the most popular cereals from which soups and main dishes are prepared.

One of the most delicious recipes is buckwheat in a merchant way, and a slow cooker allows you to cook this dish as it was done many centuries ago in Russian ovens.

Buckwheat merchants in a slow cooker - the basic principles of cooking

Buckwheat merchants in a slow cooker cooked with pork, beef, chicken and even minced meat. For this dish I take a tenderloin, wash it and clean it from films and veins. Then the meat is cut into small pieces as a goulash and fried until light brown.

While the meat is being prepared, vegetables are peeled, washed and chopped. The main vegetables for this dish are onions and carrots, but you can add other vegetables or mushrooms.

Shredded vegetables are added to the meat and continue to fry until soft.

Buckwheat is sorted, washed under a tap and added to meat with vegetables. Mix and cook for about an hour. As a rule, they use the “rice” or “stewing” modes for this. It is advisable to leave the finished dish for some time on heating.

Recipe 1. Buckwheat as a merchant in a slow cooker with beef


  • 250 g beef tenderloin;

  • liter of drinking hearth;

  • 500 g of buckwheat;

  • Bay leaf;

  • onion head.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the beef tenderloin under the tap and dab it with a paper towel. Cut the meat into small pieces.

2. Put the beef in the appliance bowl and turn on the frying mode. Do not add oil!

3. Peel and finely chop the onion head. Peel the carrots coarsely. Send the vegetables to the meat, mix and continue to fry for five minutes. Pepper, salt and add bay leaf.

4. Rinse the buckwheat well, put it in a bowl with meat and pour a liter of drinking water. Start the quenching mode for an hour. Then leave the buckwheat porridge for another half hour in a slow cooker without opening the lid. Serve with fresh or pickled vegetables.

Recipe 2. Buckwheat as a merchant in a slow cooker with tender slices of pork


  • 350 g of fresh pork tenderloin;

  • 3 multicooking glasses of boiling water;

  • 1.5 multi-cooked glasses of buckwheat;

  • ground pepper - 5 g;

  • bulb;

  • dried onions and carrots - a handful;

  • carrot;

  • salt;

  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;

  • turmeric - a pinch;

  • nutmeg, ground red pepper and paprika - 3 g each.

Cooking method

1. Thoroughly wash a piece of pork under the tap, dry it with napkins and cut into small slices. Pour oil into the bowl of the device and spread the meat. We start the quenching mode for forty minutes. Lower the lid and simmer the pork, stirring occasionally.

2. Onion peel and finely crumble. Three peeled carrots. 15 minutes after the start of cooking the meat, add vegetables to it, mix and cook for another five minutes.

3. Mix spices with salt. We wash buckwheat in several waters, put it on a sieve, so that the glass is excess water. We transfer buckwheat in a bowl with meat, pour water and season everything with a mixture of spices. Mix the porridge, lower the lid and cook until time is up.

Recipe 3. Buckwheat as a merchant in a slow cooker with minced meat


  • 200 g of minced chicken;

  • 1.5 cups of filtered water;

  • bulb;

  • a pinch of ground pepper;

  • carrot;

  • salt;

  • a glass of buckwheat;

  • two cloves of garlic;

  • 50 g of ketchup.

Cooking method

1. Peel and wash the vegetables. Coarsely grate the carrots. Chop the onion finely.

2. Put the minced meat in the bowl, preheating the oil in it, and fry in the meat mode for a couple of minutes. Stuff the minced meat constantly so that large pieces do not form.

3. Now add the vegetables and continue to fry, stirring occasionally, until light brown. Add ketchup and mix.

4. Wash buckwheat in several waters and add it to the fried minced meat. Fill everything with filtered water so that the liquid completely covers the cereal. Pepper and salt.

5. Run the rice mode for 17 minutes. Finely chop the garlic and add it when the porridge is fully cooked. Close the lid and leave the dish in the device for another ten minutes, so that the porridge is saturated with the aromas of garlic. Serve buckwheat with pickled gherkins.

Recipe 4. Buckwheat as a merchant in a slow cooker with meat and mushrooms


  • 300 g pork tenderloin;

  • some broth;

  • 100 g of buckwheat;

  • Garnet;

  • bulb;

  • a bunch of greenery;

  • 300 g of champignons;

  • salt;

  • 60 ml of sunflower oil;

  • 20 g of ground paprika.

Cooking method

1. Peel, wash, and finely chop the onion. Pour oil into the bowl of the device. Run the frying function for forty minutes. Heat oil and put onions in it. Fry, stirring and not closing the lid, until golden brown.

2. Rinse the pork tenderloin, dry and cut into slices. Add the meat to the onion and continue to fry, stirring, for a quarter hour. The cover must be lowered.

3. Mushrooms for this dish can use fresh, canned or frozen. Rinse fresh mushrooms, dry and crush into thin slices.

4. Add mushrooms to the bowl with meat, salt and season with paprika and pepper. Cover the appliance and fry until mushrooms are cooked.

5. Rinse the buckwheat thoroughly. After the signal sounds, open the lid, put the buckwheat, mix and fill everything with about a glass of broth. Run the rice program for an hour. Arrange ready-made buckwheat on plates and decorate with pomegranate seeds.

Recipe 5. Buckwheat as a merchant in a slow cooker with tomatoes and bell pepper


  • one and a half glasses of buckwheat;

  • two glasses of filtered water;

  • half a kilogram of chicken;

  • black pepper;

  • a bunch of green onions;

  • salt;

  • two pods of bell pepper;

  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;

  • carrot;

  • two tomatoes.

Cooking method

1. My chicken fillet, dry with napkins and cut into small cubes.

2. Pour oil into the capacity of the multicooker and activate the "frying" function. Warm up and put pieces of meat in a bowl. Fry with the lid open, stirring until golden brown.

3. Rinse the onion, dry it and finely chop the white and green parts.

4. Bulgarian pepper, wipe, cut the tail and peel the vegetable from the seeds. Cut in half and shred with thin strips.

5. My tomatoes, wipe, cut in half, remove the place from the stalk, and place in a blender bowl. We interrupt the tomatoes until mashed.

6. Salt well-fried meat and season with freshly ground pepper. Add the onions and continue to fry, stirring, for another five minutes.

7. Buckwheat groats are washed in several waters and added to the meat. We also send tomato puree here. Fill with water so that the liquid covers the cereal and mix.

8. We transfer the device to the "buckwheat" or "porridge" mode and prepare the dish for forty minutes. After the signal, leave the buckwheat for a while in the slow cooker so that it is infused. Serve the dish with pickled cucumbers or tomatoes.

Recipe 6. Buckwheat as a merchant in an Assorted crock-pot with vegetables


  • buckwheat - a glass;

  • salt;

  • Assorted frozen vegetable mix - 300 g;

  • spices;

  • 400 ml of filtered water;

  • butter - 35 g.

Cooking method

1. Buckwheat sorting, getting rid of damaged and black grains. Pour the cereal into a sieve and rinse under a stream of cold water. We leave it in a sieve so that the glass has excess water.

2. Put the buckwheat in the bowl of the device. Fry the cereal in the frying mode for about three minutes, until the grains begin to crack.

3. Now add the butter to the buckwheat, salt and mix. Cooking for another three minutes. Then pour the cereal with boiled water and mix.

4. Put the vegetable mixture on the wire rack for steaming and install it in the bowl of the device. We lower the lid, start the "steaming" program and cook for 20 minutes. As soon as the device informs that the time is up, we shift the vegetables to buckwheat and mix.

5. Lower the lid and simmer the dish for half an hour in the heating mode, so that the cereal is saturated with the aromas of vegetables. We serve buckwheat in a merchant style as a side dish to meat or fish.

Recipe 7. Buckwheat as a merchant in a slow cooker with stew


  • buckwheat groats - 100 g;

  • salt;

  • stew - 300 g;

  • black pepper;

  • two carrots;

  • paprika - 25 g;

  • two onions;

  • vegetable oil - 30 ml.

cooking method

1. We chop the peeled onions in half rings. Peel the carrots and coarsely three.

2. We heat the vegetable oil in a slow cooker in the "baking" mode.

3. Put the onions in the bowl and fry, without changing the regime, for five minutes. Then add the carrots and continue to fry for the same amount of time, constantly stirring.

4. Add the stew to the vegetables, mix and season with paprika. Cook for another 15 minutes, stirring continuously.

5. Now put the washed buckwheat into the bowl and fill it with filtered water so that the liquid completely covers the cereal.

6. We put the device into "quenching" mode and cook the dish for another half hour.

Buckwheat merchants in a slow cooker - tips and tricks

  • To make the dish even tastier, pour the cereal not with water, but with vegetable or meat broth.

  • Do not open the lid immediately after the beep, and then buckwheat buckwheat in the heating mode for another half an hour.

  • To keep the meat juicy, fry it until golden brown, and only then add the rest of the ingredients.

  • Buckwheat merchants can be prepared in a post with soy meat and vegetables.


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