How to use the benefits of cherry leaves, every housewife should know. Health Benefits of Cherry Leaf


Since prehistoric times it is known that cherries are one of the most delicious and healthy berries.

Cherry fruits themselves are useful in inflammatory diseases, and cherry leaves have a tonic, antioxidant and diuretic effect.

With hepatitis, jaundice and kidney disease - this is the first folk remedy. How to use cherry leaves to help your health?

And what are the beneficial properties of cherry leaves so relevant at any time of the year?

Useful properties of cherry leaves

Cherry leaves are very rich in vitamins and minerals. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially true in the cold season. Decoction, tea from cherry leaves help restore breathing, tone our body and remove all excess fluid, and also normalize the pressure.

Unlike berries, cherry leaves do not cause allergic reactions, and therefore they can be safely used in the preparation of decoctions. A decoction of cherry leaves is useful for kidney stones, rheumatism, diseases of the cardiovascular system, cellulite, physical and psychological exhaustion, bleeding.

Recent studies have shown that cherry leaves are rich in coumarin and tannins, which prevent the likelihood of developing cancer.

Useful fresh face masks can be prepared from fresh leaves, and cherry leaves can also be useful for compresses that help wounds heal faster.

The chemical composition of cherry leaves is quite diverse. This is a storehouse of vitamins A, C, E, K, H, B9, PP.

Folic acid, which is found in large quantities in cherry leaves, has undoubted benefits for pregnant women. Doctors prescribe decoctions from cherry leaves to many mothers, which helps the baby to be born healthy.

The minerals present in cherry leaflets include calcium, magnesium, nickel, iodine, boron, potassium, phosphorus, cobalt and others.

Cherry leaves are recommended not only by gynecologists, but also by nutritionists. Tea made from cherry leaves is an excellent vitamin support, it accelerates metabolism, prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the body and helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cherry leaves are also relevant in the treatment of jaundice.

From ancient times it was believed that the substances that are found in cherry leaves help the brain.

A decoction of leaves is used in the treatment of colds and flu, it helps expectorate sputum in bronchitis and pneumonia, and can act as an antipyretic.

A decoction of cherry leaves is used by doctors in the treatment of many mental and psychological diseases, even epilepsy.

Who should not use cherry leaves

If you are hypotensive, then you definitely should not drink tea from cherry leaves, because it lowers the pressure. In addition, decoctions and teas from cherry leaves have a firming effect, so this can adversely affect your intestines.

Do not forget that cherry leaves will help you improve your figure only, coupled with proper nutrition and physical activity.

After you use the cherry leaves or the cherry itself for food, rinse your mouth, as tooth enamel may be damaged in some cases.

How to use cherry leaves: folk recipes for treatment and beauty

A variety of decoctions, teas, tinctures are often prepared from cherry leaves.

For example, for the treatment of jaundice, you can prepare such a decoction. A couple of spoonfuls of leaves are filled with half a glass of milk and cook for 10 minutes on a gentle fire. During the day, in small portions, you need to take a decoction.

Cherry leaves will help with nosebleeds. Pour a dozen leaves with boiling water and leave to insist. When the broth cools down, we moisten a cotton swab with it and insert it into the nostril, which bleeds.

Tea made from cherry leaves is indicated for sore throat, cystitis, kidney diseases and colds. Pour a few leaves with a glass of boiling water, insist, filter and drink throughout the day.

If the joints hurt, then you can also use a decoction of cherry leaves and branches. Pour the leaves and twigs of cherries with water and boil them in a saucepan for about 20 minutes, after which we insist a couple of hours and drink.

A similar decoction also helps with myoma, endometriosis. Only drink it every day throughout the year.

Masks for face and hair are made from cherry leaves. Leave cherries and berries in a mortar, add a spoonful of starch, mix well and apply on the face for half an hour, then rinse with water. Such a mask narrows the pores, has an exfoliating effect and makes the face fresh.

Cherry leaves help our hair, relieve them of such unpleasant fat content. Rub the leaves of the cherry and several berries, squeeze the juice. Mix it with lemon juice and a couple of spoons of starch, mix thoroughly and apply to hair. Keep them warm for half an hour, then rinse with water and rinse with shampoo, rinse with cool water and lemon juice.

Useful properties of cherry leaves in cooking

Cherry leaves are often used for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. They go well with currant leaves, horseradish leaves and dill. Many housewives lay cherry leaves next to other products, it is believed that they help to keep them longer.

Culinary specialists use cherry leaves to make tea. It copes with thirst well, saturates our body with vitamins and boosts immunity. We make a pinch of black tea and put a few cherry leaves there, add a spoonful of honey and a small slice of lemon. Such vitamin tea is both tasty and healthy.

The cherry liquor recipe is in great demand. To prepare it, you will need fifty berries and two hundred cherry leaves. We boil everything together for about 25 minutes, add one and a half kg of sugar and one and a half tablespoons of lemon. After our mixture has cooled, pour in a liter of vodka.

A similar liquor can be prepared with rowan berries. A quarter kg of cherry leaves mixed with one kg of chokeberry, boil for 30 minutes, then cool and strain through a sieve. Add one kg of sugar and boil again for 20 minutes. Cool and immediately pour half a liter of vodka.

The most notable recipes for dishes from cherry leaves include royal jam. A little green gooseberries are cleaned and filled with walnuts. Pour cherry leaves with water and boil a little. After boiling, decoction of the leaves put in the cold for a dozen hours. We filter it, remove the leaves, lower the gooseberry into the broth and boil for about 20 minutes. Decorate with a few leaves of cherry and mint.

How to use cherry leaves: you need to know

It is necessary to collect cherry leaves in early May, preferably until the moment when the cherry blossomed.

Dry leaves are no worse than fresh ones due to their beneficial properties.

The newlyweds bed is decorated with leaves and twigs of cherries, it is believed that this brings happiness to the house.

To properly dry the leaves of cherry, you need to collect them and place them on light paper, leave them open for a couple of days. After drying in the oven at a minimum temperature of 30 minutes and put in a rag bag in a dry place.

Cherry leaves along with healthy substances contain a harmful toxin, so try not to abuse decoctions and teas from cherry leaves.

To use cherries you need an ordinary, not a felt grade. Then all the recommendations and advice will not lose their force.


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