Strong and sweet apricot drinks at home. The rules of fermentation and tinctures of alcoholic drinks from apricots


Apricotovka - a familiar word? And it describes a lot of drinks, different strength and cooking technology. Apricot is so popular among winemakers due to its juiciness, sweetness, good "pliability" to other flavoring components of drinks.

These fruits are a favorite filling for cream liqueurs and low-degree liquors. Their flesh is insisted on alcohol and moonshine, perfumes are prepared from nucleoli and even crushed shells of seeds are used as filler filters for cleaning during home distillation.

Apricot alcoholic drinks at home - general principles of preparation

• For low alcohol and strong alcoholic drinks from apricots at home, only well-ripened apricot fruits should be taken. They should not be wormy, with soft, but not damaged rot, pulp.

• Fruits, before use in tinctures, liquors, etc., must be washed well and the bones removed. As a rule, only fresh apricots are used. They are cut into halves, cut into pieces or chopped with a blender in mashed potatoes. It all depends on the method of preparing an alcoholic or alcoholic beverage.

• From fresh apricots you can make both light alcoholic drinks - all kinds of cocktails for a single use, and more "heavy" ones - liquors, moonshine and tinctures.

"Bright screwdriver" - a strong alcoholic drink made from apricots


• alcohol (high-quality drinking, medical) - 1 liter;

• apricots, any grade and size - 3 kg .;

• yellow sugar, unrefined - 0.5 kg;

• fresh peppermint - a handful, or tincture of it (pharmacy) - a dessert spoon.

Cooking method:

1. From the total number, select three incomplete dessert spoons of sugar, moisten with water and heat, dipping them in a skillet with a scoop. Once the sugar has melted, remove from heat, wait until brown tones appear and move the spoons into a bowl of cold water. After a minute, remove the spoons with the toasted sugar and drain the water.

2. If you have fresh mint, rinse it, roll it into a roll and finely chop it with a sharp knife. Fill with alcohol so that in the container the volume occupied by mint is approximately equal to the volume of alcohol, seal with a lid and leave to insist.

3. Sort the fruits, removing the seeds and removing the spoiled places. Do not be too zealous, remove only obviously bad pieces.

4. Divide apricots into two parts - separately ripe and separately all the others. From the first part, fill in a liter jar (tightly packed to the eyeballs) and put the pulp into the pickle. Pour 300 ml of alcohol and turn on the longest and slowest mode, if any, in your device. Otherwise, select the maximum duration. Repeat several times, for a total of at least 2 hours. Take a few drops on the sample - the liquid should be cloudy with a strong alcohol and fruity odor.

5. Pour the resulting concentrate into a bottle with a tight cap, wrap with paper or cloth and place in the refrigerator.

6. Bring the remaining alcohol to its previous volume with boiled water. It is better to do this in advance and let the alcohol "calm down" for 8-12 hours.

7. Grind the apricot pulp, place in a glass bottle and fill with diluted alcohol. Dip a spoonful of toasted sugar into the fruit mass, cork the bottle and place in a cool, warm place for a week.

8. At the end of the infusion, separate both parts of the future drink separately, squeeze out the flesh without mixing. Filter both tinctures of different strengths.

9. In the strong part, add a quarter of mint tincture and a tablespoon of sugar, a third of a glass of boiled water.

10. In a "low-degree" tincture, add a glass of sugar and water.

11. Further, a matter of taste. Try the tinctures separately, strong usually comes as a component for cocktails, and weak in its pure form. You can mix 2/3 strong and the whole "low alcohol". The remaining concentrated liquid, peppermint tincture and sugar add to taste.

Apricot wine without yeast


• four kilograms of ripe apricots;

• white sugar 4 kg;

• sixteen liters of filtered, spring or bottled water.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fruits thoroughly and remove the seeds. Pour warm filtered water and set aside to ferment for five days.

2. After that, knead the fruit well with a crush, add sugar, stir and leave for further fermentation under the water seal for another seven days. Stir several times a day during fermentation.

3. At the end of fermentation, when carbon dioxide ceases to be secreted, filter the young apricot wine through a home-made filter into several layers of gauze. Pour into clean containers and store in a cool, mature room for at least two months.

Apricot Vodka Liqueur


• a kilogram of ripe apricots;

• one and a half liters of good grain vodka, premium class;

• a pound of unrefined granulated sugar;

• three carnation umbrellas.

Cooking method:

1. From the washed and dried apricots, select the seeds and cut each fruit into four parts.

2. Then transfer the pieces of fruit into a jar and pour vodka. Be sure to make sure that the alcoholic drink is about three centimeters above the pulp.

3. Add the cloves and remove the container, covering the neck with gauze, for three days in a warm room.

4. After that, close the jar with a clean capron lid and reposition it in a shaded, cool room for another month.

5. Then add granulated sugar, slowly, mix thoroughly and, having closed the lid, leave in the same place for another forty days.

6. Filter the finished liquor, and, pouring into glass bottles, put it in a cold room (cellar) or in the refrigerator.

Apricot tincture on vodka


• well-ripened apricots - 1 kg;

• one liter of wheat vodka;

• a pound of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Fold the seedless apricots in a clean glass bowl. Pour vodka to the very neck and mix well.

2. Close the jar tightly with a lid, you can roll up a metal can for preservation and put it in a sunny place for four weeks. Once every five days, be sure to shake and rock the container.

3. After the time has passed, pour the infusion into a separate jar, do not wring out the remaining pulp. Add sugar to it, mix. Cover with a nylon cover and place in sunlight for two weeks. Shake the contents of the jar every three days.

4. Then filter the resulting syrup through cheesecloth folded in several layers. Combine with vodka infusion and remove to insist for a week in a darkened place.

5. Again strain the tincture, pour into washed and dried glass containers and tightly seal.

6. This tincture is stored up to five years.

Apricot cocktail with sparkling wine and cognac


• three fresh ripe apricots;

• a small lemon;

• one and a half tablespoons of sugar;

• 25 ml of boiled drinking water;

• one and a half tablespoons of three-star cognac;

• 25 ml of apricot brandy;

• one bottle of sparkling wine.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse apricots and lemon. Dip the lemon in hot water for a minute, and apricots in boiling for two minutes.

2. Remove the peel from apricots, remove the seeds. Cut the lemon, squeeze the juice and strain it.

3. Add two teaspoons of lemon juice to the apricot pulp and beat with mashed blender.

4. Dilute sugar in water and add two teaspoons of syrup to fruit puree. Try it and add more syrup if necessary.

5. Strain through a rare nylon sieve, pour in cognac and apricot brandy, stir.

6. Pour the apricot drink into large tall glasses and fill with chilled sparkling wine.

Moldavian "Apricot" - a strong drink from apricots at home


• one bucket of ripened apricots;

• 12 liters of clean, non-mineralized water;

• three kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Pour two kilograms of granulated sugar with six liters of water and set to minimum heat. When the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup boils, remove from the stove and cool well.

2. Pour clean seedless apricots with chilled syrup and leave, covering the container with gauze, for five days in a warm room.

3. When the surface of the fruit mixture is covered with a dirty look of foam and a characteristic odor of fermentation appears, pour it into a large glass container.

4. From the remaining sugar and water, boil the syrup and refrigerate it in a glass bowl for apricots. Install a water lock and leave for a week at room temperature.

5. When fermentation is over, distill the product through moonshine. The selection of the finished product should be completed when its strength falls below 30 degrees.

6. To preserve the apricot flavor, do not clean the primary distillate, but improve the quality of moonshine by repeated distillation.

7. To do this, dilute the distillate with spring or distilled water to a strength of 25 degrees and then distill again.

8. If necessary, dilute the finished moonshine to the desired strength.

Tricks for making alcohol and alcohol drinks from apricots at home - useful tips

• Before preparing homemade wine, it is advisable not to rinse the fruits collected in your garden. Wild yeast located on the hairs of fruits enhances the fermentation of the product.

• A weak apricot wine can be fixed by adding any alcoholic beverage - vodka, alcohol or moonshine.

• Apricot alcoholic drinks such as cocktails are served cold. Therefore, an alcohol-containing drink with which you will dilute the apricot mass should be cooled well in advance. You can also put cubes of fruit or mint ice in an already prepared alcoholic drink.

• Not everyone likes Pertsovka, but sometimes it is drunk to stop the onset of acute respiratory infections, or just keep warm from the cold, according to popular recipes. If you have prepared apricot, highly concentrated liquor, try mixing drinks in a 2: 1 ratio, where Peppers will be the bulk. The hot pepper base will be diluted with a sweet sunny drink, and the effect, according to many, will even increase. It is unlikely that such a “healing cocktail” can be considered an independent alcoholic drink from apricots, but not to mention it would also be unfair.


Watch the video: CHARTREUSE SWIZZLE - Tangy citrus & green herbal liqueur! (June 2024).