Stuffed Chicken - The best recipes. How to cook stuffed chicken in the oven.


Stuffed Chicken - General Description

At the first acquaintance, a stuffed chicken can plunge even the most experienced gourmet into a gastronomic shock. Whatever recipe you use, it will be crispy and brutally beautiful, so much so that you can not even imagine that such a miracle can be done with your own hands.

The halo of complexity and the almost impossibility of its preparation by a simple human action will be dispelled immediately as soon as you decide to finally prepare it. There are so many recipes for making the stuffing for stuffing that a person who first picked up a culinary knife and an experienced chef can find the right option for himself.

And one should not argue about the benefits of chicken meat - this is a well-known fact for a long time, it successfully replaces pork, lamb and, in part, beef. With a low calorie content, it contains a sufficient amount of protein and amino acids, iron, potassium, phosphorus, glutamic acid, essential oils. Namely, nitrogen-containing substances give the chicken such a pleasant chicken smell that it is impossible to confuse with anything.

Stuffed Chicken - Cooking Utensils

To cut the chicken, first of all, you need well-sharpened knives, so try to take care of this before starting the procedure. Today we need a large cutting board to cut a whole carcass. Just in case, we will prepare a large frying pan or ducklings, a pan for cooking the components of the filling, a slotted spoon and also a thread with a needle for sewing and holding the contents.

Stuffed Chicken - Preparation

Without a doubt, the most delicious is the meat of young hens, no other meat can be compared with it in terms of tenderness and saturation with minerals and vitamins. It is especially well combined with vegetables, so there are so many recipes for stuffed chicken with vegetables, they facilitate the digestion and assimilation of meat and even normalize acidity.

Let's try to prepare a chicken for a boneless recipe, for this we need to lay it on a board and properly cut along the ridge. First, on the left side of the breast, then on the right, we separate the meat from the skin. Gently peel the peel with a knife, and it with some slight effort is separated from the chicken fillet. Legs and wings can not be touched, divide the meat in the area of ​​the joints. Try to turn the chicken inside out and put it on the table.

Recipe 1: Stuffed Boneless Chicken

It is said that to prepare chicken without bones, you need strong nerves, like a real Jewish servant. Russian enthusiasts immediately reacted in their own way and remade this recipe so that it could be used for a whole chicken or, if necessary, for individual parts that have a skin.


Chicken, 1-2 slices of white stale bread, milk (300 g), semolina (2-3 tbsp.), 4 eggs, seasonings (nutmeg, dill, salt, black pepper).

Cooking method:

Remove the skin in parts and cut off the wings. The meat removed from the bones must be passed through a meat grinder and add the ingredients. Soak the bread in milk beforehand, whisk the whites separately and pour into the minced meat. In the oval cake pan, previously covered with a film for baking meat, put the skin, then the stuffing, and finish it again with the skin. We tightly cover the entire structure with a film and put it in the oven. (220 C). Do not forget to put the baking tray with water in the oven, the baking time is 90 minutes. The same recipe is quite applicable to chicken legs.
Chicken can be stored in the refrigerator, for several days it will only insist, while its taste will increase, so you just have to lick your fingers and roll up your eyes with pleasure.

Recipe 2: Holiday Stuffed Chicken

This chicken will become a real decoration of the festive table, your family, and the guests will be just very pleased. First you need to wash it, dry it with a towel and sprinkle with salt.


Medium size chicken, rice (200 grams), butter (100 grams), chicken offal, eggs (2 pcs), sweet and sour apples (2 pcs), a can of champignons, salt, spices.

Cooking method:

Boil off the giblets of seasoned chicken in a small amount of water and pass through a meat grinder. Separately, cook rice until cooked, add butter to it. Mix the diced apples and champignons with rice and minced giblets, add seasonings and a little broth (you can leave from cooking the giblets). Our mince is ready! We start the chicken, sew up the hole and put it in a deep baking sheet or duckweed. Stuffed beauty will have to spend an hour and a half in the oven, and all this time we should pay attention to her - turn over, periodically pour juice, grease at the end with fat and cover at the top so that she is well-fried. Let's serve it to the table, decorating with greens. Our chicken will become a real highlight of the program, eating it without a glass of red wine would be a crime.

Recipe 3: Stuffed Chicken with Brandy

Thrill-seekers can cook this chicken on the wire rack, if desired, you can change the cooking method and bake it in the sleeve.


Chicken - 1.5 kg, minced pork 600 gr, cream 70 ml, dried apricots 100 gr, cognac 4 tbsp, salt, pepper, nutmeg, 3 chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. l sour cream.

Cooking method:

Dried apricots in water, and in the meantime, separate the chicken meat from the bones.
For the minced meat, mix the chicken and pork meat, add the eggs, cream and cognac, nutmeg and pepper. We stuff the chicken with minced meat so that it looks like a fat turkey. Mix a spoonful of cognac with sour cream, add spices - a wonderful sauce is obtained. We spread the chicken on a wire rack, spread it with sauce and - put it in the oven.

Stuffed Chicken - Useful Tips from Experienced Cookers

- Baked potatoes can be cooked on a side dish for chicken. For this, peeled tubers are coated with the same sauce and sprinkled with sesame seeds. Bake in the oven.

- If there is not enough chicken skin for stuffing, you can use thin slices of bacon or fat - it will also be beautiful and tasty.


Watch the video: Stuffed Chicken Breasts - Cook n' Share (July 2024).